People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Ah yes, the ol’ ignore ignore pain, a classic

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Healing is a reactive role. Filling every global? Thats asking a lot of the healer, imo. Its not a role meant to have every global filled, as I see it.

The healer is expected to now fill two roles.

oh I’ve healed a prot pally who never used word of glory once on a +15. He also had bubble taunt talent selected and never used it. I asked him if he needs it on the next dungeon after the run :rofl:

telling us you dont heal w/o telling us you dont heal :rofl:

No, the healer is expected to not just stand there and do nothing. Everyone should maximize every global that’s like day 1 playing any game.


“hey white mage, thanks for those clutch heals!”
Me: Pressing assize on CD for DPS


It really isn’t. I’ve done a pretty decent amount of healing, and filling globals is not a big ask. Healer damage rotations barely require a brain cell and a half rubbing together. It is extremely easy to watch your feet and party healthbars while pressing 2 or 3 buttons.

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I healed for years, and I do(did I play a hunter now), dps and windshear casts but I as a healer, you need more situational awareness.

I can see that Im in the minority here.

because you’re trying to teach people bad habit when they can create good habits and be more help to a group

If I, as a hybrid, need to throw out some heals in intense moments, the least you healer can do is DPS when no healing is required. Plus the faster things for the less healing you have to do.

You shouldn’t be losing situational awareness by pressing 2 or 3 buttons, though. I don’t understand what you’re sacrificing by pressing them during downtime. If someone dies inside one global from 70%+ HP, that isn’t a you problem, that is a them problem. You have TONS of time to react to unavoidable damage, and if they get zeroed out while you’re casting lightning bolt, then it’s extremely unlikely you would’ve been able to save them even if you were doggedly staring at bars and hovering your fastest heal.


Thank Hydaelyn for limited spell visibility

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Yes, that would be because you sound like a horrible healer that most people doing any sort of content with a decent difficulty should actively avoid, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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I dont think anyone expects you to throw out extra heals. Healer has failed if thats the case.

If you’re not throwing out the odd WoG or Lay on hands as ret during high keys then You’re doing it wrong

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Every single party member has one job as I see it.

  1. Do everything in their power to ensure the success of the group.

That means the tank will be trying to hold aggro as if they don’t things will go wrong. However they will also do as much damage as possible as that ensures the success of the group. They will use all of their utility when it’s useful for the same reason.

The healer will try to keep people from dying as they are the most equipped to do so. They will also throw out damage when possible as that helps ensure the success of the group.

… you get the picture. Someone’s “job” doesn’t matter. It’s an arbitrary definition. The only things that matter are what tools you as a player have available to you right now to beat the dungeon/raid/whatever. Do not ANYTHING other than what the client physically stops you from casting restrict you on the tools you can use to help the group.


Stay Klassy, Edamann. :nauseated_face:

you will embrace my divine light! spams holy even on 1 target

that’s what I dont get with the anti dps healer crowd. I find I had alot of time to react when some1 gets hit unless they die in 1-2 sec for standing on stuff them dont need to. I dps on down time and if I think I need to heal while casting a dps spell I just stop it and start casting a heal instead. I dont know why people think it’s hard to heal. Like anything it’s just knowledge of the encounter. He’s a pull that does alot of pulsing dmg so I hunker down and just heal while pull w/ no dmg I’m just a 4th dps

I really wish Blizzard would just bite the bullet and rename the role to Support, honestly.