People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Well, the only reason Im even carrying on in this thread is because of another big thread from earlier last week in which the OP stated he would kick a healer who wasnt dps’ing, even if the group was going to easily make the key.

I thought that was dumb and abusive.

Now thats certainly true. But will that wall be after a 15? Because thats all the really matters, imo.

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And so did everyone else who responded in that thread even on the pro-healer-damage side. Something which was said in the replies. Multiple times. If you’re going to bring that single OP into a completely different thread which shares nothing but the broad strokes topic and use him as an argument then I’m going to accuse you of nutpicking.

FF MMO is always about hardcore players - with weird expectations.

I remember when FF 11 came out people were being reported for inspecting other players.

it will because there is no consistent pulsing dmg anymore.

and there it is. Like what he have been saying. If you’re not healing help out by doing some dps. It’s not much but in the long run it adds up

look up exhibit A. the healer did 3.5k overall. That’s 7.2M overall. That’s enough dmg to kill a boss mob. And if you think about it that’s 2-3mins to time save over all

the wall in DF has been upgraded to a +20. Guess which healer will never get invited on that wall?

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Its already been stated in this thread vault rewards will go up to +20 in DF and least till end of patch Id wager yes, the wall will certainly be before +20 keystone level. Well unless you are just “getting carried” by other ppl. All this assuming healing checks are relatively similar to current dungeons.

This is pretty simplified. First of all, healers have more than just 3 buttons to hit and dont really have a rotation at all - “its more of a need at the moment” type of thing depending on the amount of incoming damage.

I’m pretty sure when he said “3 button rotation” he was referring to their damage spells, not their healing kit. Healers aren’t exactly composing Mozart with their keyboards in order to deal damage.


Im assuming that +20 in DF is at the same difficulty as +15 in SL.

I figure 20 allows for finer tuning by Bliz.

If people are taking damage in high keys outside splash/cooldowns they are already dead.

Considering I been hearing they increased the tuning between keystone levels I can pretty much promise you its the opposite, 15s will be harder than 15s now and 20s will be quite a bit harder than 15s currently.

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Press X to doubt… Mana was a thing back then and way to valuable to waste on dpsing.


Good things wands don’t cost mana. :slight_smile:


+20 in DF will be equiv. to a +22.5


oh man will you be SOOOOO SURPRISE

a +20 on DF will be around +22 right now. So no it will not be easier. You want the best reward play better. You dont get free gear anymore


You would figure wrong. They’ve increased the relative scaling of every additional +1 in M+ dungeons in DF. A +15 in DF will be harder than a +15 in SL by design. A +20? You’ll have your work cut out for you.

This was done deliberately because they felt that M+ loot rewards needed an adjustment relative to raid rewards and that was one of the avenues of attack they chose.

wanding wasn’t really dps’ing tho… not really.

It literally serves only 1 function, to deal damage to the target. Wanding is basically a glorified DOT, as are most pets.

Oh…oh man. :neutral_face: Sh*t is going to hit the fan.

There’s so much downtime when no one needs healing, do people not find it boring to just sit there doing nothing for most of a dungeon?