People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I don’t see why tanks should get a free pass from maximizing their damage output while fulfilling their role of grabbing threat and staying alive. I think the most successful tanks likely are thinking about how they can help deal more damage

let’s look at this week. It takes 1 gcd to kill an explosive orb. DPS are trying to kill what tank has pulled so that the pull doesn’t take too long. Now explosive are spawning and 1 happen to spawn infront of a healer?

Do you?
A. click on the orb or kill it
B. stand around and watch it blow up and complain that dps aren’t killing orbs


So by that logic I could just not use my CDs if we time the key cause we timing it anyways, right? If you think ppl should be getting invites back in doing the bare minimum then find ppl who want to play like that. This whole argument only exists because ppl have different expectations, you are free to play the game as you want and so am I.

As for tank doing x amount of dps? No but yes, there is only so much misdirection does specially on a BM so if tank isnt doing decent damage they simply wont hold aggro and thats actually not “doing their job”.

This is kind of broad. If the tank is pulling relatively aggressively, within the group’s means, and doing enough damage to hold threat, I’ll probably invite them back. If they’re pulling one group at a time with a 15 second breather between every pull? Absolutely not, I’ll likely not invite them again.


I see that as a different, specific scenario. Of course the healer should react in that particular situation as its a proactive move to lessen potentially outgoing damage.

ding ding ding. Congratulation you just help by dpsing as a healer

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The tank has three jobs as I see it

  1. Hold threat
  2. Position mobs to lessen cleave damage
  3. use defensives at the right time to mitigate heavy damage

The healer has 1 job (lol)

  1. Keep people alive.
    Am I missing something here?

I’ve played with a tank like this, it was so annoying :angry: like why are you stopping and afking after each pack?

Ahh the go, go, go mentality. Discouraging to new tanks.

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Only bad healers don’t do DPS in WoW. No different than DPS not hitting their buttons or even using cooldowns because they are “saving them”. Not making use of as many GCDs as possible is simply being bad/lazy especially in the world where healers have DPS buttons that have little to no actual mana cost.

An argument even can be made that doing damage is even pre-emptive healing because a dead enemy is no longer doing damage to the tank/group and I can guarantee the mana spent killing the enemy is FAR less than the mana it costs to heal the damage they caused.

No matter how you try and spin it, healers refusing to do damage are objectively bad players.


I was just thinking “you don’t have to gogogo” but pausing after every single pack. I’m not exaggerating, EVERY SINGLE PACK he stops and sits there and does nothing. Nah :-1:

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No but I have evidence of healers not healing enough in “high keys”. 2 dps in discord complaining they aren’t getting any heals LOL.

Honestly I think this topic will die for a while with the start of DF. Healers are going to have to heal more to keep up.

Yes, you can easily append “maximize damage (when you have an opening to do so)” at the end of both of those lists.

cool so as a tank main I wont press my mitigation because it’s not my job to keep myself alive. It’s healers job after all. Do you see how stupid that mentality is?

It’s not about what everyone’s job is. It’s how the party do to help each other. My alt main is a prot pally. I throw heals when I dont need it for myself to dps/heal who needs it. I throw bop/sac when I think heal needs it.

Same with dps they should help as well to make everything easier. Their job isnt just to dps. It’s to help tank and heal by interrupting/stunning things that could either kill a tank or cause heal to do more healing.

So you’re telling me all heal needs to do it just stand there and heal? Sounds like a selfish player to me


But in that very same post he said

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So the content alot of people do? I’m all for healers dpsing in downtime but thinking of it as a requirement for stuff that isn’t cutting edge is ridiculous if they aren’t comfortable.


This is an oversimplification in my opinion. Healer job is to support the group, and yes, top priority is to keep people alive. Once this binary check is met, you should still fill downtime with whatever you can in order to contribute. 10,000 + 500 is, in fact, more than 10,000 + 0.

And, frankly, I just feel it’s disrespectful to not use every available GCD. I expect tanks, DPS, and healers to ALL use every available GCD as effectively as possible.


yea but same post he said healers only job is keep everyone alive. So not my job to use defensive or heal myself. I dont want to steal healer’s job

This is bait you guys because this absolutely doesn’t happen.

:person_shrugging: I wouldn’t complain
I had a Warrior tank one time with ZERO Ignore Pain casts for the entire dungeon :rofl:
This was that spooky dungeon in BFA on Heroic or Normal near the start of the xpac. So he didn’t have enough gear to make it a trivial amount of incoming damage but it also wasn’t impossible to heal through, just noticeable.

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