People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Yes yes yes. Being able to maximize dps and keep everyone alive is what is fun and also allows you to push.

Agreed. Who cares? Unless you’re constantly up against the timer, stop complaining. Also, this shouldn’t happen for 99% of users and could instead be solved by being a better dps/tank and maximizing gear.

There’s no justification for standing there doing literally nothing when you could be doing something. End of thread

I love healing while a DPS. I recall back in MoP when mistweavers could both out-heal and out-DPS everyone. That was fun. The healer would typically switch specs when he saw me out-healing him. Now I tend to throw heals at pets and the people who stand in fire while the healer deals with the tank. Even on my tanks. I run Vuhdo on all my toons just so I can throw heals and dispels.

By hot take you mean stupid take, since nobody is suggesting anything different, right?

The thread is “healers dont dps in wow”, the response is "yes they do, as often as is able. The situation you describe, where the healer has absolutely no chance to do any dps at all, is functionally non-existent. It would require of an exact, specific number of mobs that you can heal through that won’t cause you to wipe, and not half a mob more. Needless to say, mobs come in packs, and parties have vastly different capabilities, so hitting EXACTLY that number, ever, is not really a thing.

Imagine being salty about a healer playing the game and not being a slave to healing only.

You really don’t get it, Healers in WoW, they bow to no-one, in fact you bow to the healer because if you make them mad then well, let’s just say, Light have mercy on your soul, because the healer will have none to give you!

It’s high time DPS remembers this. I’m all for tanks and healers to stop running mythics and more and start charging DPS for our help. They don’t like us not pulling the DPS number they think we should have, then make them pay. After a while they’ll remember healers are to heal and tanks are to tank.

All avoidable with a guild. Talk about meaningless argument. You want to play your world of warcraft, make a guild. I’ll carry the healers that dps or tanks that cast healing spells. I have fun, it’s a game. It’s what I’m here for.


Also avoidable by not reinviting bad healers. I’m not saying I’ve had problems with it, just replying to the thread.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t do keys higher than 15s, and never will if you’re this bad with your GCDs

This is also true and a really good point. I feel like people in the “healers don’t dps” camp are just playing with awful groups (or are awful themselves) who take way too much damage and require spot healing 24/7. Sadly healers have to make up for those mistakes, but people often don’t realize their own failures because of it.

Good tanks usually don’t need that much active healing spam, and good dps usually don’t take random spikey burst damage out of nowhere because it’s usually avoidable (not always but often it’s just a frontal or something), and rather than acknowledge their failures they just rely on the healer to do more healing.

What OP doesn’t realize is 1.) Even with bad groups, there’s ALWAYS time to throw out dps spells here and there, and 2.) In keys higher than 15, avoidable damage is taken less and less, so raw hps numbers actually go down compares to lower keys.

The only healers getting blacklisted would be wet blankets who sit there in a 20 afking for half the pull because they’re too bad of a player to have the awareness to do something useful, aka toss out dps.

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Devil’s advocate here. You’re in a m+ high key everyone’s doing dps when an unexpected kerfuffle happens and suddenly you’re all dead. You cuss out the healer why weren’t you healing us you lazy so and so. Healer replies well I had to dps or get kicked but I couldn’t heal because my mana was too low to pull a crit healing of the whole party. You can piss on this all you want idgaf but if or when the little scenario plays out in your future remember that you required the healer to dps.

Disc Priest, Holy Pally, others that need to DPS? How r they meant to play without DPS? Heck at times all specs should be DPS’ing. When no one needs heals, I expect everyone, including healers, to DPS.

How to tell if some1 doesn’t do key? He spurt out stupid things like this. Where did I ever say that healer should prioritize dps over healing? Go on I’ll wait.

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On top of that, any situation where the entire party goes from 90%+ to dead within the span of 2-3 GCDs is not something the healer can prevent even if they weren’t casting anything at the time and had godlike reflexes. That’s simply not the healer’s fault.

The reason why doing damage when no one needs healing is safe is because even while doing damage, the furthest you are away from a panic heal is 1 GCD and to be frank, preventable disasters simply never happen that quickly.



this thread has gone places.

earlier we had a guy basically arguing for indentured servitude.

I love GD.


Less than 1% of the population plays like people in the MDI. Those are try hard dudes who don’t stand up for days at a time with enough empty bottles for any day 1 raid clear.

Most people don’t do this
 so if you expect 99% of people to conform to the 1% of crazy people who try to min-max a raid and throw a tantrum when they don’t get their way you should be more social and find a serious raid group/guild. You wont find top tier players in normal pugs most of the time.

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The only ones that throw a tantrum are the people who freak out when we ask them to contribute equally to the group. The rest of us are pretty chill.

Yeah ive definitely never experienced toxic elitism from sweaty raiders. That isn’t a well known fact about the elite raiding community or anything. Those discord calls are really light hearted when people mess up im sure LOL.

Im remembering something about a DKP minus? Cant recall 100% where that term came from

It’s really not.

This might surprise you, but when your teammate makes a mistake, it’s pretty counterproductive to scream at them. You just try and figure out how it won’t happen again and move on.

Your only example is an internet meme from 2005? Okay?

You’ve no idea what’s going on in the raiding community, so why speak so harshly about it? High end players are not harassing randoms in pugs, we are barely interacting with people outside our friend groups and guilds. The people that are toxic weirdos are the in the 99% of the WoW community, not the 1%.

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