People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

First off, I’ve been an active officer in my current guild since early Legion and have no plans to leave. I’m extremely happy here. Secondly, anyone who throws a tantrum over a video game will earn my ire just as surely as they do yours. My least favorite part of the guild officer job is how much of my time is spent mediating between adults who insist on behaving like children.

But to directly address the point… what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I don’t expect random PuGs in a +15 to play like the MDI, but they do damage when healing because it’s good play and it’s good play in a +15 as well. If someone were to ask my opinion on the matter (like these threads do) then I say as such. Or if I’m in a position where I’m mentoring a healer in my guild, I will instruct them as much. But just because I say it’s good play doesn’t mean I’m looking to hawkishly enforce it in every piece of content I run. I know how to perform Feral’s rotation really well too. Do you think I start looking over the shoulder of every Feral I group with and correcting every rotational mistake they make? No of course not. There’s a time and place for those discussions and it’s not with random strangers in a +15 for no reason.

In my own play though, I absolutely strive to play the best that I can and that includes doing damage during the (rare) times I’m rolling as a healer. I like to think that attitude is why I don’t end up stalling in +15s and end up in the company of others who also intend to give their all in the dungeon.

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What? WoW has always incorporated healer DPS whenever and wherever mana permits.

Much of the time the reason certain healers become meta in the content you list is due to how big of a time impact their DPS contribution adds up to in keys, or how much of a buffer in mythic raiding.

And outside of R Druid, most healers aren’t bottlenecked by globals

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I mean, I have no issues dosing! One of the reasons I play healer is let mouthy idiots die then laugh at them while they dead! Emerald Dream? LOL Ok Boomer! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Disc priests exist for people who want that experience.

I don’t know any healers running high keys who don’t try to DPS when they can (without letting party die). Just makes sense to help run go faster when you’re on the timer. This whole “healers don’t DPS” seems to be casual nonsense.

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