People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You sound mad. Do you need to have a nap time or a snickers bar?

‘Healers don’t dps.’

The hell does disc do then?

Less than a Holy Paladin for sure.

YOU obviously never heard of holy pali or disc priest…



Why does everyone think this is an ultimatum? The reason why I want healers to play their best and contribute as much as they can when they’re in my group is because I want every player to play their best and contribute as much as they can when they’re in my group. DPS and myself included.

When you’re response to that is, “well you should have that standard for the DPS as well!” I say, “already did. But healers are the only ones who complain about it.”

Irrelevant. When the healer does damage in a group with poor DPS players, it raises the sum total group damage. When a healer does damage while in a group with good DPS players… it raises the sum total group damage. As it turns out, whether or not healer damage is beneficial to the group is not dependent on the throughput of the DPS players. If you watch the MDI, you’ll see that the healers there do damage during healing downtime. Do you really think they’re working with subpar DPS who need healer damage to carry them in MDI?

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A day where every member of the party performs to the best of their ability is a day when… The party completes high level content.


Imaging thinking asking player to play better is a deal breaker :rofl: Typical lazy player attitude

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How about play the way I want if you don’t die and bosses go down on any level, why does it matter


Holy paladin didn’t dps. We were casters back then.

*With the exception of throwing a healing or mana regen judgement on a boss.

I mainly play tanks, experienced in all tanks. Doing tons of mythics on my main account. I have never seen a healer not dpsing. Maybe the problem is you, maybe you are not using your defensive cooldowns properly and the healer has to constantly heal you. Even dps classes have defensive utilities to use.

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No its not lazy, some people play the way they want to play. Who are you to change that, if you dont like it then dont play wiyh that healer anymore

healers dont dps in WoW

I ALWAYS DPS when Im healing unless the team sucks so hard that theres literally no breaks in the heals.

You seem to think I still do. If I play with those healer I’m probably stuck were all the lazies are :wink:

yea some people want to contribute as much as I can while some wants to scoot by just enough with minimum effort. AKA lazy

actually that sounds pretty fair

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There is no distinction between the posting styles of most of these toons

You realize that you’re basically telling on yourself about how you’ve never played any healer at a competent level in WoW right? This isn’t the weird “gotcha” that you think it is.

:face_with_monocle: healers most certainly dps :joy:

Healers can do ~10k + dps, with the right gear/conditions. Sure in an overwhelming majority of keys 15 or lower their damage won’t matter, but why not do it? Maybe a newer healers damage will be next to nothing, but it’s a start. Tossing out a few dots between heals, building comfort with that and moving into more damage spells as they get more comfortable with the playstyle. Then if they start doing more challenging content they will already have that comfort with doing damage, and if they continue to do 15’s only they’ll at least blast while doing it.

I’ve seen healers all over the spectrum of damage done throughout keys and the only ones I don’t want to continue to run with based on damage done are those that don’t use a single damage spell. Just seems lazy.


Bad healer detected

Hot take; every single person in here suggesting an absolute is trash. This is a completely situational argument. If you have downtime, smite a hoe, if you have a tank that can properly judge party ability and pull appropriately, keep everyone up.