People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Nah you did not, you just acting like a child.

I don’t like the numbers. So lets attack the person.
Talking about bad players this and that.

You just scream the typical wow person that I don’t like. Is all if you think that is a “sore” spot go ahead. You are just not worth talking with.So I am done with you :slight_smile:

aww babe come back. I swear I want to talk to you more and your delusions. Maybe we can help you get thru it.

yea you dont like me because I called you out and think you’re smart by hiding your profile.

Sorry but your goal as a healer should be to heal as little as is required to keep the group alive while doing as much dps as you can fit in.


He’s gonna come back. He left earlier after claiming he owned his raiders because they won gear in his raid and that they were toxic if they left his guild with his gear.

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All of this! If it actually reduces the healing I have to do in the long run, why not?
Besides, isn’t it boring to have points of doing nothing? At least that’s how I see it.

lol the F.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Ah ya, another clueless person I need to ignore. Forgot all about you. Shocked you came back after I put you in your place. Done :slight_smile:

you know that just because you probably block us doesn’t mean you’re right? Are you having that delusion as well?


I never left.

You however :

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He wrote this unironically :

“You want gear, you join us, we own you”.

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Worse with what they have removed a talent from the Rising sun kick that cured or maintained one of the mistweaber monk’s heals, now it is seen that he is moving away from that system.

Hmm… I said before, it’s not good to leave the old system of the roots of the game, when it was already evolving.

Fistweaver, Hpally, Disc priests all need to dps.

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words can’t express how horrid that looks. No wonder people leave that guild. I’d be outta there day 1. It makes hittler look like a good guy


Healers that don’t want to DPS should be forced to play with DPS and Tanks that don’t want to use defensives, and self heals.


Every tier list for healers seems to consider DPS as an important component. Some healers can easily weave in useful damage, others can’t. Prevokers having easymode burst damage cleave combo is a large part of why they get rated in the top two of a lot of people’s M+ tier lists despite clunky issues they have like 30 yard range and long cast times.

I think it’s odd that they went to all this trouble in Dragonflight to add new talent trees with the idea that we can now customize our playstyle more, but in reality, even healers like MW and holy paladin are essentially specing wrong if you’re not specing into your melee talents that you need to do any meaningful damage. They added back talents so people who want to play “caster builds” can, but they didn’t seem to really make them good or competitive or perhaps the only people talking about those specs only like melee and their caster builds are secretly powerful despite having trash damage in comparison?!

MW got a bunch of SooM talents, but without a faeline stomp build, your damage is a joke and it seems like nobody is going to want you in their M+ group just channeling SooM most of the time. Of course most tier lists rate MW in last place even with a faeline stomp build because they have trash mana efficiency and little utility compared to top specs, but even if that wasn’t the case, a SooM build would probably be frowned upon in M+ sadly. I wish I could do a SooM build on MW and be useful/good at least up to 20 since caster MW was always more fun to me than fistweaver, but it just doesn’t seem like you doing next to no damage compared to a faeline stomp build is made up for in some other way.

If they want healer builds that don’t do damage to compete with the ones that do, especially in M+, they need to make the builds that don’t do damage bring more buffs/utility to compensate. IE: SooM could give your target a versatility buff or something and SooM MW could become the Mercy of WoW healers.

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Some truth in your statement. What i said, in it’s most basic form, seems like a contradiction. But elite players typically play with elite players which means they have more time to dps. Kicks are more consistent. Defensives are more consistent. High damage with better leech is more consistent.

I was speaking more to realistic maximums… having the time to waste 2 globals just for shifting alone and then doing good damage. Theoretical we may be close in potential but realistic we aren’t near each other. It forces healers into classes that they’d rather not play because of the lack of thought put into realistic healer dps output.

Yea buddy, that’s the reason. Get your head out of your butt for a minute. You intend to have a civil conversation or you just want to show how isolated you are from reality? I bet you’re one of those kids that can be keyboard warriors and a pussycat of faced with in person confrontation.

Again most issue is about skills. I wont say I’m good at the game. I still have much to learn and I know that.

The “elite” players aren’t elite for nothing. These players understand the game better than any of us which is why alot it looks much easier from people looking from the outside. But it takes practice and repetition. If you keep doing it then it become 2nd nature.

And now for the norm player issue. Most of us don’t want to branch out from our comfort zone. We rather be in our “safe” place and afraid to be called out. And advice (even if it may sound “mean”) people see it as “toxic” when there is something to learn from.

If you need to min-max your party so hard that you care what your healer does when youre already healed to full you should go outside more. Either that or your DPS should be min-maxed as hard as your healer so that they also dont want to play the game because they have to do it your way. By that point though your healer doesnt even need to DPS. Crazy.

Let healers DPS is they want… as long as they are doing the job of a healer and do the fight mechanics it doesnt matter what they do in down time

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Tis fun staring at bars and hovering over them or clicking and -1-2-3-2-1-1

+1 Healers