People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Or you’re just dense :person_shrugging:

All good mate, no worries.

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Simple because I hate people who thinks they know anything and give horrid advice to others. Maybe fact check and learn 1st before you give advice. That’s how normal people do it and not know it all :wink:

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So this thread is gonna reach 2k posts because some healers just dont wanna dps that bad hey?

You’re all gonna love the 40% stam buff lol

Or… maybe the ACTUAL DPS are just trash

Only bad players see it that way. Because they think they deserve to be carried for paying their subs :wink:

Yea it was easy back then. All you have to do is go to stormwind/orgrimmar and stand and get inspected by people before getting the invites :roll_eyes:

Or do you mean when you can cheat your way into letting people think you have aotc by a fake addon that generates 1?

Nope it didnt make community look bad. It just shows who the bad players are and put them on a platter for everyone to see. No more hiding

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Ok. The DPS are just trash.

You can still dps as a healer to get the job done. You gonna throw a passable key because someone else dropped the ball?

Your attitude sucks.

That isn’t actually true. I was playing resto-d in s3 and couldn’t find groups because i wasn’t resto-s or holy-p. The issue is that so many expect 4-6k output or more from healers but without dedicating significant gcd’s to dps, some classes simply cannot achieve that. At least not outside of the most elite players…

Healers are not “balanced” for dps so the toxic nature of the expectation becomes prevalent.

LOL what? You should be doing your best dps as a tank specially, the 3 dps cannot solo-DPS keys to time unless your a mythic player top 5% player.



I totally and completely agree with you here, i won’t tell a healer to DPS. To be honest is weird that i did a M+ key and saw a healer not DPSing but the ones i had i NEVER ONCE told them to start pressing their damage buttons.

But just like that don’t tell me that i have to invite a Healer player that doesn’t want to help maximize the chances of a successful run with his own DPS, after all is MY group and i get to decide what kind of players i have in it.

We cool with that?

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I mean I know I’m probably not doing the biggest damage but if I can help there if nobody needs healing at the time why not? I don’t see reason to just do nothing when I could do something, you know? Just my thought anyways.

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So it’s a skill issue. You’re contradicting yourself so much in that few words you have said :person_shrugging:

And this mindset is why you have a hard time growing your community for said content.

you mean the content that’s the most played currently in wow and some people even quit raiding to do full time M+ :thinking:

Yup delusional aren’t you?


Compare to raiding? Sure, but your numbers not looking to great. Bellular did a nice video on how mid expansion low the numbers are for both raiding and mythic dungeons.

Saying hey most people doing this content, when the player count is pretty darn low is not a victory, but hey if you want it. You can have it.


you just lost all validity. Bellular is a whiny brat who really should just quit wow but it’s what makes him money

yup the count in wow population is low. And not because of m+ but:

  1. It’s the end of the xpac and people tend to dip during this time
  2. Because of some stupid decision devs made
  3. Because the bad player finally saw that they either gitgud to gitout.

raiding has declined. I dont have the numbers but alot of my friends who used to be hardcore raiders are just sitting back and decided to just play this game purely for m+ because it gives them the difficulty that they crave from raiding without having to commit to a schedule. I have had done the same on last season.

Again delusional. Or are you just that mad because people dont want to invite a 155 disc priest or a 160 ilvl frost dk?


I don’t care. He showed the numbers and proved his point.

Your numbers have been trash sinced 9.1 failure. 9.2 did not look good as well.
We can agree stupid choices made by developers.
Without bad players wow has no future.

Whatever you say Kiddo.

Tell that to the Hunter my Resto Shaman Lava Burst down in AV last night:) He might beg to differ.

he showed a number :rofl: and you people think it’s accurate lol. Only blizz knows the true number and not some wannabe developer

I doubt that. But without bad player wow forums won’t be as entertaining

Hit a sore spot didn’t I? And you think hiding your profile in the forum means I wont find you at all :wink: