People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

“but… why”

some people want to enjoy themselves, instead of just being “healbots”. If a spec opens the doors to that type of gameplay, of course “lifelong” healers are gonna want to try it.

Yeah you did it - but may have been playing with overgeard players. There is no way you threw out one rejuv and started only doing DPS as you claimed.

I don’t think that a build being available for people to choose is a bad thing really. Some builds will be better than others but one of the main purposes of talent trees is ostensibly to allow people to shape their character into the playstyle they prefer. One of the things that’s baked into a choice system like talent trees is that some people will make better choices than others. That’s fine.


You don’t have to believe me and that’s fine, I played with completely random and awful players. Until 15s, I legit had 600 io people in all the keys. I experienced like the worst 2 days of keys in a while. But I still pushed thru and came to the same conclusion, that you can infact find a ton of time to dps in these keys or else you’re just afk. When I say afk, I mean literally afk for like 5+ seconds at a time.


Have you not consider that people have a different idea of what fun is?

To me, being Fistweaver is boring to me. I mean i DPSed quite a lot and it gets boring which is why i switch up every now and then to Healers to tanks. Punching people to heal somebody just sounds not even barely different from Windwalker Monk. Being a “DPSbot” if you will.

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just as an FYI healers DPS in FF14…

I don’t think anyone argues that point. The OP is implying that since WoW isn’t FF14, they should distance themselves from their healing style.

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Fair enough for sure.

honestly FF14 healing and WoW healing could learn a lot from each other, but they are very different games regardless.

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I ask you the same thing. have you ever been a main healer? Done it for Many Expacs over and over? Being a Healbot can get kinda boring, because not every Boss fight is designed with the healers in mind. Now, I’ve been a DPS main since TBC, but I’ve been a Healing Main Alt, since Wrath. I know when I could change things up, I’ve enjoyed healing much more then prior. When Disc was Viable, I was having a blast, until they ruined it in Legion. Legion - BfA Holy pally was the best, I hated when they added Holy power back to Holy pally.

Like it’s said, people like different things.

Except, i understand that people have a different idea of what fun is then me. The fact that my friends love different Cartoons then mine or play different games then me tells me that fact constantly.

I don’t see how being a main healer has anything to do with the topic of fun, given how majorly subjective the term “fun” is.

Well that’s a difference in opinion from mind, and that’s what ultimately the topic of “fun” comes down to. Opinions.

Exactly, so what’s the issue with me finding fistweaver personally boring then? :man_shrugging:

You sound like this tank I had in a level 20 dungeon. Literally was demanding that I keep him above 95% the entire dungeon. I was top dps chain light spam (ez) healer, that didn’t let anyone die. Some people just cant handle seeing other people do more damage then them. Look at OW2 for example. If you are a healer and are healing but also out damage a dps a dps always gets upset about it.

Probably the same guy posting over and over again in denial.

Or, more probable is that healers dont want to be harangued because the other roles feel the healing role isnt adding to the damage meter - even when the key is being made.

This is just a popular troll topic because a lot of folks have stuff to say about this, at various levels of fried-ness, and you get a 2k post thread of people arguing in 2-3 business days.


where did I say, someone had to DPS as healer to have fun, I just said

which means some people enjoy being able to put out decent DPS and heal at the same time.

When did I ever say “You” specifically in my statements, other than a generic…

I never once said, “you MUST Fistweave” I said those that have the option and want to, can.

I think you may be misunderstanding me, and thinking I’m personally attacking you?

I don’t really care about the meters in the sense that it matters to me who is on top or bottom… but I do care if my healers are using their GCDs to contribute to the group or if they’re using them to do nothing. That’s naturally going to make the damage of the group rise up since damage helps the group while overhealing and nothing do not.

For what it’s worth, ACTUAL healing (not overhealing) does help the group. So if that’s what you spend your GCDs on I’m happy. But you won’t be able to spend every GCD that way. So you need something constructive to do when that’s not an option. The answer? Damage.


For healers, most dps abilities cost very little mana unless they also contribute to your healing, like for mistweavers, Rising Sun Kick (which can contribute to your healing through Ancient Teachings, Rising Mist, and that other talent that spreads a 6-second Renewing Mist) and Faeline Stomp.


Yea right on! 100% agree… while we are at it I am so sick of getting blacklisted for not using any defensives as a dps… do they think I’m here to tank.

Genuinely enjoyed reading this. Thanks.

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My apologies if it did came across as that, i was just sick of the forums trying to use something completely subjective as fun as if it’s a morally right opinion in the sort of…“if you don’t agree with me, you’re bad somehow” sort of thing in the last 2 years. :confused: