People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I mean… a Resto Druid who doesn’t let their HoTs do their job is a Resto Druid who is going to OOM sooner rather than later.

A Resto Druid trying to heal like they’re a Holy Pally is going to have a bad time. Even if you look purely within the healing portion of a healer’s toolkit… there’s good play and there’s bad play. It just so happens that good play as a Resto Druid also makes it easier to do damage… which is also good play.


Man, I do not envy you.

I’d argue you get out of the WoW community what you put into it. If you’re helpful and do your best to help the team succeed, you get returns on that investment. If you’re a jerk and treat the group like NPCs, they’ll return that in kind. Makes me wonder about all the leaver threads.

I think it should be mandatory to fill globals but that’s just my opinion.

You never get globals back :slight_smile: Each second in the dungeon is time lost

Sorry, I have been away awhile. But doesn’t healing cost mana? Don’t dps spells cost mana? I guess there is no reason to sustain that resource anymore? That use to be a big part of being a healer, choosing which healing spell to use in which situation and still have mana to continue.

My Condolences go to you with having to deal with a person like that. We were both hoping they would see you weren’t insulting her like she was doing after.

Youre probably playing with overgeard group mates. We dont have enough information from your post.

This has vastly been my experience. There’re always some stinkers in a community, but by and large people are chill.

Thus why I try to be as friendly as I can.

Ah, the irony of a level 50 DK saying someone is hiding things.

I enjoy pugging. And I wanted to see what healing was like from 0 rating 0 gear ( i started with ZM gear) and all the key levels and how dps play.

Plus this is a hot topic on the forums, so I figured eh i could get ksm in a week on a healer it’s not difficult, plus I get to see if i’m gonna have trouble keeping the group alive and dpsing (im OMEGA undergeared)

I’m confident I could’ve healed a 15 at 240 ilvl if i had more experience on the class, but it’s an interesting topic so I wanted to do my own hands on research.

Mistweaver can be talented to be heal heavy and not fistweaving though.


What Version of WoW you are playing that have mana free healing spells? Because that aren’t Retail.

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Someone I play with quite frequently, an excellent healer, does this kind of thing pretty often.

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I did not play with overgeared people whatsoever, it was random people from LFG. Most of which, while I was doing the real lower keys, were doing around 5-6k dps in the dungeon. I did literally every single key level.

I’m glad you brought that up since mana management is a good subject to talk about that I don’t think has been explored in enough in this thread.

Mana only matters if you’re going to run out of it. This is a bit of a bigger deal in raids and PvP since it’s much more difficult to take opportunities to drink in those environments… but in dungeons you have a lot more mana available to you provided the group lets you take your drink breaks. Which good groups typically will (or be aware of what they can pull without you while you’re drinking at the very least.)

Mana management is about more than just casting vs. not casting. More often than not, mana problems come from being too aggressive with your expensive healing tools rather than from overcasting Wrath. Damage spells are cheap, Regrowth and Wild Growth are not. Using healing tools in situations where they’re overkill is responsible for more mana waste than anything else. So if you’re having mana issues, that’s actually a better spot to look first.

That doesn’t even touch the ways healers can do damage WITHOUT mana. For instance, catweaving, fistweaving, and whatever it is Holy Pallys do.

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So whats your conclusion?

My conclusion is that you have infinite amounts of time to dps as a healer (even when omega undergeared)

I was doing 4-5k dps as a druid, just filling empty globals when the group was healthy and the tank was self sustaining.

But with that being said healers have a lot of downtime even in these disaster keys at the 15ish level. Fill ur globals.

OP hasnt player Fistweaver huh…

Youre hyperbole destroys your credibility. Healers spend a ton of the combat sequence, healing. That changes if your tank and dps outgear the content.

I don’t care if it destroys my credibility. I did it. I can comment on it now. People kept saying “you don’t heal” so i just made a healer and did it. this is what i found out.


What hyperbole ?

Maybe if you actually played the game, you would realise it’s not hyperbole.