People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Don’t feed the troll with the obvious boomer takes as baits, otherwise known as Deathyeet

Theres a different level of responsibility for a healer/tank than for DPS.

Pugging at my relatively middling levels has made me hate people during Explosive week.

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Tells me you havent healed difficult content.

Not really no. You wouldn’t know, considering you don’t actually play the game though.

Neither have you.

I play Fistweaver so this isn’t ever an issue :wink:

No your job is to heal! Don’t dare DPS! What if someone might take a lot of damage suddenly!

Sorry, this topic has been going on forever. I’m allowed a bit of sass.

On the subject of HoTs… one of the most crucial lessons for Resto Druids to learn specifically is to let the HoTs do their job. You don’t need to keep pouring Regrowths and Swiftmends into someone who isn’t in danger and already HoT’d up. That’s the quickest way to OOM yourself for no reason. You have panic tools and there are times to use them, but not every situation is an emergency.

And would you look at that, this same wisdom also results in a lot more GCDs where you’re not casting anything since you’re not overcommitting resource anymore. I wonder if there’s something else we can do with these freshly freed-up GCDs? :thinking:

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Hey Im Stelio and I think all a healer does is throw out a HoT and then grabs a cup of tea

2k post thread right back into 1.5k post thread.

With the conclusion being always the same : healers DPS in WoW.

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In pugs, yes to tank. Generally everything is about even. Just because there’s more DPS doesn’t mean that a good DPS has less responsibility.

I’d love to but they seem intent on attacking me and not even addressing my point way from the start that, if a healer has downtime where they would otherwise just be standing around basically afk, they should fill that time with some dps :frowning:

I don’t think you understand sarcasm…

She didn’t troll you first. :laughing:

This is you just turning the tables on her and saying “Actushally, she did it to me first!! I"M the victim!!”.

Not to mention, you’re pretty much proving what she has said before here… :point_down:

They never asked you to be a donkey’s behind first to them.

Anyways, peace. :vulcan_salute:

After 6 oclock when the servers come up I will have completed my 0 rating → KSM on a healer in 4-5 days.

Now I can confidently say that even in these disaster ~KSM 15s/16s I have the most downtime in the world to dps. If I wasn’t dpsing, I would legit just be standing there for sometimes over 5 seconds straight.

I did this with 0 knowledge of healing, I just made a druid and got KSM in a week. All of these keys were pugged, with various level players. I averaged around 5k dps each dungeon (im still learning cat weaving so yea)

Do I think it was needed for me to dps? I don’t know I can’t tell, but it for sure helped that I did 5-6m damage each key. All I did was fill empty globals, I didn’t focus on dpsing, I focused on keeping the group alive first but I was still able to just fill globals with 5-6k dps in the dungeon.

If I didn’t dps, my uptime in general would be like 70% because the tank at pretty much every key level just self sustains.


Then they will accept the healing they receive from me drop kicking our enemies, and like it!

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Can’t overheal sitting in Boralus at level 50.

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I don’t think you understand sarcasm…

Yes they did

Mmm now we’re just repeating circles again…I guess the material is exhausted. Maybe it’s time to take Snowpine’s advice. You feel free to keep seething if you like, though :heart:

Disc Priest, Holy Pally, Mistweaver…

and that’s not even talking about healing downtime.

Wait, who is pushing to make it mandatory?

I will say that pressing a single damage button when you have a spare global isn’t super hard, especially if you make a target of target macro for the tank’s target. You simply push a button, don’t even have to target or mouseover or anything. If someone can’t manage that much, then honestly, they probably can’t handle something more complex like actual healing.

if getting timer fails its not the heal but rest of group just sucking or not doing their part