People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

You know what else frustrates me? People thinking Squenix is better then Blizzard in terms of greed.

/Side eyes Squenix’s NFT’s. :unamused:

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that’s a weird tangent, we’re talking about player perception

Not sure why you’re highlighting the fact you couldn’t read since all you’ve seen from that comment was an insult or a attack. Especially since you can just ignore it if you feel that way.

Because you did. You can throw the comment right back at me, but all it shows you’re denying even further while i’m pointing out the truth of you being envious. :laughing:

I’ve definitely seen comments like that before. Ones that are actually rational and you can have a real discussion about it.

I’ve also seen a lot of “WoW bad, FFXIV good, updoots to the left” posts there and those ones get me rolling my eyes a bit. The reputation mostly affects people who don’t actually play FF14, but have a warped idealized perception of what it’s supposed to be like in their heads.

You can hide your profile, but you have to manually go do that. It’s moot anyway, since score is built into WoW now.

Oh, sorry, I guess you can’t…

I did not

Greed is part of player perception.

It’s not even going to begin with FF14’s massive 3K+ store, all the while people here are implying that Blizzard’s is worse somehow…

van_arn called people dead weight and ubercasuals. The post is 3 years old and still up with 97 likes on their forums.

It’s not better than WoW. It’s the literal same thing. You can’t make things up when we have links to their forums showing the same kind of posts that happen here.

What the hell’s a van_arn

I love how you suddenly change that the moment if i don’t agree with you and gave you the truth. Upset much? :laughing:

Denial is stage 1.

Everybody can see that comment that you did the first strike. Quit victimizing yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry but both communities are virtually the same. You can see fanboyism on either side.

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A legend amongst men :

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No, I’m actually quite entertained. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so dedicated to this self-righteous white knight thing as you

Healing spells in abilities are vastly more powerful in FFXIV than they are in WoW with the amount they heal. Thus it leads for much more time to DPS in FFXIV. WoW on the other hand healing spells are not as strong and don’t heal as much as they do in FFXIV and to top it off healer damage abilities in WoW do not do as much damage as they do in FFXIV.

So if a healer doesn’t dps in WoW its not as bad as not DPSing in FFXIV since healer dps is accounted for in boss hp.

“I’m not angry, i’m actually entertained”… Sure buddy.

…Yeah, how dare i defend somebody being bullied essentially. I’m a bad person. /s

I don’t think that’s the argument at all. It’s whether they press damaging spells at all. The potency =/= spell power argument is something completely separate.

Youll be running back to your easy mode dps so fast your head will spin

Cool, glad we got that covered

Seeing as they’re the one that started it, and they never asked you to defend them? Yeah, I have to question the sense of it, too :thinking:

I only do that on explosive week (F those balloons). Healing is about the same difficulty as DPS on most weeks, IMO.

Who cares who started something? This is so childish, lol. Just move forward with the discussion.