People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Deinal is stage 1 Baoleng.

You basically called Adilith irrelevant and misguided. I.E an insult. :point_down:

99% of the time, that “Carried” accuscation is thrown about atfer the lesser player notices how much better the other player is.

You’re already proving your being envious.

Because you’re being a donkey’s behind to them for somebody just adding their 2 cents on the question you’ve asked to me. Something i find very uncool of you to do.

I don’t foresee that ever happening. And RIO is crucial for group building (primarily pugs) when it comes to M+.

No it’s not it made it oh if you don’t have X score GFL trying to find a group.

That is a problem.

Pugs should have way more risk for the convenience. It also puts pressure on people to even try the content.

It needs to go, and should have went sooner.

Lol no they don’t. They banned for cactbot (which automated a lot of callouts and raid marking mechanics) but not for ACT. Even then they only banned high profile streamers.

Their stance on that has been that ACT doesn’t do anything you couldn’t do with the logs open and a calculator. Drawing a hard line on which tools in that vein they should ban for isn’t something they want to tackle. If you run ACT and don’t brag about it they have no way to even tell that you’re using it.

DPS logs are absolutely used in high level FF14. You just never see it.


You’re right, I did, that’s not what I’m denying. What I’m denying is you saying I did it first, when they were the one who said it first

87.359% of all statistics are made up on the spot

About what? You’re speaking nonsense again

Because they’re being a donkey’s behind to me. What’s your point?

Pugs are stupid inconvenient compared to having a regular group, and there’s already a ton of risk because there’s still the chance that a “qualified” player will be an ape once they get into your run.

Build your score, run your own key. There’s still the in-game M+ score, RIO just contextualizes that score.

Again it is a system built by the players to limit the chances of you getting a bad group.

You are still saying it is stupidly inconvenient. How so? You don’t need to build a social network, or guild to make said group like the old days. You now just build up a score.

If it is still inconvenient. Why have Raider Io? it just makes the community look bad, and gets people not wanting to even try the content.

So that sounds like to me they still allow it, but with a few rules in place then. Kind of like what i’ve said to Xanyunho.

If they simply ask you to be respectful with an addon, i’m pretty sure it’s not banning it.

So make content with people not even worth doing in an MMO because you wouldn’t know beforehand of what their stats or how well they did

Correct, that is what a pug should be.

The fact the community made a system and scoring to better min max group making, is laughable, and shows what type of community it is.

If Blizzard wants players to step into mythic. They need to get rid of these systems that people can score others on.

achievements can’t be linked be the first step, and armory can’t be seen by others is another. That would go a long ways.

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The only convenience pugs have over set groups is 1. They don’t require networking and 2. You can run one whenever. They also have a higher chance of failure because you don’t know the player until they’re in your group, less communication, more on-the-fly learning about how they want to run the key.

I agree that they’re inferior to having an actual group, but if you want to do higher level m+ you should have people to run with. I do, I just run pugs when they’re unavailable. I also met them in pugs.

RIO just makes pugging a bit easier. I started doing M+ in S3 of SL. I had no prior season score, no clue what I was doing, but I built a score and now have people to run with and consistently get into fairly high keys. It wasn’t as big a hurdle to get over as people make it out to be.

Again, there’s still the in-game score, which I understand some may not like, but it exists anyway.

Edit: “networking” in M+ is a lot more passive than people make it out to be.

XIV is a great game. I play both, but sadly you’re dead wrong here. I truly hope someday you do Ultimate and Savage content in PF and then you’ll see how wrong you were about the “toxicity” in the game - hell, even in statics it can get rough.

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If there’s anything that frustrates me about FF14, it’s that they’ve gained a reputation for being a magical wonderland where community toxicity doesn’t exist and players of all skill levels run all content in harmony and no one ever gets frustrated.

That’s not true. The wonderland that people think FF14 is doesn’t exist. Don’t get me wrong it’s not like the place is awful, but they haven’t stumbled upon the secret spell to stop people from getting toxic with each other. There’s not really anything special about the FF14 community. Once you actually start engaging the with the community more, you find it’s really not all that different from any other community. There are casuals, there are tryhards, and there is still high-end content that demands a certain amount of performance requirement.


I generally don’t get too salty about failed keys. I probably would get pretty salty if the key failed because one of the people I invited was experimenting by trying to do damage exclusively by proccing windfury off hamstring spam.


What? I DPS on my healer in FFXIV as well
 Some healers barely ever heal over there if at all.

Try playing the game before making some ignorant comparison, lol.

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Oml. :man_facepalming:

She said “any comments you can add to this discussion is irrelevant and misguided”, she didn’t say you’re irrelevant and misguided. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Denial is stage 1 Baloleng.

Maybe you haven’t paid close attention over the years since 2009 to understand that’s been a popular enough excuse, but i see envy when i see one.

You being envious towards Adilith. Though i’m sorry to hear you suddenly lack ability to make sense out of something simple i’ve said. :laughing:

Except you did the first strike. And now you’re victimizing yourself while proclaiming “SHE DID IT FIRST!!!”
 when you’re intentionally confusing what she said as an attack on you.

And this thought process is why people don’t want to heal/tank.

I’m pretty sure most people have never claimed this, most FF14 players are aware and do admit it isn’t perfect, only that it’s better than WoW’s since the devs actually punish bad behavior there

Oh, good, you can read

yet you keep saying this

People don’t want to tank because they need to do damage ?

What ?