People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Or hear me out Blizzard could ban/disable scraping of the website. As not every user agreed to have their logs added to Raider io or Warcraftlogs. doesn’t have logs.

I’m not sure that would be useful given people would just treat no io records the same as having bad records.

Would not be a problem if they just again broke the addon. blizzard has a system it’s no longer needed.

If you think that would stop people from finding ways to vet the people in their group based on performance then you’re sorely mistaken. First it was gearscore, then it was io. People always have a vested interesting in finding out which applicants are more likely to help the group succeed than others. They will find a way to do that regardless of how many barriers Blizzard puts in their way.

I mean they could take the approach that FF14 does and just start banning people will learn real quick

Well you’re being a bigger behind, and doing it first mind you. :point_down:

I’m sensing envy from you Baoleng. :laughing:

" w-w-w-w-well
 Y—y-yYOU GOT CARRIED! YEAH!! Take that! you don’t play the game, despite the fact I don’t play even the same content as you!" :rofl:

Yeah, apparently playing 23+ is not playing the game anymore. Well crap, i guess anybody at 23+ or below are just twiddling their thumbs then. :man_facepalming: /s

Even the other people who say “You don’t play the game” don’t go that far to
 as you’ve said before

Do you think that:

  1. People in FF14 don’t have ways to check if the person signing up for difficult content is ready for said content
  2. That you’ll be banned in FF14 if you don’t blindly accept everyone who applies to your group or kick underperformers in difficult content?

Because you would be wrong on both counts.

a FF14 player

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Well if blizzard did not tune to the top 1% it would not matter, A game Is supposed to be fun and that’s why FF14 devs don’t allow addon’s they make a toxic environment AKA what we have in wow.

Imagine thinking that there are no third party resources in competitive FF14.

I don’t believe that you’ve ever participated in the world of high-end FF14, which is fine since there’s lot of other things to do in FF14 that don’t involve that world. But you frankly seem really ignorant about how the competitive world works in either game.

You’d have to tear my addons from my corpse.
They’re tools, very useful when used well, but people will find anything to weaponize.

I don’t understand why people constantly compare WoW to FF something, and say WoW should do this and that to be more similar, when they can just
 play FF.

I play both. They’re honestly pretty different games and I think both games have things they could learn from the other. If I thought one game was strictly superior to the other I’d save myself the trouble and only pay for one sub. But I play them for different reasons and I’m active in both.


They actually do allow addons. They just simply ask you to be respectful with it. Heck, they even allow ReShade.

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Not even, but keep trying

You sure have a weird sense then. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone

But you sure are trying your absolutely damnedest to defend someone that never asked for it :thinking:

From what I know of the game designer of FF (I don’t remember his name or if that’s even the correct position), he learned a great deal from WoW and other MMO’s. I do think there are some things that WoW could learn/take from FF, but “no addons” is definitely not on that list (which I’m learning isn’t even the case).

I’m actually not a big fan of most MMO’s, WoW is just a weird exception to the rule. So FF wasn’t my cup of tea.

I’ve never said anything about class design of healers for XIV.

I’m just referring to the idea of doing something else with your gcds instead of sitting around and waiting for damage to happen.

I’ve taken my healers to max in XIV. I’m aware of what’s going on.

I’m not here to read your mind and assume what you are saying is sarcasm or not. I’m a straight shooter so there’s no guessing. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

But Not DPS addon’s they ban for those.

Set achievements and armory as private that can’t be linked or seen by other players.
Break Raider Io.

That would be a start on how I would fix things.

Enforce the rules.

Yeah I remember that interview.

For what it’s worth, FF14 has a significantly stricter API than WoW and they don’t actively encourage addons
 but they exist even if they aren’t as robust as the addons available in WoW.

ACT (their version of Details!) still exists and you won’t get banned for using it. You WILL get banned if you use it as a cudgel to bully another player
 but in that instance the issue is the bullying rather than the implement you used to do it.

ffxivlogs and ffxivanalyzer exist as well to help players improve their performance. Savages and Ultimates can get pretty difficult and players need to be able to measure performance in that content just as they need to in WoW. They’re not as different as people seem to believe.