People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

“We need to get Cindy her pants.”

“But boss, we have like the DPS and peeps here to go kill Magtheridon and maybe start prog on Tier 5”

“No, Cindy’s pants come first”

“Yeah boss, that’s kinda the problem with your leadership”.


If you’re just standing there as a healer, twiddling your thumbs or putting them up your azz, waiting for the HP bars to move just so you can feel useful, while not contributing f-all to damage when healing is not needed, you suck. Period.

this is whataboutism that isn’t even at all relevant to the topic at hand, it’s too bad you won’t read the real life example, because it pretty much makes you look silly

i guess i would try and downplay the analogy too, if i was you


Her pants will never drop.


Nope, they won’t. That’s the worse part. 25 peeps wasting time on Gruul knowing full well the leader thinks Cindy’s pants will drop, but they won’t.

This screams selfish to me, but it also shows that gear and progression as a team does not matter.

Your values and mine are not the same, and part of the reason we will not see eye to eye.

If a guild helps me get to a certain point. I owe them at least to a point. The fact you can just toss the guild away like a used coat. Ugh ya no point in us debating this.

It is incredibly normal to be in competition all the time, that is literally how species survive. Competition for food, for resources, for mates, for shelter. It’s the most natural thing in the world.


I hope you never left a job irl, or else you’d be a major hypocrite. that’s all i’m saying. :slight_smile:

No one owns me. I carried that noobie guild.

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I’ll confess, I never thought I’d cross off the “healers shouldn’t do damage because capitalism” square on my bingo sheet, but here we are.


What aboutism? I used a real life just like you all wanted to do.

The point of the post was, that society shaped how we act toward each other. Don’t you think it is the same for mmos? The truth is the “normal.” you all kept saying climbing the ladder. Is just a feel good thing to tell yourself for being crappy people.

Now done. I got cook dinner for husband. As I said I don’t mind you all don’t agree. If you did. I would be worried about how toxic i am.

I ran out of bingo cards a while ago. Spare a few?

I even managed to cross off a few Bingos on the Karen cards.


i’m dying over here


I might be back later putting you all in your place more. Remember logic does not care about your feelings.

Cool, I’m a bad person then. And you want to know why I’m a bad person? For valuing my time and not wanting to continue raiding with a guild because my views on raiding changed and I wanted to move on to more difficult content.

I got experience from the guild (like the job irl) i got gear (i got paid) and then I moved on to a better experience. I’m sorry that you cannot possibly comprehend what the analogy is, but hopefully this helped a bit.

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It’s funny, because you’re the one with the emotional response here.

“But we geared him! That’s our gear! HOW DARE HE LEAVES BECAUSE WE PRIORITIZE CINDY’S PANTS!”.

We’re the ones with logic : “Move on to T5 more quickly if you don’t want your raiders poached”.


*quickly tries to clean up water that got spit across my desk. DUDE!!!

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Excuse you, this is my themesong.

Only when one is capable of self-reflection and realizes that the virtues they spout are irrational and contradictory would one ever find peace. Things will exist as they should and when things do not, they should be corrected. Point out the flaws, correct the mistakes, make order out of nonsensical chaos. Disregard emotion and apply only objective logic from all angles to find the true answers.

Summarized, you actin’ da fool.

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I would like just once to get a blue post on these topics

What would you want them to even say?

Tseric would say : “We make tier sets which force Holy Priests to use damaging abilities. Press the button and stop complaining”