People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Honestly you can replace all instances of {healers do damage} with {playing well} and all of the arguments still look exactly the same.

-No one can force healers to {play well}.
-You don’t need to {play well} in order to time a +15.
-{Playing well} helps the group more than not doing that at all levels of content.
-Eventually if you get into harder content, not {playing well} will become a burden to the group.
-You should always aim to {play well} regardless of if the other members of your group are playing well or poorly.
-Players who {play well} are more desirable for prospective group invites than players who do not.

The two phrases are more or less the same. You can make the same exact argument of any element of good skill-based play in WoW, yet for some reason doing damage as a healer is something that people uniquely focus on. But honestly I don’t think the situation is all that complicated.


Another point on why the OP is so out to lunch here is that damage in FFXIV is not as consistent as it is in WoW. In Wow Tanks get chunked hard and often while FFXIV tanks get one shot unless the tank Buster is properly handled by both the tank and the healer. Damage is more predictable in FFXIV and so it can be more extreme allowing healers to heal proactively by using their toolkits to set up damage mitigation before the mechanic happens instead of spamming inefficient heals reactively in the case that the incoming damage wasn’t handled well

Totally totally different beasts, the comparative is skin deep at best.


yes but in wow tanks also have ways to mitigate those dmg. And all tanks right now are so self-sustain that healer just need to occasionally top them up and they’ll be fine. If you get 1shot it’s the TANK’s fault

None of these arguments matter, the question is what playstyle you prefer because Blizz can design the game for whatever. It’s not like designing the game for constant healing is some impossible task that think tanks have been working on for decades.

So if you like Heal+DPS cool, if you like pure Heal cool :person_shrugging:

So you missed the huge post on the general for which the OP said he would kick the healer?

because the OP doesn’t understand how m+ work as well. He’s just full of it and got told off to help dps explosive after he probably called out the group to get explosive when the explosive orb was right infront of him. Hence he’s a dummy

EDIT: and let’s face it. All this healer need to dps argument almost always happens during explosive weeks

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Its matters in so much as some here are saying they wont invite a healer who doesnt dps.

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Just gotta find people who play the way you want to play :person_shrugging:

Of course. This is a discussion about theory.

It’s this “have to” that I have an issue with. I don’t “have to” use cooldowns to time a 15. I don’t “have to” use kicks or utility spells to time a 15. I don’t “have to” decurse or time warp to time a 15. I do these things because it makes the run smoother and it makes me a better player.

If there is no healing that needs to be done, you don’t “have to” do damage, but it sure is nice when people actually put effort into helping the group succeed.


I mean, that’s easy isn’t it?
Weaving in damage when you can at the loss of no party members lives is superior to pure healing in any situation I can think of besides those rare encounters where you have to heal something to win the fight like the last boss of Temple of Sethraliss in BFA.


I … think you’re gonna get some feedback about this :rofl:

I honestly dunno what theory there is to discuss, there is no world where healer shouldnt dps to some extent in keys if and when healing checks are met. And least in SL dungeongs the healing checks were pretty easy from what I understand from healer mains.

I cant make you dps and thats fine. But if you dont, you cant make me take you into a reasonably high key and thats fine too.

Perhaps. Depends. In the post where the guy was claiming he would kick a healer who wasnt dps’ing, if youre not meeting that guys expectations, youre suddenly booted from the run.

Ridiculous, I know, but also discouraging to healers. Discouraging because the healer is doing the assignment - keep people alive. Yet now the healer has to fill two roles.

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Tanks have those in FFXIV as well, warriors in FFXIV heal themselves so well that in regular dungeons they literally do not need a healer, the community has been jokingly calling them the next healer class.

Healers in FFXIV have extra time to damage for the same reason as in WoW, currently for both games it does not take either healing class that much effort to keep people topped.

The difference is that in FFXIV this has been by design for many expacs now and that there are way more “Tank Busters” (boss abilities that will absolutely erase even geared tanks unless the tanks and the heals are working together to use their cooldowns to mitigate things).

I DPS when I heal, because it’s fun. However, in the old days I recall NOT dpsing much because of the MP5 rule.

I mean, youre timing the key. Everyone is doing thier job. The tank is tanking - are you going to not invite the tank again if he doesnt reach a certain DPS threshold?

yea I play FF as well so I understand tank mechanics there. Tbh tanking wise there’s not much different. Keep aggro and dont die lol. And that’s what defensives are for

Pugging sucks :person_shrugging:
Like you want to do it because “hey I can go find my own group” but at the same time you now have to meet other peoples expectations of playstyle :weary:

Maybe by “dps” he means wanding :stuck_out_tongue:
Or maybe they are remembering ICC era Wrath dungeons where a priest could spam holy nova and top healing and dps meters :laughing:

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Fair, I was outlining it for the benefit of those who may be unfamiliar.

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