People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Well, my example was… I played Affliction. I was good at it. I knew fights. I helped them progress through a number of fights as Affliction (this was post-nerf on an RP server so obviously progression was slow).

I still remember it vividly, we were at Kilrogg. I never went down into the eye phase and was pretty much assigned to focus purely on boss and the add that spawned. Raid lead was like, “Hey Mal, go Destro.” And I was like, “…I know my class to the point that I know I will do more damage as Affliction.” And he would repeat, “We aren’t pulling until you swap to destro.” So, after a while I begrudgingly swapped specs, knowing that my DPS would suffer by staying topside as Destro. After doing so, the raid lead was like, “I just wanted to make it clear that you do what I say when I say it, you can swap back now.”

Never was I so furious at someone in a video game, because as Affliction I was still the top DPS of the people who didn’t get the buff from the eye phase and the main reason why the adds topside died fast enough. Eventually, I just had enough and stopped going, so they threw a hissy fit and put me on a blacklist add-on to tell none of the other guilds to let me pug with them. Guess what, their guild isn’t on Wyrmrest anymore. :>

Then that guild should have had better leadership, and not a bunch of entitled jerks who think “that’s our gear you’re wearing!”.

It’s funny, you never see this mindset in top guilds. “That’s our gear you’re wearing!”. Top guilds know the players earned what’s theirs and don’t make a fuss about it.

It’s only hard stuck subAotC gear that you’ll find this whole “That’s our gear!” mentality. Because that’s the reason they’re sub-AotC and hard stuck : their leadership can’t fix what is actually wrong and just want to finger point away from themselves.

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nah you have to stay with your entry level job forever. can’t ever leave the company, because you know, they gave you a job and experience you gotta stay there forever lel


Again we can use real life all we want that is not the point.

It is a respect thing that we had in other mmos, before wow.

I am not saying you got to be slave to the guild because they helped you, but AS soon as you get gear, and don’t want to help gear out others that got you said gear. You want to leave. That is the lowest of low.

That is not even failing at progression. That is using a guild like a pug…oh my god no wonder the community is how it is. It all makes sense now.

You can’t shrug off the real life analogy. It fits perfectly here, whether you want to downplay it or not.


Dude, stop making things up.


Even if your goal isn’t progression, you don’t HAVE to stick with a guild just because they invited you and helped you out. I went through two guilds before the one I’m in now and while this guild isn’t a serious progression guild, I doubt I’ll ever leave it since they provide the community I was looking for.


Also in terms of gear/ guilds… Back then, if the guild gave you the gear, you earned it. If you didn’t earn it, they probably wouldn’t have given it to you. Now it’s personal loot and whatever so whatever gear spawns into your bag is your own, but at the same time, unless you are in Mythic where they need to fill the slots with warm bodies, chances are if they don’t think you deserve the gear they’d probably just not bring you.

yea i had more fun wiping 250 times on mythic jaina than full clearing heroic every week

False, In a video game. Standards can be changed. Real life analogy does not always work in a video game that you can walk away from.

I’m just saying this. If you left a guild after you got geared out from them, that you did not at least help the rest of them get gear. You are a POS. At least respect the people who helped you get that gear enough to the next stage before leaving.

Ugh I hate this community. I’m done.

I don’t think im a PoS for leaving a guild that didn’t share the same progression views as me. I’m sorry that you think like this, but hopefully you’ll realize why this is a silly mindset, as everyone in here has told you for the last 30 minutes. :slight_smile:

I’m not forcing myself to do content I don’t enjoy, and I wouldn’t ever suggest this to anyone in world of warcraft.

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I like how things have come full circle. “Lol, pugs? Nah, it’s no big deal if you use them just to grab what you want and leave.” “If you leave a guild after they welcomed you into their runs, you are evil!”

If they applied Pug and Guild with the same mindset, would see the hypocrisy that pugs and guilds both have a similarity… They are communities, with other people in it, all doing the same thing.

You did help. You were there for all those kills.

Time to look in a mirror.

Because we won’t agree that you “own us” because you “gave us gear” in a raid once ?

My god, this community needs less people like you. This is what GD talks about when they talk about raiding toxicity and gate keeping. People like you.

Spread your gear out more to your raid and you’ll never run into the issue of “having geared one guy”. Your loot distribution sucks, and is probably the reason you’re failing in the first place. On top of your leadership’s inability to manage expectations and promote a thriving environment for raiders.


That’s a you thing. People have always been ladder climbers.

Why is there a chronic need to compare FFXIV to WoW healing. We have healers that use dps to help heal. Disc priest and Holy Pali. I play both because I hate sitting still in a fight.

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why did you join guild that you knew did not have same progression views as you?

Also to make this clear, I’m not talking about today wow.

I’m talking about older days when you did not have group finder, it was harder to make guilds, and it was much harder to progress as it is now.

Also, if the guilds views changed that is fine, but if always been like that, and you joined just for the gear. Left with the excuse of. Your views not the same as mine. I would say that is a pos move.

because views don’t stay the same over time. wow this is so hard to think about. why are you even asking me these questions you know the answers to

I don’t need gear from heroic raids I’m sorry lel and i definitely don’t need a guild to give me gear from a heroic raid

But even if you’re talking back in the day, some guilds are complacent in their clearing. Some people want to move on to speed clears / a more hardcore guild.


It’s the same as staying at a job you don’t like to get experience for the one you do. People do this IRL all the time and no one bats an eye. Why is it a POS move in a video game, but not in real life where consequences matter?


They also brought back Fistweaving for monks. And Preservation Evokers have a talent path that causes passive healing as they DPS.


Fine if you want to use real life…

No its not normal for humans to be in competition all the time.
Its not normal to work for most of your waking hours.
Its not normal to be stressed 24/7

Stop taking a few hundred years of captitalism and pretending it is now being human is.

The community shaped things to be how they are, just like in real life.