People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Do you have reading comprehension issues? Ah explains much. You are one of them types of people.

Raiding guilds poaching players is common. The big difference is that there are a number of contributing factors.

Raider leaves to join bigger guild could be because:
Current guild was floundering/failing to meet personal expectations for progress.
Schedule conflicts.
Didn’t like the people in the guild to begin with.

Raider would refuse the offer because:
They liked the people in the current guild.
Schedule alignment.
They were more loyal minded than progression-minded.

As a warlock who was first in line for Dragonwrath in my guild back in Cataclysm, there was a LOT of attempted poaching involved and other casters making ultimatums about leaving if they didn’t get the staff first. And of course, you bet your bottom a lot of guilds were after casters with Dragonwrath because those were guild-efforts that – unless you were running several parallel raids which wouldn’t happen unless you were in a World 1st Race pushing community – greatly influenced damage, guilds really wanted to get as many of them in their team as they could but couldn’t without poaching because of lockouts.

If a guild says, “You can’t leave because you owe us” then that would be a contributing factor of wanting to leave.

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Do you ?

Van_arn put it right :

You’re exactly what he describes.

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You don’t. The reason these roles existed in older games is because raids were in the open world. Your mezzers were controlling mobs or players that came from the outside to interfere. There was never a boss fight where the solution to adds wasn’t to just kill them. Even in Vanilla the solution to dealing with adds was either to dps them down, or to assign some poor hunter to kite.

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Depends on the reasons.

Leaving because you don’t want to take the time to gear out others that helped you get gear out?

Leaving because you did not get the loot you want?

If you are stuck on progression and feel like you are not getting any place. Sure, because that means you already paid your debt by helping the guild get that far, but context like all things matter.

All of these are valid and it doesn’t matter why they left because they’re out of the guild now.

Why would someone purposefully be unhappy raiding in a video game

i just dont want to be kicked for not dpsing low level content (normal/heroic raiding 10 and below m+. too many harcore players thinking that +8 is some hard key that needs to be pushed hard.

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Truer words never spoken. The minute your GM comes at you with “We geared you, you’re ours now”, the gquit should be instantaneous.

No one can own another human.


Exactly why I abandoned a Mythic guild in WoD, was better off pugging and being casual than dealing with a raid leader that had a leading style and attitude I really didn’t like.

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Again, I stated my views. Gave examples and reasons why I feel how I do.

You can disagree with me, that is fine. Just know you are part of the reason I dislike the community. Your deflections, you argue points you don’t understand. You assume, and take people out of context.

I can have fun with this game, even if I don’t like people like you.

Why don’t dps heal more in groups? I mean, many of them have healing abilities, so they should really heal more when they have the chance. I mean all the best groups have their dps off healing. If you aren’t healing and dealing damage you are just lazy and no good.

(Did I do that right?)

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It’s been a while since I’ve ran that low but I’m not sure that this is really a problem that happens very often. If it does, then I’d say the other player that kicked you is clearly in the wrong.

Good play doesn’t stop being good play even in a +8, but players need space to play badly in the spaces where that’s appropriate. Both because we shouldn’t force everyone to play at a high level and also because you can’t become l33t without first being n00b.

yo bro when i got poached legit all the dude said to me was “yo you ever think about doing something more serious” and then i just thought about it. like there wasn’t much more to it, i wasn’t “owned” by a guild that was my choice

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We gkicked our GM/raid leader in Legion. It was like you describe. Half the guild had AotC from pugging, and while we managed CE in HFC and EN with him, he’d drag along his GF to every progression fight. Mythic Archimonde was a pain because of the burn strat for P1, and she didn’t have the 795 ring because she didn’t play.

She’d literally tell him to sit her and he wouldn’t listen. Would tell her we didn’t have 20 if she didn’t come, which wasn’t true.

Guild as a whole just gquit and reformed without him in Nighthold. Even his GF.

And to me, you’ve proven more toxic than the community you blame for toxicity.

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So you invested time building up someone, with the same goal mindset to build a guild up. Soon as you build up person they leave because they don’t need guild anymore, and people be like “shrug”

It goes to show the quality of mmo players dropped over the years, and how little guilds matter. Wow really did ruin the standards when it comes to community.

You only had one way of getting that gear, was with a guild.

No, I put my time into the guild, I became an officer, i did my job. I just wanted to push for CE. Why do you think it has to be deeper than me just wanting to push harder content?

He invested time dragging you along. Often pulling you up by the skin of his teeth.

That’s why he’s now in a guild 10 ranks above yours in progression and thriving and you’re failing to reclear since he left.

That’s the problem you don’t see : people don’t just leave a guild when they are happy and enjoy raiding with the people they raid with and feel they are making good progress.

They leave when it’s apparent they’re being held down and the people they raid with are getting annoying.


You could not get that gear without that team.

If they geared you at, at least you could do is help gear the rest of them or to a point where you can say ok, it is not working out.

You did not earn it yourself. That guild deserved better. As soon as you got gear and left. That is the worse.

Now if they are stuck on progression, and things not working out sure, that comes much later.

This is literally how everything in life works. If your company spends money to train you up and you put time and effort in to better yourself, but then another company says “hey we like what you can do and we’ll pay you more” and your current work will not pay you more/can’t match the other company then you part ways and get the new job.

Guild are the same way, if someone is offering you bigger and better, and you want that and won’t get it out of your current situation, then it’s time to move on.


I promise you, regardless of what guild I was in, I was going to be in relatively bis gear. I wanted to push harder content, so I did. That wasn’t aligned with my current guild’s goals, AND I’m still really really good friends with everyone in that guild.

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