People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

So Hunters logged on to the game.

And you think that’s a community issue.


I don’t remember it that way and I was raiding in those days. It’s like today, good players on meta classes get offers from guilds that are more progressed.

That’s not toxic.

What’s toxic is your feeling of entitlement to “your players” in your guild. If you cannot progress at a good enough pace for your quality players, they will leave. That’s on you as leadership to offer them an environment they thrive in so they don’t feel the need to leave.

AKA : you were willfully blind to his antagonism.

Says more about you than the community.

Ah, you’re one of those. No wonder.

So me liking and having fun with people is toxic to you ?

Interesting take.

Of course it does. You’re not going to sit there and pretend the community is toxic and then hand wave away the fact that the trolling you pretend is a massive risk and problem just doesn’t exist.

You can’t invent trolling and then paint an entire community as toxic and get away with it.

This is why I believe you’re actually the toxic person in this whole affair. You’re one of those guys that perpetuates the myth that the WoW community is toxic, when in fact, it’s no different than the FF XIV community.

yea the wow community isn’t really worse or better than any other mmo. just the average mmo community experience

We Mistweavers and our Discipline Priest friends would L O V E to have a word with you.

I mean, when I encounter a horrendously bad player, things generally continue to their conclusion and they are silently whisked away to the aether. If someone is intentionally malicious towards the group, they are removed immediately. As I said, it’s easily possible to carry two dead-weight DPS in 15s. It isn’t fair to have to do so, but it is possible.

If the player wasn’t skilled enough or simply not geared enough? Fine. It’s when people are intentionally sabotaging the group is when the community has every right to shun them and yes, as someone who has pugged a lot, it is very easy to tell when someone is being bad or when they just aren’t good enough. I’ve carried people before. Heck, my guild has a number of underperformers in the numbers area but we still ran together because we were a cohesive group of friends going for a similar goal and could handle the extra weight but with pugs, everyone is expected to be able to carry their own weight.

And yeah, things like io and the adopted M+ score system WoW itself adopted are methods for the community to police itself to find the best possible teammates to complete objectives with. If those tools make the entire community toxic, FF14’s “Clear for one” parties have a few words. As someone who pugged Savage in FF14, the community there for pugging is just as bad except there, people are hush-hush about it and just silently kick the underperformers and people who can’t learn how to dance because they will get the warning and ban slaps for trying to teach someone if they say it the wrong way.

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“FF XIV are such a nice bunch of welcoming people! WoW’s community could learn a thing or two”.

Meanwhile :

Proof :

That van_arn guy is an MVP. Not only for actually being right, but for getting 97 likes and proving the whole narrative that the 2 MMOs have vastly different communities completely fabricated.

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Yea the FF community is legit the same as the wow community. I know that hurts to read for some, but having played pretty much only mmos my whole life i don’t notice any glaring difference between any mmo in terms of community

Context matters. A bunch of people logging into the game with level 1 hunters in hopes to crash the servers in protest because they don’t want range shots to be dodged.

My husband was part of three major guilds, and they had alts in smaller guilds. He was part of the problem. I know from him. It was the normal for many servers he said.

If you are in my guild. That means the gear that WE got you did not just belong to you. It was the guilds. The investement. That is what a guild is for that is what it means to have a guild during that time. Each part you earned was not just yours. So when someone just leaves because they don’t want to help others build up and join a bigger guild.

Him not agreeing with you is not antagonism. He just knew how to beat you with logic and facts.

Um, if you aren’t doing DPS in mythic dungeons as a healer, you will fail the timers. lol
Get Gud!

This is a big no no mindset for trying to run a guild.

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I play both FFXIV and WoW, and I’ve had good and bad experiences on both games. WoW isn’t really more toxic than FFXIV.

The difference is that here someone can call you out and “attack” you for underperforming or whatever. FFXIV has more of a heavy handed moderation where any kind of harassment is usually met with a suspension. That, and parsers are not allowed, so you have to tiptoe around the real reason you are kicking someone from your group.

FFXIV ends up being a whole lot more passive aggressive, but in reality both players are full of gamers.

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Who cares what people say on the forums and in discord? Say things like that in the game and you get banned.

The fact that FF enforces the rules makes it far more welcoming than wow.

I Just don’t find any difference between the two communities. FF does it too, they just say it differently.

Now I would not run the guild like that, but back in the days? I sure as heck would.

You did not get that gear by yourself. You could not have, you needed the guild to do it. That means each part you earned with us. Was not just yours.

Sounds like the perfect load testing that Blizzard should document and work on.

An MMO should never crash because of a Massive amount of players.

What problem ? If those GMs didn’t want their players offered greener pastures, it was on them, not the people offering greener pastures.

Oh please with this entitlement. I was there to kill the boss. I waited on your buddy hunter that keeps dying to finally have a pull where we lucked out and he didn’t get hit by mechanics.

I’m seeing no attempts by leadership at reforming him or recruiting his replacement.

That gear I got ? I earned it. I’m taking it with me to a guild that’s more focused on progressing, than dragging along the dead weight. You choose this when you enable the hunter to keep wiping the group.

Your guild didn’t fail because more progressed guilds poached your players. Your guild failed because you think it’s your gear and your players are your slaves and you don’t promote a thriving environment for them because you insist on keeping your bad buddy around, holding up everyone’s progression.

No, him antagonising players is.

yea the second that good players in your guild feel like they’re not being rewarded or anything they’ll get poached, that’s a promise

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I play all MMOs, and doing pugs in Final Fantasy feels great because if players get too toxic. Just laugh and report them. The fact that the game respects your time and does not mind failures. From a gameplay design makes players far less moody.

So, if only one role in the game is ‘allowed’ to rest and take breaks mid pull, EVERY pull, what do we call that? Besides, even if I, as a mage, take breaks every pull I’d still be dling the bare minimum required to time the key, so why isn’t that good enough? Why should healers be the only role allowed to strive for only the bare minimum?

“FF XIV doesn’t have bad apples!”

“I report players constantly in FF XIV”.



That is why the community is and always will be trash. Tanks ruining guilds because they did not get loot drops.

When players act like the community was better back in the days. I get a chuckle.

I’m more surprised you think that people wouldn’t leave a guild when they’re not being rewarded. Hm. Well I guess some people are out of touch

these are humans playing their character

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