People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Only relevant for players who have no guild or friends.

Im sure they will go over to the FFXIV forums and extol the community for being so non-toxic in short order.

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Non toxic. Blizzard should build better infrastructure. I remember servers crashing because people wanted to kill Oondasta.

Non toxic. People move on to bigger and better things all the time.

Why is that toxic ?

Said CM was antagonistic and not really fulfilling his duties. Ultimately, Blizzard drove him to the brink because they didn’t make him able to do his job and he took it out on players. You can’t blame players for the backlash when the guy that’s supposed to be managing the community is antagonising the community.

Skill wise and progression wise, that’s merely a statement of fact. No different than FF XIV players when they compare their raid progression.

Non toxic.

Because it is ok to debate someone who does not have the same views as you? It is not like I am trying change people mind here. I am just stating my views. I don’t agree with many of you, and that is fine. Not that big of a deal is it?

There is no Toxicity in Ba Sing Se. I mean… Wait a second, wrong universe and reference.

I have friends and a guild. I have played with them for years, I still play with them but some of them are not capable of doing higher end content. Could I curate a group of good people? Yeah. Do I want to? No.

So when I want to push stuff I will pug, when I want to play around and have fun I will run stuff with my friends. And in that case, I use

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You’re wrong, no one kicks healers out for DPSing at actual high keys (not 15 cause that’s not high) you need to deal damage as a healer. I can deal 8K DPS in a run as discipline.

You only get kicked/attacked if you’re bad at healing i.e. if you don’t know how to heal and dps i.e. if you’re prioritizing dps too much instead and people are dying too often.

So you are saying that it is not toxic for players to know something will crash a server and did it anyway because they did not agree with Blizzard? Ok.

Not toxic? Having people spy and force failures in raids just so they can keep guilds down? Or how about the tank holding guilds hostage? The player base was some game of thrones stuff before it even was a twinkle in the eye.

I would say the thottbot thing is not toxic, but really shows just what type of imagine the community has that a single nerf that was needed to be honest, made such a outrage.

That GM was one of the best ones we had. They cared, and had passion for the game.

Now look at what we have. A bunch of souless people.

Was not a skill thing. PVP will always be a higher bar in skill. (mind you RNG stun maces thank you.). The fact player base can go to war with each other based off the progression they made is sad. And no FF does not have this issue. The raiding community does not trash crafting community or people wearing crafting gear.

and Raider Io is a tool that helps cause toxic, and sets a bad imagine for the game. So we can disagree on this one.

Usually, if you show up into a room and say, I think [negative/illegal/political or racially charged action] is great!

Everyone will all look at you like you are a sociopath. Like, if I say it’s okay to do something abhorrent, societal norms exist in which most people will generally respond in the same way of, “How about you don’t do that?”

People can have opinions on things, but when something is universally considered a bad thing by a community there is no room to argue for it being acceptable or good. Morals, without them there is no community. Advocating that morals don’t matter is literally manifesting the thing you are complaining about. You are saying toxic behavior is fine but blaming other things for being toxic… It’s… Not pleasant.

Who remembers when this thread was about healers doing damage? Never thought I’d say this but let’s get some more of that.

Did you use Moonfire enough? You will be judged harshly if uptime does not reach 97%.

Most of the time we don’t actually know.

Blizzard has really shoddy infrastructure when in 2022, in an MMO game, 40 players engaging the world boss lags out the entire zone still.

You talked about people using guilds as a stepping stone. That’s just normal progression. If a guild is happy in Karazhan and one of its players wants to do 25 man raiding, there’s no toxicity in moving on.

I frankly haven’t known Sabotage to be a thing. So either it’s a isolated case or you’re just making that up.

Tseric wasn’t the best one we had. Unless by best you mean “at least he posted, even though he would just be antagonistic”.

You can name him you know. Unless you’re trying to hide the actual story to spin a narrative.

The reality is Blizzard has never had a good CM. Not on the forums at least. I frankly don’t know what WoW CMs even do, because there is 0 community management.

If you have LFR gear and only have ever done LFR, it is a skill thing.

You can’t be good at something you’ve never done.

I’ll say it again, you WILL NOT get shunned for DPSing as a healer in high m+ keys.

You will get shunned if you DO NOT DPS in high m+ keys as a healer.

OP is wrong.

(15s are low keys btw).

Discussion over. Close thread.

Also, fun fact. I accidentally may have crashed the world servers in Legion. Dalaran sewers. Affliction warlock. First gold dragon was Soul Flame (which we got back, mmmmyum). Got my ratstallion in under an hour because one Seed + Phantom Singularity cast on a boss in pre-sharding sewers once PvP was enabled was enough to kill every pet, imp, and player in a massive area.

this is true, an extra interrupt is useless when you could instead bring a priest with double PI.

The long and short of it is that I don’t play a healer because I want to DPS.

The game shouldn’t require me to at any point DPS.

The game play should be designed in such a way where if I’m doing anything but healing (even in high end content) is being designed wrong and should be reconsidered.

That may not be how it is currently but it’s the only reason why I rolled Healer.

I’d say the same about tanking or Damage if I rolled them up to. That the game gives classes a “little bit of everything” and catering to the LCD players philosophy is one of it’s major flaws in my opinion.

I mean you have a point, but if I play the game based off the combat, the enjoyment of content, and hate the community. The universally mindset of said community really does not matter.

Also, I am not saying it is fine. I am saying it is part of the risk of pugs.

I guess I should word it better.

A community that is based on toxic people. Who have a known history for being toxic, and a company who has done nothing to help curve said toxic, but in fact added gameplay elements that support said toxic community.

if i go into a pug setting with said community and get upset about being trolled. It would be my fault for getting upset. That is why I have the mindset to just shrug and laugh it off.

Does that mean it is fine? No? But I knew the risk when I join a pug.

That is part of the joys of a MMO also.

So you’re the toxic one. You’re the one that hates the community.

I’ve pugged keys at all levels.

The community just isn’t as toxic as GD pretends it is. 99% of key runs are perfectly ok and fine.

“Trolling” is more often than not a player that’s simply in over his head, and not on purpose. People still have a right to be bad and not be called “trolls” because of it. The risk of pugging is not trolls, it’s you never know if the guy you’re inviting is actually good enough for the run and your current comp.

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At that time we knew because it was well known that events happen on servers caused this issue. So hunters picked servers to crash. Had 4 of them in the list.

Again false, players had spies in guilds and leech players for other guilds. Bigger guilds used smaller guilds as a way to keep the flow going. It was toxic, and it kept the big guilds big, and made it hard for smaller guilds to rise up.

I respected him, the amount of BS he took, and was willing to tell you that you are wrong, and stand up for what he believed in. He deserved more credit than he got.

I respect PVPers more than raiders, but that is just my personal view. I think pvp grind in TBC was much harder, with druid healers and drinking behind pillars. But that is just my view point. I would not be caught dead raiding or pvping in this game. I got better mmos to do that in.

I mean, my point of view. If you like this community. You are toxic. I can easily turn that around on you.

It does not matter. The imagine and history wow has left no matter if things are better now. Unless Blizzard starts enforcing rules, and becomes stricter. Do you think we are going to trust the player base to police itself? LOL