People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

On Mythic, you needed to send teams to the outside platforms

This is sepulcher xymox, not nathria one btw.

Again, setting a weird example here.

Trolling is a risk you take for doing pugs, and if it is not that big of a deal. That would be more welcoming to players than how weird this community acts, like a failed group is a personal attack on a person time. LMAO

The cult pugging mindset is far more unwelcoming to new players than the risk of being trolled with a bad group.

Oof. Hrm. Yeah, I’m not a big fan of class-gated raid encounters.

I’m glad we have Khaelyn to be the arbiter of what people should and shouldn’t value in WoW. I have no idea how I could form my own opinions without Khaelyn telling me what they are.

People intentionally trolling keys is as toxic as actions get in keys. Just because they are pugs doesnt make them any less ppl behind the screen. I find it wild I even have to say this.

I am fine with bricking my key when things just go wrong, I am not fine somebody purposefully trolling my key, idk what is so difficult to understand in that.


You can value what you want, I’m just saying a reason why WOW community is consider one of the worse in all mmos. Also mythic dungeons, and Raiding has fallen off over the years. It is getting harder and harder to get new blood into it. Because the community is creepy af.

Trolling is a risk, yes, though trolls are usually quickly slandered, kicked, and ignored.

You shouldn’t aspire to be a troll because that is how you get outcast from communities. You can’t get into it because you’re making it clearly obvious that you cannot work with a group of strangers to complete an objective. You can’t pull a victim card in the same breath you say it’s okay to waste everyone’s time for the lulz.

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Yes really, if you go into a key with the intention of sucking when there are a bunch of different ways to waste your time, or try out new builds. At that point you are just trying to waste other peoples time for your own enjoyment.


I explained that in my post… but to break it down furher:

There’s only a finite number of spells to interrupt in a dungeon. If you can accomplish 100% of all interrupts with just 3 interrupters in the group, then having a 4th or 5th person eligible to interrupt isn’t necessary. Because if the group is optimal in how they’re interrupting (i.e. nobody is wasting an interrupt by doing it at the same time as nother), then the extra interrupts will never see use.

That puts a hard cap on the effectiveness of bringing an additional interrupt. If you have more interrupts available than spells that are interrupt-able, then one more interrupt in your group is completely useless.

Because people go around and say it is.

Meanwhile, the WoW community is pretty much the average. Bunch of nice people, a few bad apples (mostly PvPers).

Noone says it is not toxic.

It is just part of the risk of pugs. It should be part of said risk. It has always been like that.

Now we could say that it is an age where making a rep for yourself matter more, and that trolling has become a bigger issue because blizzard ruined server community, and building up social standards in a game. We can get a long debate on that.

Do you think that there aren’t PuG groups trying to prog Extreme/Savage content in FF14? Because I have some news for you…

And raiding has typically fallen off… as M+ began to rise. There’s no shortage of people pursuing difficult content to with PuGs.

You are free to play the way you want. Just don’t force other people to have to suffer it with you. If you create a fun experimentation group and someone joins your group with the intent to do some super sweaty prog, I would say that person is in the wrong. Joining a group and forcing them to put up with your “playstyle” at the expense of their key is a dick move. Getting called out for that isn’t creepy and it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Except you who said

Generally toxic things aren’t described as joyful or fun. Even setting that aside as a possibility, is this an activity you seek to engage in? Because that would make you, by your own words, toxic.

Because you can’t run away from your past.

I was here when you had Hunters protesting and crashing my server because of a nerf.

I was around when players used small guilds as a stepping stone for raiding, making players have spies in guild.

I was around when Thottbot made a banner mocking Blizzard about matrix.

When the community drove a CM to the brink.

When people attacked each other for having welfare epics, and consider them lesser players.

And now with Tools like Raider Io, and scoring players to build said pug groups. The rep wow community got is well dserved.

God, no. FFXIV has the worst healer design in the MMO genre. They even have a massive thread in the official forums asking to revamp them because of how boring they are.

For context, you dot the enemy, spam your only attack spell for 70% of the fight and sprinkle a few oGCD heals here and there. WoW healing is leaps and bounds better than FFXIV.

It would be like having your Holy Priest spam Smite for the whole fight because no one is taking damage, and throw a Holy Word: Sanctify on very predictable intervals to top the party off. That’s FFXIV healing in a nutshell.

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Again, toxic things happen and you can find enjoyment out of it.

Even if I enjoyed it, and don’t care. Does not mean it is not toxic. I think it is a required risk for pugging. That is it.

You act like people don’t enjoy watching wrecks?

I mean, I built my reputation in the communities I ran with and that’s how I got KSM in 12 days.

The results are there, and since you are on MG, I will say this: RPers remember RPers. If you make a bad name for yourself in RP, people won’t want to RP with you. If you make a bad name for yourself in M+ groups, less people will invite you, making it harder to get into them. You might be able to achieve your short-term goals for kicks but uh… You don’t seem the type to really be invested with anything here anyways.

P.S. As for the community, that is the entire world as a whole. Anyone who turned on a TV in the past ten years would know that, people are awful. Advocating people being awful even more is still part of the problem.

I can see why you dont like But you have made a case as to why is needed to keep players like you out of their groups.


I get what you’re saying but deliberately causing a wreck lands you in jail and shunned by your community.

Honestly I’m not sure why I’m still responding to you. You’re openly advocating the virtues of being a toxic individual and frankly I just don’t want to associate with you anymore. Welcome to my ignore list.

When you got tools to get around grouping. The rep you build does not matter as much as you think.

And sure, RPers remember rpers. We can get into hours about RP drama and the creepy blacklisting both your server and mine did for players who rped. Rpers in wow have just as dark history.

Your example is a good one, but cross realm groups and the very large pool of players to pick from pugging. Makes your choices not have big of a impact in said group.