People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

If you have significantly different goals to what the standard is, you might want to let the party know of what you want to do. Biggest reason there is dungeon drama is different expectations, just doing your own thing not respecting other ppls time is extremely toxic. And toxicity is pretty much only reason I would kick ppl for.

… I would say that yes generally speaking you should only join groups whose goals align with yours. If one player makes a group with the intent to pursue serious progression on a key level they’ve never done before and you come in and hold that group’s progression back because you want to “test out a new build” I’m going to say you’re trolling.

There are places to do that kind of experimentation, but you should do it with a group that’s okay with that. At the very least make your intentions known from the start when you joining rather than gambling with someone else’s key.


Easy, pushing higher damage numbers pulls the boss who hits you with a one shot ability.

This means you have to manage your dps numbers rather then just spam your abilities as fast as possible.

You put mobs into every pack that need CC or they one shot the party preventing you from just spamming AoE the entire dungeon run.

You give characters resources (mana) that they need adequately manage such that if they just burn they run out of it and become ultimately useless.

In other words, you design a game that has game play.

Why? They are not guild mates. It is not business of the group to know.

I’m not much of drama. If someone says something I don’t like. I just don’t read it. People getting upset, My husband would just laugh at them and move on. He is more try hard than I am, but even he does not get upset anymore at failed runs. At the end of the day,

Wow community is very weird with these standards on pugging.

So essentially you are a toxic personality who doesnt respect other ppls time, gotcha. I would never want to group with you and if I ended up being stuck with you and your attitude, I`d boot you. If you want to do your experiments, do it with ppl who opt into it knowingly.

Then you should state you have intentions that are not aligned with the common interest so they may decide if they want to put up with you or not.

If I join a group that wants to kill the bosses, time the key, etc, and my goal is to “mess around and not do those things” it would be incredibly rude of me. I pug because most of my guild stopped playing during the lawsuit debacle.

When I pug, I intend to complete the objective. It isn’t progression raiding that requires intense knowledge and coordination, it normally only requires a bare minimum of competence because as I said, anything less than a 20 key is incredibly easy, if they cannot achieve the lowest standard for the group, they shouldn’t ask to be invited to said group.

I won’t lose sleep over a bricked key, though trolling groups being considered acceptable is toxic behavior not only from a gameplay perspective but from a social perspective. If you only join groups to use them as faceless vehicles for your own amusement, you might have an issue. I am pretty sure it’s called narcissism.

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That is weird, Even in the old days when we did pick up groups. We did not have that standard at all.

We knew that a group of random players could work or not. Once someone got one level and left the group, we did not get upset that they did not stay until everyone got a level in said dungeon.

Now if it was a guild run and we said hey we want this to be our goal. And you disrespect it. Sure, I would be irked, but a pug settings?

That is just weird not going to lie, and the reason why Wow has a hard time getting new players into this content. The vibe is creepy.

It’s also quite a stretch. You mind control an add so he can interrupt the boss with a special ability.

It’s gimmicky at best, but the win condition is still the boss reaching 0 health.

Every DPS class already has resources that they need to manage. Obvious example is Feral with energy since that’s my main. That doesn’t change damage from being a good thing, it just means that doing the most damage you can over the course of an encounter requires proper resources management. The resource is just the means to the end that is high damage. Cooldowns are a resource as well and good DPS players already plan the usage of their cooldowns to maximize their effect rather than just blowing them all at once.

That hasn’t changed the win condition though. Yes you’ve put a hard limit on damage so now it also has diminishing returns, but you haven’t made anything else not have diminishing returns. So how does that fight change as players become better either by skill or gear? They hit their damage cap and then they stop. Since everything else still has diminishing returns as well and the healers and CCers are also more powerful… they stop too because they already met the healing/CC requirement. Now the entire raid is sitting there staring at each other while they wait for the encounter to progress. Does that sound like good fight design to you?

God I miss gameplay.

It’s one of the few things I just have to "deal with* In modern wow but it feels like these days unless you are pushing cutting edge raid content everything is just a spammy cleave fest.

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Because tanking someones key is a dick move.

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Was also a mechanic for Mythic Blast Furnace in WoD. A gimmick that forced groups to bring priests and kind of sparked the whole issue of “Mythic is fixed 20 to be sure groups probably have at least one of every class” balance decision that I still stand against. I miss my Heroic 10 Mans back when Heroic was the highest level of content.

Ya, I just don’t agree with this.

Even Trolling groups is part of the risk of convenience of pugging. We had them even in EQ days, when we leveled up and wanted to leave. This druid trains us and delevels us just so we would stay around for his level.

It happens, and that is part of the fun and joys of pugging.



Not really, it is just a video game. No big deal if you lost the key.

If you value said key that much. Doing a pug might not be the right choice.

I mean, yes it’s a risk but that doesn’t make it a good thing. It’s a necessary evil, not a feature of the system. I absolutely blacklist players like that. Back in the day when the community was smaller, that kind of behavior would get your name passed around and not in a good way.

You are… Uhh… Yeah. You kind of dug your own hole there, so glad I will never see you in my groups. xD

There is literally a meme for this.
“Trolling people is part of the fun! Wait, why isn’t the community welcoming?”


I mean, it’s no different then when they require Warlock gates like Xy’mox in Sepulcher or Mythic Denathrius.

It’s gimmicky at best.

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Yes, but do you trust Blizzard to reward effort vs reward?

Just look at the people who set a standard for pug groups. Or tools like Raider Io. Wow community is all about fastest progression and building the best group setups for it.

It is easier for Blizzard to design content for players to blast through easily than build a reward system that values players time invested.

Xy’mox dropped his own portals though… Unless there was a mechanic in Heroic/Mythic I didn’t know about, I’ve only been able to pug normal due to lack of interest in the latest patches.