People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

You design the encounters such that the win condition isn’t based purely on damage output but rather only a portion of it.

Only because you have crap DM. My games are deathtraps to anyone thinking they are going to run the dungeon as murder hobos.

A useless and antiquated term used by a dinosaur who is attempting to garner cred with its use.

Mezzing, or mesmerizing, is a form of crowd control

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How do you do that with CC though? I mean… we’ve seen it done with healing since we have multiple raid fights where the win condition is “this mob has full health…” but how do you do that with tanking or with “mezzing?”

Tanking tends to be a binary thing. Either you’re tanky enough to survive being smacked, or you’re not. How do you translate survivability into a win condition in such a way that being more survivable always makes the fight easier even after you pass the required threshold?

Yet, these tools are enough to give an imagine of what type of community has. To be scored, or tracked in way. Even if the tools is not perfect. These things matter for the overall feel of what type of community and content going into it.

Improvement matters when your time invested feels rewarded, and that you feel enjoyment out of it.

When I played EQ. Using Endless Quiver, To kite around Monsters that could one shot me in planes of power… My husband would sit on the hill while I kited these monsters for him, and I enjoyed doing it because I got better, I learn kiting. I was getting rewarded, and the community understanding if I died because it was just a game. I had no website tracking my score. I built a name for myself and built a social network.

A group time does not matter, that is a fact. You are playing a video game and progression in a pug settings should come with a risk. If you value your time that much, you should do guild runs. Convenience should never have standards in a pug.

So like, eff that guy for the cheap shot about your DM, but current D&D design explicitly states that resolving an encounter doesn’t require killing anything. So long as an encounter happens and you are able to get past it and make progress XP should be awarded (if you aren’t doing milestone)

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I am sorry. If you are one who doesn’t value a group’s time, you shouldn’t be doing group content, period.

The whole concept of “Other people in the group doesn’t matter” is one of the major arguing points that has been used to contest the existence of LFD/LFG entirely and that kind of mindset is detrimental to the game as a whole. If I encountered someone like that in my group, I would kick them immediately, and they would probably have tried to rage-pull to kill the group out of spite.

There’s an entire fight in Nax Classic that requires mind control.

Because tanking used to be something that wasn’t just being a hit point sponge.

No I’m saying that the only reason table top games are players just being Murder Hobos is because the DM lets them be Murder Hobos.

Again, this is just more proof that mainstream players have poor imaginations and can only understand a game where they “hit thing make dead”.

Putting aside the fact that dungeons have a timer and raids have an enrage… so once you hit a certain time then group time matters quite a bit…

That’s not the only thing that shortening encounter length buys you. As I keep saying, it also buys you safety. Why do you think people always use hero during the most dangerous part of the raid fight? It’s because having more damage makes that dangerous section shorter and therefore safer.

I hate people using logs as scoreboards just as much as you do. But I’m not going to pretend that every playstyle or PvE tactic is equally viable in this game. Different player goals for fun absolutely do matter, but if your goal is the same one that Blizzard gives you (beat all the bosses, a certain amount of trash, do it in this much time) then there are objectively better ways to accomplish that goal than others. We can absolutely see when one player is better at doing that than another. Player skill is real and it should be real.

Did you feel like elaborating on that point or…?

“Requiring” is different from being the win condition. Anduin “requires” CC. Every PvE encounter “requires” healing. That doesn’t make it the win condition.

Sounds like you’re a crap group leader.

I still remember tanking some wrath dungeons as a Feral druid. All you had to do was be a bear, spam Swipe and Thrash and bam, tanking completed because you were a giant health sponge because active mitigation barely existed back then.

But it can be made that way.

False, In a pug settings your time does not matter at all.

My goal might be to test to see how far I can go with a build. My goal might be just to waste time. I might just enjoy doing that content.

Who is to say progression is the only thing that matters? What are you saying because the other players have that goal, my goal should be the same? So now when I join a group, I must have the same goals as everyone else? So groups are now guilds?

You can say this group is for so and so, but at the end of the day. It is still a pug group.

Group Finder gives you control and convenience to build a group how you want sure, but people who join it might want to do that dungeon for other reasons. That is why convenience of building pug groups easily should never have a set standard.

What I am saying is that playing a video game is a waste of time progression or not. So if you get a failed group. Not a big deal.

Remember when I asked you how? Can’t help but notice you never answered that question.

If you do not any dps as a healer while you have down time at the very least, you are awful.
I have utmost respect for healers who are pumping damage constantly in between heals.

Everyone’s objective should be at a minimum clearing the content.

Failing a dungeon is not that big of a deal.

If progression is all that matters when you do a pug group. That is a problem with you. If you want said standards. You need to build a social network around it.

When you invite random players, you are taking a risk for that convenience. They don’t have to play by anyone standards.

I’m of the opion of : is anyone dying or struggling to stay alive? No? Healer is doing fine and I’ll mind my own business.


Some people just do it for wasting time.
Some people do it to see how far they can go with a certain build.
Some people even do it just to relax and have fun while watching netflix. If they fail no big deal try again.

Failing a group, and progression is not that big of a deal at the end of the day.