People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Or they stop homonginzing the game with classes that are all essentially the same but with different particle effects.

Healers should be healing.
Tanks should be tanking.
Damage should be dealing damage.

Hell bring back Utility and multi role classes FFS.

Anything but the same rotation and numbers spam that it’s become in the past several years.

Did you know that Brewmaster used to have an ability called Dizzying Haze that did no damage but generated a lot of threat? Once upon a time you absolutely could tank while doing 0 damage

I don’t understand this argument. We’re not in danger of blurring the role lines just because healers do damage sometimes. If I bring up a random set of logs from some high level dungeons and blot out everyone’s spec/class… you would still be able to tell me who is the tank, who is the healer, and who the three DPS are from their damage and healing numbers alone. The roles are not interchangeable. If they were, we wouldn’t see the 1/1/3 comp be so iron-clad.


Nobody wants this.

I actually want to see Dark Apotheosis come back but we all know that will never happen.

So they can be top Tank/DPS/Healers in BGs as Frost.

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because every once in a while you need the tank to push that one button so that he doesn’t get one shotted or the healer to burn a cooldown.

The game most certainly has been homogenized.

Every class has it’s CC, it’s interrupt, it’s primary, secondary, and proc ability, it’s escape, it’s dot and self heal/damage mitigation. They only differ very slightly and most of that is the visuals.

I’m not gonna lie this sounds like someone who has only briefly touched classes besides his main. If you think every spec has equal capabilities in all of those areas then you are deeply mistaken.

A Feral Druid does not play like a Demonology Warlock if that’s what you’re implying.

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Play a Warlock. Each spec plays absurdly differently.
Then try a Shadow Priest, compared to Aff the closest comparison, it’s still horrendously different.
Then try a Mage. They all flow differently.
Then try a Rogue. Again, all three DPS specs feel and play differently.
Then try a Hunter. Even when only comparing the two ranged specs, they are very different in their rhythm.
Then play a Druid, Feral plays differently than Rogue despite sharing Combo Points/Energy though can be vaguely similar to Assassination’s flow, and Balance flows closer to Shadow Priest than anything else but still ends up being very different.
Arms Warrior plays very differently than Fury.
Unholy and Frost DK both also have very different playstyles.

The only true similarity between every class is that every class pushes buttons and every class is capable of dealing damage to varying degrees.


DPS = TPS = tanking.

What game are you playing exactly ?

Of course they do. No Crusader Strike = No HoPo = No healing.

I think he’s talking about utility homogenization, which btw is a good thing. It’s good that nearly every (RIP Priest) class in the game has access to an interrupt, or as stun or a root, or a hard cc. It allows for there to be a more diverse meta from season to season.

If only half the classes in the game had interrupts you would either have to massively simplify dungeon design to compensate for the loss of utility, or you would immediately see half the classes in the game become basically unviable for high end M+.

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Really? Who says that the goal has to be to beat the dungeon? What standards should I have to join? Maybe I joined to learn something? Maybe I join just to pass the time? Progression might not always be what I care for when I do a dungeon.

Your example is false also. It is like a random coach pulls a bunch of people and say Ok this is Team B. I expect this team to be able to play as well as Team A who has been working with each other for set amount of time.

I am saying is this, I join a party to use you for whatever the goal is that day. be it for progression, pass the time, or to try something new out. The group failing is not my concern, or should I care. That is part of a video game.

Your time has no value just like mine. So getting a bad group is not the end of the world.

Saying when I join a group with a common goal, is false. The goal is to enjoy myself, and if that happens to come at the cost of other players fun. I question why they are even doing a pug group in the first place.

Now this would be a problem if I was in a guild and they set a standards that I should play by, and that is expected of me. I would be at fault for agree to said standard by staying with them, and don’t meet it.

In a pug settings? Get out of here. lol

it’s superficial at best.

A feral druid has a primary attack, a secondary attack (dot), a stun cooldown, an AoE attack, with a special ability that uses a resource (in this case stun, bleed, power attack…).

A demonology Warlock has a primary attack, a secondary attack (dot), a stun cooldown, an AoE, with a special ability that uses a resource.

Man if you boil it down that much you’ve described literally every class in the game…

You think it would be good if Demo only did aoe damage? What happens when you get to a boss?

yes, thats exactly my point.

It doesn’t need to be this way but the players whine and cry when a class isn’t anything but a way to pump numbers into a damage meter.

Ah I see. I think that’s a more interesting topic for another thread to be honest. I like watching the interviews where they talk about that sort of thing since things like Death Grip do feel super cool and unique and there’s value in that. But there arises a problem where if a unique piece of utility that is too powerful in its niche then that class becomes required when that niche is good - which is bad. And if the unique utility is never good or the niche is never useful, then the thing that makes them unique is pointless - which is bad. A lot of the unique utility we have among the classes tends to be useless when it’s not good and borderline required when it is, which is a problem for sure. But I’ll let smarter minds than mine mull that over for the time being.

EDIT: Never mind. He immediately proved that you were a fool for having such expectations of him. He actually was making a dumb point.


Correct, because the entire industry has moved past class design that included things like buffers, debuffers, and mezzers. Players have, universally realized that it is just better to do more damage than have some dingo in the back controlling a mob.


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like i said, appeals to the lowest common denominator.

So long as you still win when the enemy has 0 hp this will always be the case. The only way this isn’t is if we start getting encounters with different win conditions. Which I wouldn’t be opposed to… but it turns out that doing the thing that makes you win tends to be the most consistent way to win. Everything else is just a way to not lose. Which is a good thing to have… right up until the point where you’re no longer losing. AT which point you better start winning.

This is a video game. People want to have fun. Juggling a mob around with some disorients, mind controls, sleeps is boring. Stabbing, Slashing, Burning, Melting is fun.

The reason being CCing a mob forever will never result in success. Killing it brutally will.