People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Now I haven’t really played a healer since cataclysm but I distinctly remember doing dps on my Resto shaman was a necessity to regain my mana.

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the tanks should be tanking and not worried a out DPS.

The problem is that the game has been dubmed down such that all roles now DPS because lowest common denomenator players can only have fun when they see high numbers scroll up their screen and all of the game that wans’t purely focused on providing that experience has been removed or minimized.

I don’t know if they have it currently… Though I do know the new flashy Preservation Evoker has talents that restore mana upon using DPS abilities in their tree while also having flashy and hard-hitting DPS cooldowns to slap.

I think it more has to do with some players believing there is virtue in bad play. That trying to play well and improve is indicative of a sweaty toxic tryhard nerd.


Incorrect. “Tanking” just involves pressing defensives at the right time. Given that all defensives are oGCD, it’s something you can do at the same time as doing your damage rotation. Given that the resources for your defensives typically come from your damage rotation, it’s in a tank’s best interests to execute that rotation as well as they can.

On top of that, the usual arguments apply. The higher the sum total group damage is, the faster fights end and the easier the run becomes. The tank, like all five members, contributes to total sum group damage and so they should aim to maximize their contribution as much as they can.

While no one expects tanks to completely ignore their damage buttons the same way they seem to do for healers, good tanks practice and perfect their damage rotation because there’s no reason why they can’t do that and use their defensives at the same time.

No, I don’t think I will. If people are going to be a donkey’s behind then they will be treated like one

So congratulations to Adilith for getting carried. Especially if they’re the healer that’s just standing around doing literally nothing while no one has taken any damage :slight_smile:

Tanks to dps, what? Tanks need to keep aggro, their abilities to keep aggro are dps abilities but thats not the same as healers having dps abilities to heal. Not a good argument.

Good thing dps, tanks and heals all have to interrupt, huh? Also, this isnt the same as healers dpsing, as interrupting is few and far between but healers expected to dps is more often.

These two are not the right things to counter for the discussion.

So once a tank has done enough damage to hold aggro they should stop doing damage?

If a Tank does not do adequate damage, they cannot hold adequate aggro.

You don’t know how embarrassing it is when an affliction warlock pulls aggro off of a tank in an AoE pull because of doing a basic AOE rotation while the tank refuses to perform their role by ignoring to hit mobs that they pull together.

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Again, tanks have their abilities centred on having and keeping aggro, in order to do so they need to keep pressing those dps abilities.

Healers do not have to press their dps abilities in order to heal.

It is different.

Yes lol. My job is to heal, not to dps. If i wanted to dps I’d hop on a dps toon. So idiotic

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Please refer to the post just above yours. Spamming taunt isnt going to keep aggro.

Regardless of the reasons, I cannot imagine anyone would want to live by the code of leaving buttons unpushed by the principle that the button doesn’t make HP numbers go up or go down. That’s like telling a DPS not to use defensive cooldowns/self-healing abilities because it doesn’t kill enemies faster.

PUSH BUTTONS. If you do not need to make HP go up, push buttons to make bad guy HP go down. If you are DPS and your HP is going down and your healer is unable to make your HP go back up, push the buttons that will make your HP go up or prevent your HP from going down further. Simple concept.

Killing the bad thing that is dealing damage prevents damage from happening, which prevention is the best way to heal. Not dying is the best way to deal more damage, and according to the helpful WoW loading screen tips, the goal of the game is to reduce bad guy HP to 0 while keeping your own HP above 0.


Strawman. This is to do with WoW not real life. Rules are different and I am not going to counter those points because its not to do with WoW specifically.

Not exactly true. Aggro is rarely an issue outside the first 3-5 seconds of a pull. After that most Tanks primary concern should be doing as much damage as they can.


No it’s not. The reason you gave for tanks doing damage is to hold aggro, and that’s true, they need to do damage to hold aggro. But if that were the ONLY reason for tanks to do damage, then they would have no reason to continue to do damage after aggro has been secured. After all, doing damage requires effort and focus, why continue to do it if there’s no benefit?

The reason is because there IS a benefit beyond holding aggro. The only damage number that matters is the sum total damage of the group and damage that comes from the tank is just as real as damage that comes from a DPS. The higher the sum total damage of the group is, the shorter the fight will be and shorter fights are safer fights. Aside from the obvious that the sooner enemies die, the sooner they stop damaging you, it’s easier to play perfectly with no mistakes for 20 minutes than it is to do the same for 23 minutes. You skip more difficult mechanics or spells when you kill things sooner as well. Simply put, fewer people die in shorter fights just because there are fewer opportunities for something to kill them. The fact that you also complete the key faster is just gravy. (Though the more time you save, the more wiggle room you have for mistakes elsewhere in the dungeon, which makes it easier to time.)

All of the same logic applies to healers. Damage is damage and more of it is always good no matter who it comes from. Good players do everything they can to increase the odds of group success. That includes contributing as much to sum total group damage as they can, regardless of role and regardless of how little or great their contribution will be compared to other members. Healers should primarily look to healing first of course, but that’s not the only way they can contribute and the healer who arbitrarily limits the ways they can contribute is not as valuable an asset to their team as the healer who doesn’t.


yes, ie the dumbing down of the game, specifically here with tanking.

Even our raid tanks admit that tanking is the easiest role in WoW at this point because they have nothing to do as a tank that makes their role special.

In raid I absolutely agree with that. One of our guild’s tanks got a new job that makes his availability during raid nights inconsistent and I’m first in line as a back up tank. Despite having much less Guardian experience than I do Feral… the nights where I tank are generally easier than the nights where I DPS.

Honestly we need to stop calling them healers, and call them support. I think people would be far less confused.

I’m not sure why people are so hung up on what we call the role. Everyone “supports” the group. I’m not going to call Feral a support role just because they bring a lot of off-heals, Innervate, and Mark of the Wild for instance.

I think that “healer” is a fine name because that is the primary specialization that they bring to a group. Where I think people need to make some connections is that “healer” is their specialization, not their job. It’s the thing they’re best at, not the only thing they’re supposed to do.

WoW classes are complicated and more than the sum of their parts. There’s no way you can describe everything any character brings to the table with a single word descriptor.