People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

no healer don’t need to dmg in low level key if they’re LAZY. Why put any effort if they’re just getting carried right :wink:

you know I step in a healer role this season because I’m bored and I have some free time. I have no idea what healers are doing when there are no dmg happening. No point spamming heal and using up your mana when it’s pointless to do so. Either I stand around or throw some free dps here and there. And I have never healed ever since I started playing wow.

It’s not even that hard. I see some dmg I heal. I see no dmg to group I dps. Not rocket science. I guess it’s hard for people to do it when you’re constantly clicking your buttons all the time rather than having things keybind

And yet as a prot pally i am usually top 5 dps in lfr so dps doesnt really dps either

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Yes, and I stand by more words. There isnt a need to kick a healer when you will time the key as a healers role isnt to do damage.

Now, I understand in very high keys, all damage counts and its at that point that a healer may have to help with dps.


I kinda agree. Why bother dpsing as a healer when you’ll only put out 1-2k dps? Its just needlessly annoying.

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Healers adding DPS where they can however is absolutely a thing in this game, unless ofc you’re telling me huge names in the m+ community are all idiots.

Eg: Breadcat growl.


What is considered a very high key? Just curious.

And while I agree on not forcing ppl to “play your way” or needing to dps to complete low keys, its still objectively worse way to play the game than doing dps during downtime. Generally the way you deal with it is you dont push keys with ppl who refuse to “learn to play properly”

Also one thing ppl havent brought up or least I havent noticed, you dont just flip a switch and start DPSing in higher keys. So you want to learn to dps in lower keys/get used to it if you are interested in doing higher keys. That being said not everybody cares bout that and thats fine, just dont expect invites to higher keys.

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You dont need to have a healer do dps in a 15 key and thats all that matters. Anything higher is just for fun. At some point, the key will be so high that it will be impossible to complete the key without that tiny amount of damage from the healer. Thats the only time a healer should have to do damage.


I’d be interested to see how much this wisdom holds in DF, not only because 15s are becoming harder relative to seasonal gear scaling, but also because 15s aren’t the ceiling for loot rewards anymore. It’s going to be more difficult to cap out loot from M+ now and it will potentially be difficult enough to encourage more players to experiment with good play habits they had previously ignored - like doing damage as a healer.

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Every member of the group should be providing something at all times. If GCD windows are passing you by you are in the wrong.


Tiny amount of damage? I know healers w/o mythic raiding experience pulling like 8k overall consistently in a key. And by no means is that some high cap for healers to reach, Im sure there are healers doing plenty more.

Also timing a +15 isnt “all that matters”, if you double/triple chest the thing matters so you can skip key levels if you want to., which can be time saver. There is portals at +20, also titles for the truly good pushers. So while there is no better loot for you in pushing beyond 15(in SL), there are still things you can get out of it.

But yeah, if you want to play like a healbot, more power to you, just dont be surprised if you will have trouble finding consistent groups for keys in DF where scaling isnt only going to get harder(as in stat increase will be bigger between keystone levels or so I heard) and max vault going up to +20.

Shouldn’t a healer be DPS’ing in their downtime and not the other way round? I would think a healers primary role is to heal?

Oops typo lol. Fixed it, thanks.

you know pumping your chest and saying lfr is kinda silly

do you even understand how m+ work? If you kick ANYONE you can’t replace them mid-key. But saying that those healer will never get an invite back from me

you know that 1-2k dps relate to roughly 3-5million dmg right? Which is about a full boss health. In the long term it does alot more than you think

This is the Troll Thread Topic of the month, it seems?

Posting on classic toon? - Check
Classic toon not even leveled cuz he ran out of max level classic toons to use? - Check
Same topic as many others - probably the same guy? - Check
Mentions FF14? - Check


This entire debate should be prefaced with the fact that this is only an issue in Mythic 5 mans.

It’s always some mythic 5 man player who even cares.

yea I can’t wait for the crying from the forum for not getting invited to +20s


Found someone salty that they are expected to occasionally press smite in a dungeon.

If healers are using globals to heal in FFXIV they are likely not very good healers. Most heals in FFXIV are OGCD and most good healers use them to great effect proactively so that they can free up more room for DPS in their globals

If you are going to draw a comparative to another game you should probably understand how that game works.

As an aside, healing in FFXIV was the most fun healing I have ever had, if they had healer classes in wow that truly mimiced the sage from FFXIV I would change mains in a heartbeat and never look back.

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I’d say it’s a healthy attitude to learn to DPS while learning to heal so when you build to hard content it’s like second nature.

WoW is definitely a more rocky journey as people get chunked more. But when you pull off great healing and DPS as a healer the feeling is euphoic.

Pure healing with no DPS is akin to pure DPSing without using mitigation when necessary. You can probably get away with it to a certain extent but it becomes burdensome.


the only dps i do as a healer is DOTs, if i have time.
otherwise, i stick to my role.
In WOW we have 3 dps’ers; I don’t need to be one of them.
In FFIX they need to expand to 3 dps; their 2 dps and healer dps’ing is lame,
it’s one of the reasons I left.