People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Don’t know what you are talking about. Guild runs content every Wednesday for 3 hours. I haven’t missed a week.


OP got hard ratio’d. haven’t seen a gap in likes to replies in a hot minute.

The most disturbing thing about this thread is how many people think that disc priest is the only healer that has to do damage to effectively heal…

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I never said anything about healers out DPSing the DPS, I simply said that healers that don’t push any of their DPS buttons are holding the group back. Believe it or not, faster enemies are dead = less healing required = faster dungeon times.

Resto shamans have Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt and a healer popping Explosive is overall a group DPS increase because one DPS GCD does more damage than one healer GCD but explosive orbs just have a one GCD cost to destroy them.

If they look and see, “Hey, this Warcraft account never even got KSM, why are they talking like they know how M+ works?” it usually throws up red flags.

And I shouldn’t have to report anything because I’m not some obsessed weirdo.

healers should only be expected to do damage if there is some downtime

yeah, the problem is when people expect healers to dps independent of downtime

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This is not a team game!
Joins a team of 5 people to complete a dungeon requiring cooperation to complete

Nobody is saying you have to make friends, or even like the people in the group. You don’t HAVE to do anything. The world of human beings works on collective agreement; there is nothing intrinsic about any social norm we have. We have them because people are, generally speaking, well adjusted enough to function in groups of other people.

If you join a group of people with a common goal of working toward succeeding at a task, and you actively decide to do measurably less than what you reasonably can in aid of that goal, then it is absolutely you with the problem.

Like I said, if you were to join a basketball team made of strangers and proceeded to stay in your offensive half because you don’t like defending, the team would be rightfully angry at you, tell you to bugger off, and not play with you again. They have the capacity to find their own players, but that doesn’t make you any more right in joining a team with a social norm attached to it and then acting against that norm.


The argument was mostly around high end content. In high end content, everyone has to know the extent of their class, gear cannot carry someone through content (see prior example, 237 mage beating 289 mage because the high ilvl mage didn’t understand their class).

So whenever says, “Gear carried them” obviously knows very little about how PvE works because gear cannot really make up for a lack of ability. No one is saying, “Healers must be top of DPS charts!” It is rather, “If people don’t need healing, don’t idle around jumping and overhealing, do damage.”

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If you’re healers aren’t healing its because you are running content that is too low for your gear.

It’s literally what the dude said in the post.

There are basically three kinds of healers:

Healers who don’t want to DPS at all. They’ll stand there with 0 APM if there’s nothing to heal. Maybe mindlessly spam overheal, but never do damage. These are objectively bad healers.

Healers that try and balance healing/damage, while prioritizing their core role, these are the good healers you want in the group.

Healers that prioritize damage, risking wipes to parse higher. Basically DPS that want easier groups. These are bad healers, you don’t want these.

That doesn’t even happen in MDI. :roll_eyes:

I literally do 20s and can very easily find several seconds where I have nothing to heal.

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You’re claiming that you never play anything but a perfect run. Are you serious?

Stop being a drok. It’s embarrassing.

I’m going to write out a paragraph with some modular bits in it.

No matter how easy or difficult the content you’re running is, {playing well} will produce better results than not {playing well}. Now you are not required to {play well}, but if you don’t it will limit what content you can safely participate in and even if you go into that content, you won’t be as valuable to the group as you would be if you did {play well}.

It is rare that {playing well} will be the thing that makes or breaks low level keys. It is rarely necessary. But that doesn’t stop it from being a useful thing to learn. Any improvement-minded have many skills that they should refine in order to get better, and {playing well} is one of them.

In short, good players {play well} and bad players don’t. If you’re not that invested in being the best player you can be then that’s fine, you don’t need to {play well}. But it does mean that you are making a conscious decision to limit yourself as a player.

Now I want you to take every instance of {play well} in that section and replace it with a few other things… everything remains exactly the same. {do damage as a healer}, {use your defensives before taking damage}, {perfect your damage rotation and cooldown usage to maximize your damage}, {Use your CC and utility to limit mobs’ dangerous casts}, {do mechanics correctly and don’t stand in fire}. It turns out you can replace the modular bit with ANY example of good play and it’s all exactly the same. Doing damage as a healer is just another example of good play. Why are we focusing on it so hard compared to all the other examples of good play?

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You took it out of context.

If running +0~+10s with a skilled 302 ilvl bear druid, yeah, you don’t need a healer period and would be better off just running 4 DPS because you don’t need healers in M+ until you start pushing higher than that unless you are VASTLY undergeared for the content.

I think it’s mostly because there are some vocal proponents for saying bad play has a place in high level content and this topic seems to be focused on bad healers.

Players choice.
It should not be expected of healers to dps.

I agree. Expectations for players will vary depending on the level of content they are attempting. I cannot force people to be good players, but I won’t say that they are good players when they are demonstrating bad play habits. And I aim to only invite good players to my team.