People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

or my healer just is significantly better player than any of you scrubs complaining here.

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No dude, you’re just bad at your role.

Any party where a healers miserable DPS potential is topping the charts is a clear indication that you are a bad player.

yup I’m definitely bad that’s why I dont need a healer to keep me alive so he can dps he’s heart out rather than waste every gcd healing me :wink:

Or the healer knows how to play his class and know how to actually dps and heal at the same time while I do a 4-5pack pull.

if the dps was better healers wouldn’t have to dps it’s pretty much that simple. i’ve never seen one group doing high keys whine there healers ain’t dps’n. who are all these people supposedly whining about it. sounds like another made up story by the forums.

If you don’t need a healer its because you are letting the gear play the game for you.

it don’t sound stupid hun. i have never seen not one group telling healers they need to be dps’n doing high 20’s. and i look at the meters and the healers sure ain’t dps’n see how stupid you sound?

where does gearing stop? +15. What level key do I do now? If you want to compare ilvls there is a certain hunter here that has the same ilvl as I have and yet stuck at +15. But hey keep crying about it. I get it. Not everyone can play well that they’re not a burden to the group.

Actually nevermind, just stay in lfr since that’s probably your limitation :wink:

Dude turned off his profile in the middle of this conversation.


because you dont need to tell them :person_shrugging: those healer are already dps-ing on those keys. A +20 healer will do every explosive orbs while keeping everyone alive on a consistent pulsing dmg pulls



Yeah, they probably don’t realize that whenever someone starts talking about M+, people generally check, not the armory.

I am just a casual but even I pushed KSM 15s~19s for S1, 2, and 3 and I never once seen a healer not DPS.


I agree. But I’ve seen what… five threads now arguing that we all acknowledge that healers don’t have to play well and I’ve not seen a single thread for DPS.

If you make that thread then I’ll comment in it. I’m just wondering why healers are the only role we have to go out of our way to justify bad play for. Bad players are a drag on the group no matter which role they play.

Edit: to clarify, the reason healer damage is good isn’t to make up for bad DPS players. It’s because more damage is good. The better the DPS players are, the less the healer has to heal and the more they’re able to do damage.

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I mean I can’t agree w/ that. Because when you have those really good dps in your group then the healer has absolutely nothing to heal outside unavoidable dmg. And I have been on those runs w/ monster dps and I remember healer telling us to take some damage :rofl:

Yeah. I had to edit my post because I realized I accidentally agreed with something different from what I thought. I thought they were saying that if DPS played better then healers could damage more - which is true. I don’t agree that healers should do damage to “make up” for bad DPS.

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DPS that don’t play well are very, very easy to notice. Just the other day, we had a 237 ilvl Fire mage out DPS the 289 ilvl fire mage in a Workshop run, the 289 ilvl fire mage was just THAT bad. Which was funny because the only notable damage in the group was me at 280, the tank at 282, and the healer at 273 carrying one super undergeared DPS and a really bad DPS through a +12.

No one defends bad DPS players, similarly, it is silly to defend bad healers/tanks.


Requires the use of RaiderIO and/or you run in a group with other players using RaiderIO.

Not the gotcha you think it is.

I’m really rude to those bad dps. I hate getting them when pugging. You’ll hear snarky comments from me saying 1 of these days you’ll outdps me as a tank. Obviously this is on keys where I invited them because they have high IO and what not. Or they have pretty high ilvl for the content I’m doing.

Believe it or not, that is incorrect.

Anyone can look you up on that site, click “Update Character” and bam, if you did a M+, it will register it.

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Not according to the RaiderIO documentation I just read for confirmation.

that doesn’t make any sense at all. You know that raiderIO will auto add any toon that has done a M+ key. What it doesn’t do is link together alts and main until you create an account w/ them and link your bnet account