People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

What you’re missing is player capability at that level. Everything will hit harder but same time tanks play better that you dont need to babysit them all thru out the run. DPS knows priority target that you dont even need to put a skull for them to hopefully kill and knows what the priority interrupt and help healer by using their defensive to keep themselves alive. Thus open up healer not needing to do much healing.

Damn I have more alts than I remember. It’s hard keeping all those personalities straight. You know how hard it is to write up a whole post on one toon and then read it back and go, “you know this really is more of a Reshyk-style post.”?

The DPS dont run out of stuff, dont intercept but try to be higher on the meter than the next guy.

This causes a lot of stress to tanks and healers and since even with that terrible playstyle their DPS is too low for certain encounters, healers are now also supposed to DPS, while tanks have to constantly be on the run, fetching the next bunch of mobs.

Why do we even have DPS in our groups, if healers and tanks are supposed to carry all the weight anyways?

Bad DPS are just as much of a drag on a group as bad healers. If you make a thread about it I’ll say as much but for someone reason the only role everyone wants to justify bad gameplay for is the healer.

I will play how I want. The community standards can suck a lemon. As long as content gets done. I could care less of your two cents. We are not friends. We are using each other for content. Nothing more or less. If grouping with me means things are slower for you. So what? Your time does not have that much value because you are playing a game. Get over yourselves.

My guild’s Realm First kills in MoP nine years ago had videos from our healer’s perspective. When they weren’t healing, they were DPSing and that was even when we were running 2-2-6. It had nothing to do with FF14.

Healers are incentivized to DPS if they are not healing even in WoW. Yes, even in M+ dungeons. Yes, even in Mythic raiding. A baby healer that sits on their hands and has free GCDs or wastes time overhealing is inefficient.

Ok sociopath, chill.

Most people grew up with parents to educate them on how to act with others. Some weren’t so lucky. Doing your best in a team game with 4 others relying on you is one of those things most people learn in childhood. Your parents must have been like “nah… Screw em all! You don’t like defense, that’s fine! You go stand under the goal and wait for them to pass to you!”

The majority of people would quietly finish the run, then happily never invite you again.

These threads are so weird. I don’t remember the last time I pugged at any level or content where a healer just didn’t do dps. Is there some correlation with such people and the forums? Why is there so much noise over something I never see in game? Healers not doing dps is just not a thing in my in game experiences.

People pay to play this game, not just you. Stop trying to find a reason to blame other people for your frustrations, or find a guild that will live up to your expectations. So much useless whining about the game, when people can play how they want. Besides, if the boss hits enrage timer and you think it’s the healers not dpsing, you’ve got another problem developing.

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I have no idea which group if people you are addressing, since it could equally apply to both. Needless to say, it’s a stupid argument.

Would you say the same thing to a tank who refused to do anything but cast heals in a dungeon? Or maybe a dps who decides to level their crafting mid run?

Very clearly, there are collectively understood expectations on what people should be doing in group content. You can carry all sorts of bad players through any but the most cutting edge content; healers not doing dps happen to fall on the lighter side of that group. Make no mistake though; they are firmly in it.

It has nothing to do with being lazy and everything to do with if I wanted to play DPS I would have rolled DPS.

There’s a popular adage over in a certain other MMO I think should take root more firmly in WoW: “The only important hit point is the last one.” Some people are so paranoid about not being topped up at all times and would rather have a healer constantly overheal than contribute some outgoing damage during periods of low or predictable incoming damage.

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If you wanted to play the game you would be pushing higher keys with lower ilevel gear so that it wasn’t such a faceroll you healer had nothing to do but DPS.


Nice denial that you aren’t pushing as hard as you need to push and are just letting your gear play the game for you.

Yeah I’m not obsessed with watching progress bars so that I can wank the epeen.


Keys aren’t hard unless you start pushing 20+, regardless of gear. If a healer does 0 DPS, chances are, they won’t be in those keys so generally the argument of who is pushing what is irrelevant as there would be no overlap.

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cool another do not invite on the list

oh come now… don’t pretend you aren’t flush with dopamine as your DPS meter pushes to the top of the list.

It’s no secret, we all know.

It seems like Healers have been doing less healing for the last few expansions. All (I think all) classes have their on personal heals which they cycle in their rotation. I haven’t used a Health pot in AGES. The design on Blizz is kinda forcing Healers to be as much a Healer DPS as it is making a DPS do healing Healer. Rogues with their own heal is clown shoes if you as me. Leech is one thing.

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funny my healer friend says the same thing as he beat every dps on aoe pulls :wink:

if your healer is topping the dps charts its because the rest of you are bad at DPS. No wonder you need your healer to DPS for you.

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