People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

People are really out here saying anything. In the current best group log for the most Patchwerkesque fight this XIV tier (Agdistis savage if people want to factcheck me) if you add both healers and both tanks together you still come up with less than 30%. On no planet is that 50% of the damage, the only time that healers + tanks are contributing that much total party DPS are the normal mode LFG fights where raiders have ~30 ilvls on the randos and the randos are also eating paste.

“Illusion of choice” is a common thing in WoW because Blizzard class design is borderline tyrannical in following a set vision for how the devs want a spec to look and perform. Even if the players like it, if it doesn’t suit Blizz’s vision, it’s gonna be put back on the track.

Edit: Worded this poorly. Basically, all the choices, wants, and desires a mere player could have for their spec ultimately falls on deaf ears.

But also,

Yeah this. I’m a bit fatigued with this topic.

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I understand you eat crayons, but im gonna try to teach you something really interesting about mythic raiding:

We play a spec that performs, not what we want
We clear the content, and hate life by the end
We are now free to play w/e we want, including stupid alts
We take our alts through normal, heroic, m+ or even collect endgame stuff!

You’re not even 1/48th as intelligent as you think you are buddy.

I wouldn’t do this in a video game unless I was getting paid.

I generally gravitate towards the better performing of my class’s specs, but if they told me to play arcane mage, for example, that’s when I’d head out. (Sorry arcane mains.)

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well im being hyperbolic. Jailer was literal cancer and has jaded me.

Go ahead, I’ll wait for your evidence that I am incorrect. Why, great Aeyon, do we Flame Shock before LL if we want to snapshot? Is it
 perhaps because it refreshes and applies to nearby enemies when we LL a Flame Shocked target? Perhaps because a core part of AoE is tab target applying Lashing Flames? You seemed so interested in educating me when you brought it up initially, surely you have the answer.

Not sure why you would bring up WW otherwise. It was completely out of left field, meant presumably to show how much you know. I don’t play WW, so I wouldn’t even know to confirm.


It’s a simple search on tools you should be quite familiar with.

You’re attempting to be dismissive, despite having shown I know a fair bit about what I actually choose to comment on. When I’m wrong, I own up. You should take notes.

To my recollection I’ve said I’m somewhere between. I’m not bad at the game by any means, but I certainly don’t put in the sort of effort someone like Raiimir does. His M+ record is stellar.

What an insane amount of word salad. You haven’t even said whether you’ll use crafted gear, which is not at all related to whether you have the profession. You’ve got a guild to do Mythic raiding with, right? You’ll be fine, no need for questing gear in your first M+, since you’ll be skipping the first two weeks of dungeons like you alluded to in that thread.

Are you really sure you want to continue doing this?

If you weren’t such an egotistical landmine, i’d be happy to help you. Your hostile attitude towards this advanced stuff is just gross.

Uh Mythic raiding and M+ aren’t the same thing. Not sure if you knew that.

You’ve been told this about 10 times now, but the toon i run through mythic is what we need, not what I want to play. This doesnt translate to the toon I’ll use for m+, but may if im REALLY lucky.


Its like watching someone trip over their own shoe-laces, asking me “YOU SURE YOU WANNA FIGHT ME BRO?”

just stop

You mean if you had evidence, you’d floor me with it. Unfortunately you messed up, like many times before, and are too stubborn to admit it.

Until you cover that first point I’m not wasting my time on anything else you wrote. This has gone beyond entertaining, it is now me contributing to some mental health issue you have.

Geee, why might Aeyon not go into avid detail on a public forum about something that 541 casuals might interpret as an exploit 

I wonder what can of worms this could open 



but as usual, I give you the benefit of the doubt to be semi-intelligent, but you walk into the same wall 
 three times.

Yeah, make sure you get that in there at the end as if it makes you look correct, amongst an essay of contradictions lol

Go grey-parse your way through DF so i can come back in 6 months and post them out of the blue in some random thread.

“Interpret as an exploit” lmao. Tell you what. Tell me which ability you think lets me snapshot Flame Shock, and I’ll test it right now.

Why is that funny to you? What about that is funny? Do you have any idea how the concept of exploits has interacted with classes before an incoming raid? Some horrible, some ignored, some just delayed.

This shows me you really haven’t looked into this world, nor its history.

You want me to admit when I was wrong, sure:
I was wrong to think I saw a scrap of potential in you. For that, I apologize.

stay grey~

Every conspiracy theory you cook up has been hilarious to me, I just don’t frequently type out “lmao” or “lol”.

Which ability, Aeyon?

Tanking and by extension healing is going to harder in DF, you arent going to see alot of dpsing healers outside of keys greater than 15+. As a mistweaver who isnt fistweaving, every GCD is going to be spent casting soothing mist at someone in preparation for both spike damage/and to increase survivability, not to mention healing any chip dmg. Any downtime is spent saving up mana. I honestly wonder if alot of people are even having fun playing? Do these people just be angry till they can wave their epeen?

If you have down time as a healer you ether

A. out gear that dungeon/raid/mythic
B. tank is pulling slow
C. both

If you want to do sub par dmg and heal, might as well bring a ret paladin instead of a healer to push faster.

Stop spreading propaganda that supports your lazy play style. Healers should be minmaxing their dps and healing. That has been the case for 18 years.

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Leave my pet battles alone, they require more effort into them than being a lazy healer.

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It’s easy to tell the players who never healed a 15+. If your dps isn’t cutting it that’s it. Healer Dps is nothing. Also I’ve had 15+ keys where the healer is so worried about Dps I end up having to heal myself full time as a tank.The stigma of healers needing to do insane Dps needs to die.


Yeaaah Na.
I love my holy priest, but I’m not going to sit there doing nothing at all and just to wait for someone to take a little damage. Much rather be, you know, contributing to making the dungeon or raid or whatever else I’m doing in a group, go faster by slinging some Smites, Holy Fires and Chatistises around than just sitting there doing nothing or just doing ridiculous overhealing, especially when I can leave minor stuff to a few Renews and instant cast AOEs.

I don’t get this idea of Healers not doing dps. Like, do you WANT to sit there doing nothing when you can do SOMETHING and make the entire thing go even a little bit faster? Because when I’m healing I sure as hell don’t


Thats not how any of that works, lol.

First of all, it doesnt matter who does the damage as long as its done, be it healer, tank or dps. Doesnt mean everybody shouldnt try to pull their weight on it. If you got free downtime to use your damaging spells, there is no reason not to.

Secondly, if tanks require actual healing, not just some light healing here and there right now “Frankly, thats a skill issue”.

While its more easier for tanks to understand, you mitigate, same goes for dps. You mitigate damage, you use health pots, lock cookies, etc. Anything which isnt on GCD before you even need healing, unless you are bout to get to a point where you need those tools to live, which just doesnt happen in a 15.

The idea of healers being some sacred creatures, who just sit and look pretty when there is nothing to heal needs to die. If you aint gonna contribute to best of your ability, idk why I would like to play with you beyond “charity” keys.

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I gotta ask, as someone who never played past wrath and randomly saw this pop up, ive heard about all the mythics and such so i have a general idea but are they all just a dps race, like no actual challenge for healers? Like the higher you go, the more difficult it is for dps but healing becomes so easy you’re expected to dps? Sounds like a really lazy way to make it more difficult. Maybe im missing something, let me know.