People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Either you can’t read, or you eat crayons for a living.

yea but like those aren’t hof logs

i wanna see the hof logs

I mean good luck. He never made it past Inerva.

gonna take a deep deep breath, and just try to remember that people like you need to be treated as soft cute little animals.

breathing deep now.

feeling better.

one more.
breathing deep again.

ok. We’re good.

Anxxy, please don’t butt into a convo unless you know what the people are discussing. For this particular subject, we were talking about an alt i used (the one you’re obsessing over) that carried another person Snowpine and I had engaged with. This has nothing to do with mains or mythic or anything hardcore.

one more deep breath.

k. we good.

They need to stop thinking this is ff14…

Groups i run with healers dont dps, its tanks and dps that does the damage.

Healers are to focus on keeping us alive at all cost.

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I just wanted to look at some logs, i don’t think im obsessing over anything. how rude of you.

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Thats different, the mage is a dps whose job is to dps. A healers job is to heal.

I’ve got two obsessed persons (one of which eats crayons) assuming said log has something to do with mains.

I dont need a third on the account he didnt bother reading the precursor.

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Always love when a Paladin posts things like these, as if Crusader Strike wasn’t part of the healing kit.

There’s no assumption, Aco is the main toon on that account.

It’s simply not a mechanic. There’s a reason you don’t open with LL. Many snapshotting mechanics were removed.

Is this irrelevant information what you were googling while not typing? Really, this is your holy grail?

You can do your own self-education on the word ‘accused.’ That one’s elementary, I’m not force feeding you.

Some do. It’s not helping you to die on this hill. Especially when your point before being called out was that you’d go into M+ with questing gear, only to backtrack later and say you use crafted gear. To your credit, .io checks out on that claim.

Yes. When you elaborate on a vague statement after the fact, that does in fact look like back-pedaling.

You keep making attempts to injure my pride, given its failure so far I’m confused as to why. Maybe my arrogance really just rubs you the wrong way.

Strange statement given .io disagrees with you here, though it’s moot given you admitted you use crafted gear instead. Speaking of not being quite as sharp…

We know what?

You even resort to messaging me again when it’s not me making a fool out of you for once. Presumably because I don’t play at as high a level as many here. That’s not much fuel for you, though, given I’ve never made the claim I do.

You can say it 10000 more times until you’re banned for spam, doesnt matter - its not the case. Sorry you can’t interpret achievement data properly.

Now go rethink how you spend your late nights.

You can try to gaslight all you want. Level 60 warlocks can’t do Exile’s Reach.

Should I start flagging every time you hijacked a thread to have a conniption about combining groups together? You are absolutely unhinged.


I have other classes dude. Dont make judgements or assumptions because of the alt I am choosing as my profile pic.

Also, just because Crusader Strike is, doesnt mean I like or agree with it. You’re being condescending and your post added nothing but to be a smartass, which is useless to the conversation.

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Literally the only healer in S4 that didn’t do damage to heal was Resto Shaman.

And they’d do damage by just unleashing Earth Elemental to help out the tank.

But you press it to be a good healer.

Facts aren’t condescension.

Ah so because a grey-parser doesnt know how it works, it must be false lol. Good logic. Utter denial will 100% improve your overall dps …

So now people are googling advanced mechanics. Couldn’t possibly be me trying to inform you I know a thing or two about advanced mechanics. Sadly, your ego and denial are too thick to penetrate.

Thus its GOOGLING and LIES, or something

uhh, pretty sure that Aco alt was ksm in season 1 as well? Not 100% sure honestly. Too lazy to check. Maybe my avid fanbase of creeps who research my alts can tell me what the io of Aco was in s1.

How is stating the fact that you’re a casual = attempting to hurt your pride lol. You’ve admitted you’re a casual. Am i not allowed to refer the very thing you’ve admitted?

Sounds like projection. Sorry you’re insecure about it.

oh look, Snowpine did that inferring thing again where me saying “IM GONNA MAX OUT MY PROFESSIONS” apparently means “IM GONNA MAKE GEAR FOR M+ VIA PROFRESSIONS”

actually im gonna be maxing out engineering and alchemy on my main, which has zero to do with gear for m+.

You really gotta stop that, it’s what defeats your own arguments the most often.

Man, you used to be fun to dance with, but you’ve really lost your edge today.

Dont give me the “facts dont care about your feelings”, I’m not an SJW snowflake.

You were being condescending.

I dont have to agree with the rotation, regardless if it helps my healing or not. I would prefer if Blizzard didn’t have dps abilities fixed in with the healers rotation. Thats the conversation here.

Even if they weren’t, like Resto Shaman, you’d still press Chain Lightning when there’s nothing else to do.

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omg! I made another alt after Aco?


How is this possible? It must be a lie! ITS ALL FABRICATED!?!


I concede Raiimir. You’re too dam sharp. You’re too dam smart. I cant win.


Yes, on an account that shows Aco’s raiding achievements, but not your super secret main’s.

Which is Aco apparently.