People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Make stupid claims, get your bluff called. Hard to believe anyone who thinks Flame Shock was snapshotting in Shadowlands is doing as much ‘epic DPS’ as they say they are.

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A good description, is that from your resume ?

There ya go again, undermining your own intellectual image.

This is literally how you rationalize:

“you must appease all my demands for proof, or you’re definitely hiding something”

Meanwhile people on the internet are literally like, “uh, who the hell are you to demand i change my own avatar lol?”

Imagine the ego to literally think like you. Jesus Christ lol

It isn’t much of an ego if I’ve been honest and open with myself, while you haven’t. You tell me I have a grey parse that I already knew about, I own up to it freely, even tell you to post it.

You claim to be mythic raiding, but won’t so much as breathe your main’s name and server, let alone post on it. The former even lets you lie, but you still dodge.

The difference is obvious.


Why would i post it? Unlike yourself, I’m not on some crusade to paint others (you) in a bad light. What exactly does posting your parses accomplish?

Well i’ve posted on a secondary alt as well, warlock named Aco that I used to carry that Dawnspirit guy and his guild to AOTC in season 1. Again, There’s not some grand conspiracy here - i use an avatar i wanna use because i simply wanna use it

Stop overthinking everything

Weirdly enough, I’m pretty sure someone did say I was Thallia a long while back.

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Nah you dont end every post with an emoticon, or publicly announce you’re putting every 2nd person on ignore.

You’re good.

Unable to provide anything substantial, so you again fall back on insulting others. This time people not even in the discussion.

Your post history is freely available to anyone willing to sift through your dumpster fire equivalent of one.

No one said there is. You did think I was using ‘mobs’ to like my posts, though, before you started the crusade you said you’re not on.

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He literally admitted it himself in the thread that is still up.


You can check all the runs and even find his name over and over and over again, with the same group i was pulling through.

You’re not as sharp as you usually are. Long day?

These are Heroic logs.

Is that your Mythic main ?

You’re 3 bosses into Mythic.

This is what happens when you try to join a discussion as a side-liner, and have no idea what Snowpine and I are discussing.

Save yourself the embarrassment, and keep the bench warm.

We’re not gonna talk about Hungering Destroyer.

You posted finally. However, there is a point of contention. You saw this coming, of course, because I was in the thread where you both admitted to and denied being Aco for the sake of trolling Thallia and Dawnspirit. Props for posting, though. Curious why you chose Nathria, but alas.

What name am I looking for, again?

Even on an off day I catch fewer Ls than you on a great day.

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S1 Heroic Hungering Destroyer at that.

So much for “I’m a big bad Mythic raider in a big bad Mythic guild”.

3/10M S1 guild.

Doubt that’s even his Main too. I feel I’ve seen Aco post on forums. This feels like impersonation.

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Additionally, am I to assume this is your guild? Your other runs show no guild.

Also nice sample size, though I do spot a 10% grey parse on your record. Since parses tell all. :wink:

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yeah, but no.

Groups and other groups and all that

I had to do HOF as a spec i didnt wanna play, so when it was over, played what i actually wanted to lol. If you remember in season 1, destro was like C-tier as AFF was S-tier.

This is the alt I met Dawnspirit and his guild in during some pug, and we got along to the point of me helping them get AOTC, and then even 3/10 on mythic. They were a very casual guild, so it was impressive to see them get that far.

By season 2 and 3, this game was so utterly bad I didnt spend a minute on any alts. Just clear mythic and quit.

So if I push this fun ol’ update button, I should see those Mythic clears, right?

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Im getting frustrated at someone who I thought was at least average intelligence, not understanding the concept of an alt vs a main.

Can I see your main’s logs, pretty please?

So you chose to post an alt, as what? A compromise? I give you the option to fudge it entirely, and instead of sending me something with substantiation you send me an alt?

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