People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

that’s funny

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TLDR and dont care.

I know, all you care about is trolling and wasting people’s time. It’s been evident since last night.

TLDR and dont care

You can do it via your legendary sprinkles and rainbows approach, but still do it.

That does not include “its a low key, who cares”.

It works, and makes you friends to boot. You should try it. Especially since kicking someone and typing angry nothingburgers to them is a waste of time, a big no-no in time management.

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Yeah its funny. Playing hardcore, even in low keys with disgustingly epic dps seems to have people always auto-adding me, which is how i met my mythic guild and m+ team

In short, you seem to attract the right attention when not engaging in sprinkles and rainbows

But if being an LFR-Andy with grey parses makes you happy, you do you.

Not being a spastic child with no evidence of the claims you make does not prevent you from also doing good damage. Post my logs, take 36 or something.

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Of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most.

you can tell yourself w/e you’d like buddy

the reality is, people add other people who are good at the game. Im always adding tanks and healers who go above and beyond.

thats how you network in this game.

Hard concept, I know.

I thought they were adding you? The connotations are quite different.


Yeah, unfortch, that doesn’t include level 74 Classic warriors.

everyone adds each other.

Keep trying to play mental gymnastics in some cute attempt to cop-out out of the fact that your grey parses are due to a very good reason:

Rainbows and Sprinkles

then you have the utter audacity to say, “LOL im thinking about doing some harder content in DF!”

you can’t make this crap up.

I’m not known for doing mental gymnastics. In fact, I’m quite blunt despite your description of how I handle people.

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Address the context or not at all. Thanks.

When you’re done frothing at the mouth over what avatar people use on the forums, please like the rest of Snowpines’ posts, you forgot a few above that other one.

The irony. How about that main and server? Or that guild you sarcastically asked if I’d be raiding with? Or my logs with the grey parses on Heroic SFO? I’ve asked many times, only for them to not be addressed.

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There’s an easy way to not have people talk about your Avatar.

Post on your main if you’re gonna boast about Scarab Lord and dual wielding Corrupted Ashbringers.


Oh look, another irrelevant poster who thinks everyone needs to change their own personal settings to appease their demands of proof!

Gonna give ya a shocking piece of news: The world doesnt revolve you, and we can post on whatever toon we like.

There’s not some deep-seated reason for it either - people just like what they like.

Do better.

Whole lot of opinions in here just reinforcing why I don’t heal or tank pug groups lol