People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I like to call them zombies. I just hear a lot of noise.

What Alts? :laughing:

Which is why you dont do more hardcore content.

The 40% stam buff will dictate healers dps, or be kicked. Its so simple, its almost scary.

all the ones you are using in this thread

Healers have been dpsing since cata,
I remember leveling my alt and this healer we were partied with was third best dps, and no one died,
Granted mythic + and raids are different story

But we need more healers and if that means they dont dps then i dont care, i dont have a gf to force into a healer role

I’m sure me not worrying if a healer DPS’s a low key I could do with me and one tank is why I’m not pushing beyond 15. Very astute and intelligent conclusion.

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Damn, Blizzard must’ve increased the character cap to 158 toons then. That’s a lot of alts i have. All 1K replies.

that’s funny

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I’ve been accused of being people’s alts before.

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I can handle it just fine, when they aren’t just wasting people’s time with strawmen like “You must kick healers!” based on a single post by a classic toon in a 2000 post thread.

You’re not disagreeing with me, you’re trolling multiple threads on this topic to create arguments.

I’ll play devils’ advocate even more : not all raid fights require interrupting things.

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you are one of the alts

Remember this thing we talked about last night called ‘time efficiency’?

Now, try to apply that to even a low key and maybe you’ll realize why a healer dpsing in even a low key is still beneficial.

We all know you’re Aeyon. Cats out of the bag.

Yes, your strange terminology for the well-known time management.

Why would I waste my time getting angry about someone not DPSing as a healer in a key I don’t need rating from?

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so they learn and stop wasting other peoples’ time. Rinse and repeat this process amongst everyone, and you’ve instantly cured the “LOL IM HERE TO HEAL, NOT DPS” crap.

This is your reason to get angry at people? In the hopes they’ll take your kneejerk spergism to heart?

Im not but I honestly dont give two figs what you think. Toodles :v:

you are Reshyk, Raiimir, Anxxy, Snowpine, Rita, and Thallia, and there are a bunch more.


You are. From the way you talk, you’ve never seen the inside of a key. You literally argue with people who have massively more experience, and then you argue some more against logs, and then you argue even more against class design.

Healers do damage. Period. Your position of “Healers should only heal” is untenable and unrealistic.

Thank you, I burst out laughing.

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