People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Yeah, i remember it. Shadowpriest rolled as a healer few times. Awesome DPS in fact, but we wiped becoz the Healing was horrendous. I remember i kicked one of them from the guild.

I agree, Blizzard should remove any dps related buttons from healers so people can stop singing and dancing about it. Harassing and pressuring people to play your way is not getting anything done.


When I play healer, I just heal. No DPS. If you want me to heal you, deal with it (the only spells on my hot bar are healing spells).

Iā€™m not looking to min-max my time and effort, Iā€™m looking to have fun playing the game.

Some of yā€™all take this game way too seriously.


No, I auto attack

And you have fun standing around for periods of time when no healing is needed? Not judging, just curious, i could never do it.


Huh? I mean, chad move, butā€¦?

Confused Hpal noises


Wait until you see me outdps an outlaw rogue

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I havenā€™t healed much in end game content yet (it was mostly just leveling from 10 to 60, so lots of dungeon runs) so not sure what healing in endgame content is like, but I found there wasnā€™t a whole lot of healing downtime (depending on the tank).

But I do prefer standing around when no healing is needed, monitoring the team so that when healing is needed everyone gets healed, as opposed to DPSing when playing healer.

Would be nice to have more buffs though that I could use rather than just heals.

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To be fair Sage is basically a disc priest old school and new school. Shield heals similar to good old PW:shield and Kardia which is attonement.


See, I find that whole statement strange and foreign lol, I usually level as the tank and barely ever need healing in dungeons and usually the healer is the top dps in low level content.

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I wish Kardia was like Atonement. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I am not the tank and canā€™t tell them what to do.

I am also not the healer but they better do their job and me and my 2 friends or we gonna kick them.

Ironic the healer not only has to heal, but they have to make up the difference because none of the DPS can handle their only role

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Wait a minuteā€¦

Youre not the tank so cant tell them what to do.

But, youre not the healer either- yet youre willing to tell them what to do. Wheres the logic? Wheres the consistency?

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lol no. Not even close. I do savage raids in FFXIV and I can tell you for 100% fact that tanks and healers do not make up 50% of the DPS.

Where are you people getting this stuff?

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So is the DPS not using any DPS cooldowns at all by that low bar.

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If thatā€™s happening a lot, then try doing harder content, just saying.

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Well, perhaps. I would say the DPS isnt doing their jobs then. Cooldowns arent insignificant damage.


How so ? Youā€™re and I quote :

Holy paladins be like: Am I a joke to youā€¦

Blizz is trying to gear holy towards cast healing soā€¦
But I like DPSing to heal, but I donā€™t think itā€™s ultimately necessary for healers to focus on DPSing unless theyā€™re doing higher end keys and whatnotā€¦