People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

In that case I hope they step on a leggo and fall down the stairs.

Then they probably aren’t in a key level where this even becomes an issue anyone talks about. No one here is out to kick healers for not doing enough DPS.

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The game doesn’t actually know you’re new and doesn’t make your Riptide tick for less based on your /played.

If anything, leveling, healers will be taught to DPS as leveling dungeons aren’t exactly known for their high levels of DTPS.

My first time healing an M+, I was still able to do damage. It wasn’t frequent, and I wouldn’t say I was satisfied with it, but it wasn’t like I was always on the back foot trying to keep people up.

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We know, Snowpine

As I recall, this is against CoC for the forums. Just letting you know, not going to report you myself.

You could always post those logs you’ve latched so hard onto like I told you to. Or are you afraid it doesn’t paint the same narrative “haha grey parse” does?


Thallia can offer you some great tips on the whole, “i use the report system both as a weapon, and as a point of argumentation”

You’re like her prodigy.

who are the alts lol

I neither argued nor weaponized. No need to put the tin foil hat back on, no one has even liked my post yet!


No one likes nor respects a conspiracy theorist.

Then dont bring up that crap ever again. It’s not fun to make light of something that actually plagues the forums.

I mean tbf, they can be rather entertaining lol

when you get to high key mana control is hardly a thing. Know why? Because people done get hit with stupid. They know how to avoid mechanics

I wish that’s the case. The amount of interrupt use on tha content >.>

nah I dont play much >.>

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I mean, he’s not wrong.

Lots of “hot takes” from people on alts in this thread, usually all completely detached from the actual reality of the game.

Including some level 50 dks.

I agree that you do.


Well when the truth is sadly being covered


Sometimes their all we got left.


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Gaijinn and I are here to like your posts.

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honestly, even in low keys its pretty helpful generally and can mitigate the time to get through the dungeon. Do they have to? No. they can take their time, but a good portion of people are doing it for the loot. Maybe the first few times is a learning experience but other than that its just gearing.

You cant handle that other people disagree with you. It must be alts! It cant be that this many people disagree with me!

For sure, but I’m not going to question it. A lot of people just autopilot low keys.

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I’m gonna play devil’s advocate and say that for organized groups, healer kick is not always necessary and the points can be allocated somewhere else. That depends on dungeon and comp, though. In pugs, the extra kick is always nice, but most groups have fared fine without a traditional healer interrupt.

They’re beyond mandatory for tanks and all DPS should have them anyway, though.

you are insufferable on all your alts