People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Yea you’re right. Either you understand or your dumb :person_shrugging:

Sorry karen wont do it again

I feel like this is a cry for help. Nod twice if you’re being threatened

No m+ achievements, havent got past M0. Yup you sure know about M+ and what’s needed to time keys

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Weird, are M+ achievements not account wide? I just made this Warrior last week. Oh well

Ok karen whatever you say :wink:

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Oh no he’s being threatened again, quick someone call social services

yup call 911 karen. Coz that’s what karens do right :wink:

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Alright well that’s enough of this farce, usually most trolls have a little more material to go through before they devolve into complete nonsense

I don’t know why players are trying to tell other players how to play if you’re not wiping due to lack of healing then the healer is doing its job based on role. The only main huge exception I see is monks because a large portion of their healing is revolved around fist weaving,

I’m seeing a lot of casual people complain about healers not DPSing and comparing it to easy 15s I would understand if you’re pushing 25s upwards of 30 keys but we’re talking about 15s… Where you can bring in two people who contribute nothing and still time the key… That can literally be said about 20 too.

People are complaining about just about anything they can complain about at this point.

At this point I see only one possible solution that will solve 99% of all of your problems don’t PUG!!! if you’re so good find a guild or make a guild and fill it/play with people on your skill level. But see most of you wont, because you like to have the elitist attitude but don’t like it when others have that same attitude towards you.

It’s still the way today, done by the same people years ago and now too, that people are the BAD PLAYERS.

Don’t tell me how to play and use Breath of Sindragosa then.

I like having the talent and not using it.

It’s there on my bars, cozy and well off cooldown.

It would provide the same amount of DPS on its own that a healer would. But since the healer isn’t doing damage, neither is Sindragosa. She deserves her beauty sleep.

Why you complaining about my low damage ? We timed the key.

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There you go getting all confused again, you’re a DPS, in a group consisting of two other DPS. If you are contributing far less than the other two of the same role then you are doing what we call not pulling your weight, which people view as a reason to criticize how you play. Congratulations you timed the key, and you should feel ashamed at the overall damage because you basically got carried. You’re not unique you’re a pretty common type of player, I sell keys to noobs like you all the time. You’re welcome

You telling me how to play bro ?



Oh I see now I’m speaking to a non-endellectual type of person, thanks for letting me know I’ll be ending the conversation here you have a nice night.

Got to love the dumbass players who try to troll. Just to end up looking stupid.

Good, wouldn’t want you to tell me how to play! I do what I want.

You still telling me how to play ?

We timed the key bro. Why are you complaining about my cooldown uptimes ?

Like the healers not doing damage did aye?

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If you’re going to use my logic, then actually use my logic. I have very little patience for this sort of fallacy you were presenting that everybody else on your side was using, so you ought to be grateful i didn’t dismiss your entire point from there considering you were bringing up a valid enough point, since it’s something i also believe in.

Get it? Got it? Good.

If you’re looking for an answer for that inquiry, i can’t tell you for the life of me why Blizzard has decided to make interrupts an optional talent. Especially in content, mostly previous content that requires it, and we have been accustom to it being (mostly) baseline for the past 18 years. Something that’s intrinsic to the experience ever since.

Meanwhile, it’s fairly obvious on why Blizzard move towards roles like Healer being secondary DPS because of popular modes like Mythic+. Mythic+ is timed, there’s affixes, and each dungeon gets harder and harder, and there is a point where not even all 3 (4 counting the tank) people DPSing would be enough. We will have our disagreements or agreements, how vehemently may be, but we can all see on why Blizzard was doing it.

All i can tell you, whatever answer you’re wanting from me and/or you seem to got from this, currently mulling over and categorizing as, should at least come with the caveat that none of the 2 reasons why things the way they are by Blizzard, are the same.

I make no pretenses about Blizzard and their ideas for their games (or on anything else for that matter) being ridiculously 1-2 hit/miss ratio as a late, because i think putting interrupts as a talent was, and is a silly idea. Something i disagree even more then Healer DPS being the norm, because interrupts is in more of the game then just dungeons/raids.

The Taxed Largely; Didn’t Rent Version is… It was a stupid idea for Blizzard to make them optional talents.

Even Solo play, and LFR needs interrupt.

Controversial opinion, i know, but people tend to forget that these 2 things aren’t always easy enough to just melt mobs down though raw DPS alone. Especially though leveling alts.

Except she does. Adilith’s Armory shows her highest M+ being 23+ with the rating of M+ 2551, while you don’t seem to have any on your character Baoleng. And the only thing worth of note you got was Keystone Challenger, while Adilith got the Keystone Master.

If that’s not your main Bao, then you would’ve been better served to used that toon when you started writing that, instead of on this toon.

So you ought to back off with that.

Oh no, dont get me wrong for alot of healers damage is good for them im just saying that every little bit adds up. Especially in a game like wow.

These are very low amounts of mana but when you get to high end content mana control is a valid concern. As for drinking? I can do damage and heal in dngs nowadays and stay above 80% the whole time so thankfully it isnt as much of a problem as it could be.

This! This cannot be said hard enough! People of all ages and backgrounds play this game. Maybe someone is learning to heal and they may need to focus a little extra to keep up with everyone.