People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Kind of overstating the value of healer dps. Its 5% of the total damage across the entire run.

To be clear, that was just a random guild I chose. I’m not sure what the average contribution is.

5% of a 30+ minute timer is several minutes, and 5% overall can mean wildly different things depending on when the damage is done. I.E. if you shave two minutes off bosses or kill trash 20% faster, that’s a huge contribution. See: Ashen Hallow in Season 1 or HPriest during S3/S4.

Also, usually it’s like 10-15% or so.

Last night I did a run as Holy and a run as Disc both i was trying to dps as much as I could but Holy pumped with decent damage where as Disc’s damage was so poor while doing what should be more damage. Dont always worry about the healers damage sometimes their spec isnt scaled well and if you are still alive keep on truckin.

Lets assume for the sake of argument we are talking bout 15s for people who those are high. There really isnt constant damage flying out enough to result in no downtime from healing, which means healer should throw some dps out too.

If its a group who can barely time the 15, healer not dpsing will brick the key. In reality chances are due end of season + it being max vault there are higher tier players joining and carrying the dps so this is more of theory than reality till we get to bit higher keys where you wont get “free carries” from better players as they get nothing outta it.

However I am not talking bout numbers, to me its more bout the intention. If you try to put some dps as a healer I am generally happy as this means you arent just sitting there semiafk when you got nothing to heal. Learning good habits on lower keys make doing higher keys easier in the future too.

Idk, its just mind boggling to me people would argue against dpsing during downtime. Is it required to complete a 15 for example? No but if you arent pulling your weight for whats expected from healer dps, the dps will have to carry your worths of the dps check.

Ps. Nobody is arguing to risk the party by going too ham with dpsing.

People. Easily the worst part of WoW lol call me bad or lazy but everyone is taking the game way too seriously lol play with friends to avoid these clowns

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Thats false. I remember healers dpsing in MoP.

The whole thing is that it seems a lot of healers dont want to dps. I am one of them. I want to focus on healing and only healing, hence me being a healer.

I dont want to juggle between dps and healing.

During downtime I like to relax, take stock of the situation and ready up when I need to spam heal. Some people dont do well with stress and having those little breaks help.

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I push keystone hero as a healer and if you want to push well, healers do dps as well. Obviously you aren’t going to focus on dpsing while people are getting hit super hard. But if you have a toolkit for interrupts, dpsing and assisting your group…you do what you can to help. Even in mythic I see plenty of groups with one healer that focuses on dps and dropping their big cds when needed if things are on the brink for dps but the group still needs healing cds. Especially when you have downtime, why wouldn’t you help dps to beat bosses faster?


Look at it from another perspective. How much would you appreciate your mage pausing mid pull to lean back in his chair and ‘take stock’ of how the pull is going to determine what targets he needs to swap to after his little break? If you’re not super enthusiastic about other people taking a bunch of breaks every pull, why do you feel you should get to take those breaks every pull? I get that competitive content can be stressful, but it’s the same for everyone…if you’re not up for that kind of challenge, I can’t recommend you do it.


know what you’re right. I should also take a break and just wait for and asses the next pull. After all I’m a tank and people should wait for me :roll_eyes:

Yes, what did I say that was wrong ?

All 5 healers in S4 needed to do damage to even heal properly.

HPriests because of their tier set requiring the use of Holy Word: Chastise. Resto Druid because the meta was Necrolord with Adaptative Swarm, and the other 3 being Disc, HPal, Mistweaver that do damage to heal.

That’s the game. That’s how it works.

Oh yeah, the whole “I like to relax” mid encounter.

Ok, let’s all stop and relax then. The Fury warrior is a bit sore in the index finger after all.

I was just being sarcastic, healers have been doing DPS for a long, long time in dungeons.

If you don’t want to deal damage in dungeons or raids that’s fine, you just might not be a good fit for certain Mythic raiding and Mythic+ situations that are tuned for healers contributing DPS. Nothing wrong with not wanting to participate in that sort of content.

Which you’re not even going to use considering there’s no dedicated CC or interrupter, because that’s how Blizzard decided their roles: Everybody needs to CC and Interrupt on top of doing their own roles. :man_facepalming:

I wasn’t being sarcastic. Everybody have to CC and interrupt.

I’l excuse the frivolous “If it were actually that” condition argument, because this will just eventually fall under the “No True Scotsman” fallacy anyways… Something that the pro healer dps are no stranger of sadly,…
I will say that it’s stupid that Blizzard made Interupts talent choices when it should be baseline for everybody.

How? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…Like how is it bad to have more interrupts?..

You seem to think me thinking everybody must be CCing/interupting is the same as Healer must be DPSing, when those two things are different, and for a reason. One is one of your primary roles. The latter isn’t. If going by these pro-healer’s actual thoughts, it’s minor at mythic 0.

If i were in that group, i would start questioning the DPS…

I remember that, it was pretty fun back being a niche thing. Now adays, i just find myself being more of a proper monk healer, considering i find it boring to DPS in dungeons. (i only do it to complete or get stuff) At least not in this version of WoW honestly.

I didn’t say you were

In other words you can’t actually directly address what I said and so you’re going to dilute it in a way that’s easier to approach

Then why are most interrupts optional talents and why do some class specs not get one at all?

if you think interrupt is only an optional talent then you’re either a solo player, a lfr hero and an autoqueue andy. And any comments you can add to this discussion is irrelevant and misguided

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Several classes’ interrupts are talents, they do not get them by default. Having the ability to not spend the talent point on them means they are by definition optional

You want to talk about irrelevant and misguided try looking in a mirror

just because you they dont have it baseline doesn’t mean they are optional. Again you’re either a solo player, a lfr hero or an autoqueue andy which make what you say irrelevant and misguided. How about let the player who actually do the content discuss it. Coz you know they actually play the content and dont sit around and wait to be carried :wink:

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That’s literally the definition of optional. If it were mandatory it would not be a talent that can be skipped

Alright so why are you here then? You clearly don’t play this game in the first place if you don’t understand how talent trees work

learn to read between the line babe :wink:

sure thing karen

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There’s no “between the lines”. It is a talent that you have to choose to put a point in, or not. Therefor it is optional

I don’t think that means what you think it means