People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

This is you right?

I mean, doing damage in between damage events in raid encounters is mana efficient and most healers gravitate towards it in my experience. If I OOM, or get extremely close to going OOM, my brain immediately goes DPS mode because the boss dying is the greatest mana save there is.

Someone on his raid read the GD forums and told him that he would be kicked if he dont DPS so he DPS’d instead of healing. ROFL.

are you sure you ‘got it’?

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Yeah, Maybe its just the classic play in me now. Been off retail for a few months now. Personally I dig the old way of running instances. Where you knew a tank was good because of threat not damage. Healer was great because he kept everyone alive in a nutty pull. Dps was great because of damage, kicks and staying alive. Seems like now its just your good if you do a lot of damage.

No, ill take that back :smiley:

Doing a lot of damage is only at the surface level. There’s a lot more to what determines whether a player is really good or not, especially understanding the best CD usage (across all roles), utility (across all roles), and defensives (again, across all roles).


Agree. At that point threat is no longer a issue for tanks 99% of the time. Outside of special abilities healing isnt as big of a deal now. There is way more downtime in retail for healers that ever.

Genuine question, this is not to insult you. Are you ESL? It is sometimes hard to follow what you’re trying to say.


Jesus Snowpine

This was the context I was trying to point out. It’s true in both games. The rest of what OP said is a waste of a read.

I’m arguing with kids who get mad at healers who didn’t do damage. As long as they heal I don’t care what they do when there is nothing to do

Yup high end to some people i’ve went back and forth seem seems to be 15s and what not. And seeing some people talk about required dps for content like that is crazy. (again cool if the healer is doing damage) Personally for me I dont like the fact of tanks and heals doing the amount of damage they do. But that is just the way the game is now.

No, but I can understand why you’d feel I was.

Do you even know what ESL means?

Exceptional Snowpine Logic?

English as a Second Language.

Do better.

Agreed. And let’s take it one step further, honestly. Healers should be locked to their healing specs. It doesn’t make sense that a holy priest turns to the shadow for the purposes of lf levelling, after all.


They should introduce cosmic alignments, and Light spells can’t harm cosmically Lawful Good creatures.

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If this were ever created, I don’t think I’d ever runs keys with this spec. I’ll take a healer that can DPS normally over a healer that spams overheals to OOM every single pull any day of the week.