People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I agree with all this.

Where i differ on this is healers keeping up with dps and being required to pump those kinda numbers. Thats all.

No, I said Healers have always DPS’ed.

You inserted the word “have to”.

You don’t “have to” do anything.

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I thought we had a bond over sarcasm and wit? Did this one strike a nerve?

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That’s not my question. My question is and I repeat.

Do. You. Think. Doing. 20k. DPS. Won’t. Help. At. All. In. The. Long. Run.

Nobody is interested in your obsession with me. Please focus on the thread, and do not seek to derail it over me.

An audience of “self” is not a very fulfilling one.


“Know Thyself”

I’ve been talking about what the OP stated, You are going off whatever you “think” the conversation is. When you have read the OP maybe we can have a understanding of view. Until then this is gonna go in circles.

Just because you don’t want to or simply have not read the evolution of a topic doesn’t mean that evolution is absent.


If you have kept up with what ive been saying im talking about the OPs opinion not whatever rabbit hole you guys keep going down.

Then why do you keep responding to people having another discussion?

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snowpine and I love hiding in rabbit holes

Here buddy,
This isnt auto attacks this is required as you say.

“If you kept up with me you would have noticed I’ve been standing still and am still stuck on post 1 in a 900+ post thread”.

That’s never been a thing in WoW and healers needing to “pump” DPS only comes into play when

  1. Determining the healer meta for M+. What healer spec brings the most damage while still meeting healing checks?
  2. Healers trying to maximize their DPS in organized groups doing world-first keys. These healers want to maximize their DPS.

In pretty much every other case, there is no expectation that healers pump, just that they do what they can during downtime.


You mean people responding to me? I mean feel free to start another thread about something other than what this conversation is about.

Perhaps you should start a thread about this topic, too. Wouldn’t want to muddy OP’s point with discussions of how far a discussion should meander.

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Lolwat? Are you high? DPSing has nothing to do with FF14 and has everything to do with being COMPETENT. It’s called min/maxing, you fool, and if you’re not doing that, you’re not pushing keys or Mythic prog with any relevance

Yes This changed in legion when m+ came into the game. Im postive everyone this is thread is no where close to a world first level.

I being this back around to where I dont like the fact that healers and tanks doing the crazy amount of damage they do. (Per OP post) It is the way it is.

Make a thread about the same this OP made because
ahhh thats right staying on topic is hard for some. Got it.