People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

He doesnt understand our sarcastic and witty relationship Snowpine; he’s serious.

Poor Raiimir.

Wow, I missed so much.

I was here before you.

This thread was initially just an advertisement for FF XIV.

It devolved in a us, WoW players, saying “Yeah, Healers do have time to DPS and should use those GCDs for DPS” and peeps like you coming in and arguing against Strawmen.

Umm… no, OP, you’re literally incorrect. Healer DPS is valuable and if there’s nothing to heal a healer absolutely should be focusing on doing damage.

If a healer’s contributing a couple thousand DPS per pull in a dungeon, suddenly that entire dungeon is going by much more quickly. If all the healers are contributing damage on a fight like Mythic Anduin during the Remnant phases, they can effectively shave off another 3-4% of the boss’s HP across the entire fight (which is a huge deal).

Anyone who thinks healers shouldn’t try doing damage (read: IF THEY DON’T HAVE TO HEAL AT THAT POINT IN TIME) is living in the Stone Age.

That happens. And good healers still find time to contribute more damage even in the +30 range. Because, at the end of the day, the most effective way to heal damage is to prevent more damage from going out by killing the mobs before they do more damage.


No one wants to be a part of your obsession with me, keep it focused would you?

Again, this is a false statement, and by extension, false.

Imagine thinking this is a controversial take.

No, You were trying to make the fact that healers ALWAYS have had to dps. False. This is something that started back in legion to be a requirement in retail. And comparing a game to another can be fair criticism not advertisement, But of course before reading it you became a Karen (shocker) and reported before you knew the point of conversation.

Big difference of contribute and pumping as much as dps do consistently. But w/e healers are being phased out. That was clear as day when people were running 4dps and 1 tank because healers wernt needed no more.

In my opinion of course.

As suppose to what AFK-ing?

Regening mana? lol

The limiting reason for why you cant pull everything in “push keys”, whatever that level might be for you, is inability to kick/cc/stun everything thats needed with what you got tools for. And when casts, which need to be kicked, start going off healer just isnt gonna keep up with it even if they were focused on healing.

Generally controlled pulls arent really doing too much damage in higher keys as tanks dont really need heals and dps doesnt make their life purpose to stand in fire. Well, if they do stand in bad they just get 1shot meaning you werent healing that anyways. So what are you gonna do if there isnt much need for healing? Sit there and look pretty or contribute tot he success of the key?


The GD healer flow chart.

Is someone damaged?
If yes, heal them. If no, check your texts.



so AFK-ing. Gotcha

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Thats not the point hey i did a little but of dps compared to im doing 20k and dps is doing 50k . Because i pump as a healer.

and you think that 20k wont help overall?

The inevitable return of arbitrary percentage or flat number requirements that no one actually asked for.

This is what Raiimir is referring to when he says you’re strawmanning.


Hello, a few people seem to be looking for the correct answer so here we go.

Healers do not have to DPS while healing in raids or dungeons, but they should. Every little bit of DPS helps the group. Just like how DPS using defensives or CCing mobs help the healer and tank. If you feel like you don’t have the ability to heal and DPS, well then you got some cool stuff to work on. Healers in the top end are expected to DPS in some of the most healing intensive content. You 100% can do it in the content you do too.

At the end of the day you can play the game anyway you want. But if you want to get better probably should DPS a bit as a healer.


No see good healers healed with down ranked spells, healed when people needed heals. Didnt over heal to much because that was there role. Clearly you dont know anything about classic which is cool. Proves the point from the OP.

how has this thread gone 890 posts i don’t get it.

if there is downtime healers should be dpsing, obviously healers don’t have to dps like there isn’t a gun being loaded to their head but mana is very rarely and issue and often dps spells cost very little for healers so what else are you going to do?

doing dps makes the key go faster and idling does not.

there is no other discussion if you disagree you’re objectively wrong and shouldn’t be posting in here.

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That’s actually incredibly inaccurate. Maybe in LFR or normal lol

Pro healers let people take damage within the realm of safety to the next upcoming ability.

Best example of this would be Mythic Hungering Devourer on release; healers keeping everyone near topped resulted in wipes.

You heal when you need to heal, not simply because someone isn’t at full health.
