People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW


I donā€™t know why this is such a hard concept for these ā€œhardcoreā€ mythic+ players to understand.

Youā€™re not required to Lust either.

People still do it.

Again, I think youā€™re confused.

Thatā€™s literally all weā€™re saying.

Thanks for wasting our time arguing about it though.

5% is a long way from 40-50%

mate the goal post has move so far now itā€™s already in narnia

thereā€™s more variables than that though, because sometimes affixes prevent you from being able pull mobs that way :100:

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I mean resto shamans in shadowlands had a very good dmg kit in m+

There was times they could potentially TOP dps for trash packs in casual play m+

Earth ele + earthquake

I donā€™t know who said 40-50%. 5% is substantial, and makes a difference. No one needs to resort to hyperbole to prove that healer DPS is useful.

Iā€™m This is what the OP posted about.

Narnia actually called, the goalposts are gone and they canā€™t even find them anymore.


All I see is him saying that healers do 50% in FF. Nor was I responding to him.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
that made me laughed so hard

Again read the OP post. Iā€™ll wait.

I canā€™t, I reported it for spam for being a FF XIV spam thread no one cares about.

Weā€™re 870 posts in. OP is gone. Has been gone for more than a day.

You want to keep arguing in circles and combing through Classic logs that just further proves us right and makes you look foolish ?

This is an inaccurate statement, and by extension, false.

Healers and tanks do upwards of 50% of the dps of dps in FFXIV, in most high end groups if healers dont use globals on dps you simply cannot clear endgame content, its that bad, WoW is not ffxiv and dps doing 90% of the dps of healer, healers who try to focus globals on dps in M+ 15 or higher keys are only going to be blacklisted from keys for being a bad healer, remember what game youre playing before giving healers bad advice in high keys and mythic raiding.

So this is why your clueless. Makes sense. I pointed out healers didnt need to do damage. You said they did.

I already told you I couldnā€™t care less about your stupid cat girl game. Go play it if you want.

If you canā€™t write a post without mentioning that boring game, I wonā€™t read it.

Elaborate. Is it false that no one needs to resort to hyperbole, or false that healer DPS is useful?


I dont need this harassment in my ilfe.

My god, cratered in a single response by a desert rat.

Thatā€™s some top notch material right there.

Lol So you jump in conversations even though you donā€™t know what its about. You really are a special kinda kid. Kind of annoying but its ok,