People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

You’re talking Classic with the world buff meta, not Vanilla.

You don’t even need half your raid for Classic World Buff Meta.

Yeah and their healers wanded for mana.

Yeah, he did damage.

Proves me right.

Are you confused we care about the actual amount ?

40 people he was 37 in damage? lol prob cause the rogue and druid died?

Edited with top healing priest on patchwork.
that clear enough for you?

now who’s moving the goal post?

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Also, imagine using Classic, the completely watered down experience where everyone just slams through content, as a way to try to explain how the game was played in 2004 in actual pre 1.12 Vanilla where no one knew of the World buff meta.

Probably shadow.

you found 1. Cool I think i can scroll though the top 300 patchwork fights in classic and show healer damage didnt matter. It didnt matter back then. It matters now. The OP clearly stated healers doing 50% ish damage where it is required for healers to dps now.
are you people really that dumb?

Again you were wrong about back then. DaMagE iS DaMagE guY

No healer dmg doesn’t matter but it helps in the long run. But hey let’s keep moving this goal post since you’re too stubborn to admit you’re wrong

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If that priest you linked didnt do damage could they kill the boss?

I actually played. Healers did damage. If only through wanding for mana or the Paladin walking up and slapping the boss a bit with SoW/JoW.

Sorry this hurts you. Healer DPS has always been a part of WoW. I don’t know why you’re trying to deny it.

I can 2 man 15 keys, what’s your point ?

Are you confused what the actual point it is people are making ?

I picked a guild at relative random. That’s nearly 5%

This was a classic raid. A Disc priest who is spamming only damage spells.

I was a Vanilla guy… AQ40/Naxx40 baby. My elite guild were very strict with DPS but we are not desperate to require our Healers to DPS.

Yeah, they wanded for mana… not becoz of Damage.

Like the current Mistweaver Monk casting Rising Sun Kick to gain efficiency for Mists Healing… not really for Damage.

The healer in question did all his damage only casting Smite :


Goalpost move alert!

They wanded for mana.

It caused damage.

AKA : Healers did damage.

Thank you.

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LoL, They have never been required to dps. I’ve made that point clear. If you did damage great. But it was never expected or made the difference of a boss kill or not because you didnt do damage. Using an ability to gain a resource to do your primary job dont make your “dps” meaningful or viable.

tell us you have no clue how to play disc priest w/o telling us you have no clue how to play disc priest :rofl:

He wasnt healing. He was doing damage. Thank you.