People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

No you didnt. Because I posed a question you cant retort.

Unless youre doing very high keys, the healer doesnt need to dps.


maybe reread your own response?


So then we are in agreement. Healers dont need to do damage unless the group is attempting a crazy high key where dps literally cannot do enough damage to make the key.



What? I dps all the time on my healers. The entire appeal of healing to me is seeing how much dps I can get away with without letting anyone die

Just because you’re lazy doesn’t mean the rest of us are, OP


Sounds dumb. A lot of people don’t even do hard content or push the maximum difficulty.

If you’re standing there doing nothing you might as well be dced. You are doing nothing for the group. It’s not hard to cast some dps spells.


Sounds like the tank needs to pull more packs then. The 2% of total dps the healer will finish with is insignificant.


What if the tank is learning to play?

Why are you arguing against extra damage during down time.

So stupid. Lmao :rofl:


FWIW, that is literally the highest level an average player gives a single damn about, because the rewards for participating beyond that fall off heavily. Either there’s nothing at all beyond that, or it’s less tangible than everything up to that point (see: conduits in SL).

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Wtf? What if the healer is learning to play? Weak point.


If they are learning they probably won’t have downtime. Lmao.

Don’t healers have to level too? They learn how to use their dps spells.

Healer dps is too minor to make a difference in anything 15+ or lower. Its not going to save any kind of significant time. There is no +15 where completing is impossible without tank and dps damage only.


What a ridiculous statement.


It’s possible to complete +15s in World Content gear but I should probably still equip the ilvl 290 stuff if I have it, no?

I wonder about that statement.

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I dont think it does go very far. Its very little damage in the final total.

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anyone who legitimately thinks healers should sit around with their thumb up their butt during downtime is just … I don’t even know.

ridiculous at best.


I dont think this is true. However, Ill grant that if the key is super easy, and the tank doesnt want to pull more packs, then sure - the healer can just go into dps mode since no one is taking any damage.

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I think this is what a lot of these absurd conversations come down to.

people who are used to playing with good players, vs people who play with the basement tier players.

of course healers in the basement tier are going to not have free globals to dps,. because johnny mcawful is getting hit by every frontal because he’s a dummy dpsing in front of mobs.

play with people who have more situational awareness than a potato, and you (not you, person I’m responding to, just a general you) will find that there’s far less healing actually needed.


Nah, shadowlands m+ has been very easy on healers if the group is good.

One of the top M+ healers (growl) was talking about it, healing is just not a high requirement in SL.


I, personally, dislike healers dps’ing in healing downtime.

Instead, I think Blizz should add more support and utility to healers to use during healing downtime. Basically, they should have more “Give this to a dps to help them do more dps” buttons.
So, for example, instead of a holy priest using smite while not healing, they could have short buffs they could give to a dps or dmg mitigations for the tank, etc…