People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Classic character doesn’t respond in thread. Yes, it is and spamming too.

Classic WoW should have their own forums separate from retail so posts can be more relevant in retail GD, I don’t care about classic. Keep classic characters out of retail GD, WoW classic has their own GD.


wait a +26 is a faceroll run? A +26 please show me your +26 run?


There is such a thing as PvP. In PvP all roles are played if possible by each spec.

That group is on a faceroll run. I didnt say I am doing it. ROFL.

I wish we could just get btag on these forums. The character switching and trolling is at an all time high

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please stop talking you’re sounds more stupider as you go :wink: just a friendly advice


So you’re saying I shouldn’t press Nature’s Vigil in PvE even though it’s on my bar and free to use because… it was intended for PvP? Blizzard’s “intent” doesn’t make the healing any less real bud.

The ret paladin in your example is wasting resources, hence doing less damage, in order to use WoG to heal. Of course, there might be moments when it’s a good move to save your team and do slightly less damage, but in most cases that DPS is just wasting resources and doing less damage.

The healer, on the other hand, can and should do damage when no healing is needed, and I can assure you, there’s plenty of times when that’s the case.

Increasing your damage is always a good thing (unless we’re talking about some weird mechanic that needs a specific timing), and helps your group go faster, hence increasing your chances of success.

Overhealing, on the other hand, is not. You can’t compare both cases. Overhealing is just bad gameplay, and AFKing when no healing is needed is bad gameplay as well.

I’ve done 25 keys.

Ain’t nothing faceroll about them.

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No I didnt say anything like that. I cant imagine anyone would care if the healer is doing their job though.

I dunno, I usually don’t have to heal a lot of groups on low keys. I did a challenge recently of hitting max level and going straight into M+ no cov no legendaries. Didn’t have any trouble, even made sure who ever was healing me hindered themselves as well, like removing their weapon and dropping to appropriate levels.

If players are avoiding damage and the tank knows what they are doing the healer has so little to do. Honestly a lot of the time a prot pally brings enough healing alone that a healer isn’t needed.

And if we are arguing needed, a lot of stuff isn’t needed, like I said I did 15 tanking with a fresh not Shadowlands character. So should we expect everyone to play that way, would you argue that people shouldn’t have to do it cause you don’t need it? Making the dungeon harder and take longer because you can’t be bothered to do some extra work, extra being anything more than the base requirements to down the boss with one hit left on the last person in a buzzer beater each time.

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Tomorrow Dracthyr pops up and means forum updates too because of Dracthyr. Just going to have to watch and wait. Now there is M+ in Classic too, some people are confused.

:crossed_fingers: For changes tomorrow hopefully, this forum is outdated anyways, time for a new one and WoW to join the other forums for battletags.

I called him out last night. He doesn’t have end game experience and doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s pretty evident.

He called it “rude” rather than prove he’s not wasting our collective time, which more than proves me right.

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tomorrow’s complains will be no tanks. Because everyone is playing dracthyr and the queues will take forever lol.

I can already see it on my group. 4 dracthyr and me >.>

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That player is doing 31/32s… 26 is a faceroll to them.


:dracthyr_a1: :dracthyr_cry: :dracthyr_crylaugh: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_no2: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_uwu: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_comfy_black: :dracthyr_comfy_blue: :dracthyr_comfy_bronze: :dracthyr_comfy_green: :dracthyr_comfy_red: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I don’t plan on making mine til late, let everyone get it out of their system first.

I wish Dracthyr could be other classes besides Evoker.

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You can’t outgear a 26. Difficult content doesn’t cease being difficult just because the player doing them is extremely skilled. They will still lose if they play poorly or get too complacent. The content doesn’t just look at the io score of the players involved and adjust itself accordingly. Calling it “faceroll” diminishes the accomplishment of those players when I can bet you anything that if you or I were handed the best gear in the game and ran that same dungeon we would be served our butts on a plate.

If anything it reinforces the point - they are obviously an extremely good healer. Good healers do damage.


I’d like to proceed to a level where my xuen doesn’t have 10s left when the pack is dead. 15’s are miserable. press cds. watch pack vanish. cry when 2/3 of your cds get wasted into thin air because the pack died the second you pressed any buttons

Well in DF +20 is the new +15 so you are getting your wish.

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