People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Boys go to jupiter…

I don’t quite think you know what the expression “faceroll” means.

You can be a good healer without doing damage. I would say a good healer is one who keeps players alive while also stunning enemies and interrupting enemy casts. No damage needed.

I have never once had downtime as a healer unless it’s in a leveling dungeon. I’m always casting something.

I question where this magical downtime y’all seem to have comes from.

And if I don’t have downtime in heroic/m0 dungeons or LFR, I see no reason why when mobs do even more in M+ or Normal+, you would have more downtime.

And besides, yes, when I signed up to play a healer, I signed up to heal, not to dps. If you want to dps when you heal, feel free, no one is stopping you.

However, people need to stop pushing to make it mandatory.

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Yes, Smite is a cast.

have you check your overheals then?

i have a feeling you’re wrong, since i’ve had 23s where you press cds, and 8s later, the triple pull is dead, because your group actually has all their fingers, and both eyeballs in the 23+ bracket

no you can’t. Same reason why we doing see a dps good without using all of his kit to help the party when they need it. Or a tank who doesn’t know how to position things properly and always required a healer to save his behind

Nope. Damaged as a priest in vanilla with wand.

Yea get out of the way for the real dracthyr players

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So a healer cant be considered good unless they are playing two roles in a dungeon. Healer and DPS.

I dont like that view. A good healer would be one that is doing everything in order to lessen incoming damage. So stuns on mobs. Interrupts on casts. Possible snares on approaching melee mobs. CC like hex on a caster mob that is outside the pack…

it’s a new thing to play with. People tends to gravitate to what’s new. I can see myself playing with it abit as well

No I dont consider a healer who only heal a good healer because he’s only using half of his ability.

Well considering you havent done anything but 1 key i’m sure that wont be hard to avoid.

Lol, I love how you assume this is the char I did season 4 M+ on lmao. Check my mounts, i’ve gotten most seasons M+ mount minus BFA’s final season because I didn’t like the worm.

Well smart one that’s what your posting on. Geezzz wonder why I would comment on the toons you have that I dont know. LoL.

Edit: Sorry congrats on doing 15s. You sir are a freaking pro!

hehe yea that’s enough general forums for me for today.


Healer: “I’m the most important person/role in the group!”
Also Healer: “I refuse to do more than the bare minimum.”

Let’s put it this way : 5 healing specs in S4 required damage for a healer to even use their kit right.

You couldn’t be a good healer in S4 without doing damage.

A thing you’d know if you actually played the game.

yeah I changed to hunter for season 4 for sylvanna’s bow so I did M+ ksm on my hunter as well. Alas I got the bow after I got ksm so I never even got to truly “use it” properly lol.

Wonder how this new method of game play is working out for wow?