People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I really doubt the person he was replying to did in fact do no damage. So I guess he’s berating an hypothetical.

Um, is this a troll thread? I can’t tell if the OP serious or not.

Healers have been dpsing since the dawn of FFXI, which was before WoW.
Go away OP.
I’ll dps if I want, and shall!

Most defensive cooldowns and self heals like Second Wind are not on the global cooldown

No, it’s a FFXIV spam thread.

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Create a healing class that converts overhealing to damage. Now we can spam heals

The tone is part of the message. Healers who dont do damage are “lazy” and a hinderance. They are responsible for ruining keys, guilds, and friendships LOL

DPS do not exist to “carry” healers who dont do damage. Hes not the only one among this thread and the other who go hard.

Becoz of the Faceroll runs where everyone overgear the dungeon. On Faceroll runs where your goal is just to get your M+15 vault, everything is smooth. It’s like scripted… nobody gets damage. The Healer trying to keep himself awake from boring snoozing stuffs, would do something like that… cat weaving, whatever.

But on a different scenario like on progression where your gear level is too low for the high key, and it’s on Grievous week, and on a Season where Ferals DPS at the bottom I would bet you, you would never touch your catweaving moves.

-If people are dying and they have defensive up they’re dumb.
-If people dont get heal for awhile while their health has been below 50% it’s healer’s fault unless everyone has constantly taking avoidable damage.
-If healers dont know how to dps when he’s not doing anything he’s being carried

Either way, crappy thread.

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Nice, hehe.

The mage who doesn’t cast Timewarp is also lazy and a hindrance. “But I don’t know when”. Then you spam LUST LUST LUST and he still doesn’t do it.

Then why do Resto Druids catweave in the MDI? The highest form of progression content imaginable?

Besides, you’re going to have to show me the link between Feral’s performance in dungeons and the viability of catweaving. Feral has a completely different kit from Resto and shifting into cat form doesn’t magically make them a Feral Druid. One has nothing to do with the other. Even if they two were somehow linked, Resto Druids also have Sunfire/Moonfire/Wrath available… which they also gain no healing benefit from.

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I’ve just gotten into the habit of telling the tank to let me know when he wants lust. Had some weird requests.

yes no one cat weave on grevious week :roll_eyes:


Not the same thing.

A more accuate example would be to say that the Ret pally who isnt using a WoG to help a off heal DPS is lazy or a hinderance - but that wouldnt be correct - because the Ret is there for damage - the healer has not done his job or is struggling to if the Ret needs to forgo damage in order to help heal.

That’s not accurate at all. The actual accurate example would be to say that the Ret pally who isn’t using a Flash Heal to help get the party back up during a mechanic where the boss has stepped away and isn’t targetable anyway is lazy or a hinderance

sounds like that ret doesn’t know how to play properly. Yes his main role is to dps and kill things. But if wasting a gcd and HoPo to save a player by throwing heal then he should. My biggest petpeeve for ALL pally. You have BoP, SaC, Bubble. Use it.


Everyone knows though that +26 keys don’t require any healing. Not like +2s, where you need to be putting out 300k HPS for 30 minutes straight.

Literally the same thing.

Paladins who don’t clean off a Garote on Moroes need to burn in eternal damnation forever.

It’s a faceroll run. ROFL.

How about a Feral Druid then. I don’t lose damage to use Regrowth with Predatory Swiftness. Should I stop using those Regrowths because I signed up as DPS? Why did Blizzard even make Predatory Swiftness - a Feral exclusive ability - if it was never intended to be used?

And now we even have Nature’s Vigil back! A spell which makes DPS Druids heal and healer Druids do damage. Why does this talent exist if it’s not meant to be used?

A Feral who does not try to put their Regrowth somewhere useful every CP cycle is a hindrance to the group compared to a Feral who does.