People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

My druid regens ~2500 mana per tick. My wrath costs 400 mana per cast.

I’m still regenning ~2100 mana per tick, and everything is dying faster so that I need less of that regen in the first place, because no one is going to need as much healing when the mobs die faster.

If it is beneficial then it is, by definition, not pointless. It is beneficial. It is benefiting the group.

I DPS while healing when I’m leveling alts, when I’m running normals and heroics for the goodie bags, when I’m running low keys to test a new setup or gear a new alt or help a guildie, when I’m running LFR for alt gearing etc. The level of the content is not an excuse to just, like, quit playing half of your class for the run?

Sorry you had to deal with this person. Normally i don’t recommend this, but i would recommend report, ignore and move on because as i said, there’s nothing to be gained from people like that who continuously follow me around and say “Walls of text” to comments that aren’t even long.

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If a healer feels comfortable DPSing, they should absolutely DPS.
It’s the mark of a good healer that knows when it’s safe to DPS and when to focus on heals or prep for big damage, just like a good DPS or tank will know when to use mitigation to make the healers job easier.
These concepts have been around since Vanilla and aren’t exclusive to FFXIV.
If it’s a low key, let them practice, if it’s a high key and no-one dies as a fault of the healer and not their own mistake, then you’ll appreciate the extra DPS. High HPS has little to no influence on your key, but high DPS has definite influence.

Leave them alone, let them play how they want.
And on the other side: don’t give healers crap for not DPSing. If they’re not comfortable DPSing a high key, they’ll probably wipe you.

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It’s unnecessarily beneficial. You don’t need it in normal. Much like speed running a normal dungeon.

That’s cool. I Heal when i’m healing when i’m leveling alts… Because i know what the role is. :man_shrugging:

And that can still be accomplished with just healing/CC. Nobody actually have a problem with you not DPSing as a healer in that level content. Unless their really impatient.

DPS is not “Half of your class” when you’re healing, and as i said before, nobody actually complains about it. If they do, i would’ve gotten crap for not DPSing on my healer healing and CCing on normal.

Why you’re disallowing people to play how they want by dragging the skill assumption into this?

Finally got around to doing M+ on a healer to find out what GD is complaining about. Yo there’s like nothing to heal in lower than 15 keys. I legit have nothing else to do besides HoT the tank and dps

You can easily tell when the group is going to take damage, there’s legit nothing else to do besides afk or dps



Not really, it’s either afk or dps

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this wasn’t a carry over from FF - it was the result of healers asking for more DPS because they didn’t want to switch specs to do things.

Thanks bro! You just painted the actual picture of the problem. M+ is the cause of the neurotic baseline dps requirement by healers. Get rid of the trash game mode, put some actual novel challenging content that doesn’t involve people setting their own sweaty moving target for difficulty, and carry on without effing up other people’s play. Or at least put M+ in some dark corner of the game where it belongs.

I was in this thread before you.

You’re following me around.

Doesn’t matter my Wall of Text friend. Healers do it, much to your dismay. You’ve lost this little battle long ago, you’re just typing your way into a brick wall by supporting a notion no healers actually support.

“It’s not hyperbole!”… then proceeds to make hyperbole.

I’m sorry friend-o, but this is like, the dumbest possible take.

“It’s unnecessarily helpful” ??? You’re right, why on earth would anyone do something helpful if they weren’t absolutely forced to with their arm twisted behind their back and a gun to their head! Lord have mercy.

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I mean I’m just telling you that there is legit nothing to heal and the tank does 90% of the healing for himself, so what else is there to do? afk while the group does damage?

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Which he had to support using a thousand word essay. Only to be rebuted in a single sentence.

Guy is an obvious troll. His only goal is to keep these threads going long after everyone agrees he’s dead wrong.


Surely I’m in the keys that GD is doing rn, these like ragtag 10-15s that are all scrappy, all pugs. Even in pugs, there is like no damage going out that i can’t prepare for in keys. People who are overheating at healing are just… not experienced? and can’t figure out how to heal

The dps part is natural when you know what people can take dmg from. Once you can heal you can dps that’s a fact

Go play ff if the heals dps and you want it. It ain’t their job to dps

I’m playing disc the last three days. My role is to dps to heal. Even still it can be difficult to heal, dispel, dps, and more on tough pulls or fights. I don’t expect healers to… Do that other rolls job. It’s called heals and not dps for a reason.

Why so sweaty in casual (er retail) wow?

Even not in keys. The argument these guys make is “Oh, maybe at high level it’s required…”. I did a Timewalking dungeon on my level 52 Resto Sham last night. Thank god for Chain Lightning and Lava Burst, because Healing Stream was keeping everyone topped off. Imagine pressing a button once every 30 seconds.

There’s just no healing required in most WoW content.

Well it’s your subjective opinion.

This is normal were talking about. Normal. Normal as in, this isn’t M+.

You’re conflating 1 seconds of downtime to being AFK or “nothing to heal” though your own subjective opinion. And quite frankly, it just sounds like impatience there where it sounds like you need to constantly be doing something or else you will get bored. Which i don’t know how you will get bored in dungeons, or as a healer.

Plus you know healers move around, right?

Irrelevant and harmful for your group.

Can you stop speaking in Hyperbole already and be honest with yourself?

A “fact” conjured up by your own mind which is subjective.

I’m actually painfully bored in 15s healing. If people are just dodging swirlies I’m doing like 3k hps because the tank is doing 10k most dungeons. There’s no excuse at all lmao. Ofc I can dps, there’s nothing else to do besides afk.

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Get stuck in a bad group and you’ll be doing a lot more heavy lifting.

The most noticeable run I saw how lax healers can be was a holy priest in a 15ish junkyard. They’d go AFK between major pulls, use their feathers to catch up, throw some renews, maybe a PoM, and go AFK again… rinse repeat. No idea what they were doing but it didn’t involve playing the game.

We timed the key, but it was very obvious the healer was there to be carried and didn’t care who knew it. We kept ourselves up and were very conscious of the fact that this wasn’t a good time to step in stupid.