People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Normal as in the healer doesn’t even have to heal and no one will die.

Just press the button dude. Every healer does because no one wants to see around waiting for a heal bar to dip a bit below 100%.

The group would have to be doing it on purpose at this point in most WoW content to even make a healer start to think about sweating.

And then your Hpriest would toss out Divine Star and boom, damage occurred. Even when healing, healers cause damage.

This is the second one in a week whining about heals not doing others ppls jobs, that I’ve seen.

Maybe it’s becoming a meme

I have done a crazy amount of dungeons in a week, all the way from starting at ilvl 230 → doing 15s now. I have experienced a lot of groups in this one week. I promise you, regardless of the group I can easily fit in dps even if it’s a bunch of pepegas

I legit made a healer to see how hard healing is lel


It is a group of other people all cooperatively playing a game together. I stand by my original statement that the difficulty does not matter in an argument of whether or not a player should choose to do something that is helpful.

Whether or not it is “necessary” to success, your goal should be to cooperate with your group towards the desired end of completing the content. Anything an individual member can do to guarantee the overall success of the group is beneficial (helpful) both to the individual and to the group. This is not complicated.

Or are you the guy at my office who says “that’s not my job” when I ask him to help me accomplish a task that we both need to accomplish in order to get home on time that day?

“But did you die”

No they haven’t. I end game raided in vanilla and TBC and they didn’t dps nor were they expected to. They didn’t even dps in wotlk.

Maybe you didn’t, but we definitely did.

Of course they did.

When they used their wands.

To regen mana.

I happen to know from spending time on the OW forums that there are players who chose healers/supports because they are the “easiest role” with the “lowest expectations” and so they think they should get accolades for padding the overheal meters while doing the bare minimum.

The way I see it, healers who don’t DPS when they are able to are basically crappy Mercy mains. These kinds of people give those other players who enjoy healing/supporting a really bad name. Stuff like “Healers shouldn’t DPS” and other things I’ve heard, literally never heard a solid reason as to why they shouldn’t or wouldn’t.

Situations are gonna vary and there are factors to consider for sure. But to flat out say “I don’t do damage, I’m a holy priest” or some such nonsense is just… yeah. No words, really. No appropriate words, I should say.

And this is coming from someone who has the opposite of a competitive or “challenge oriented” mindset.

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You underestimate how determined some people can be to not notice what they’re standing in. I did a 15 workshop tonight with a DH who died every few minutes. Did 4k dps overall with 295+ ilvl. The healer wasn’t stressing about it but it certainly cut into his normal dps.

no these people are just lazy. the keys they’re doing requires like minimal healing to begin with and it’s legit all telegraphed damage. The dungeons are so easy to prep healing for, it leaves a huge part of “healing” for dpsing.

I’m not going to afk for my group and waste globals on my healer, that’s a straight up waste. The tank is self sustaining, the group doesn’t need to be 100% the whole time, there’s damage to be done. It’s simple, I wanted to try it so I am specifically doing these “horrible pug keys” to get a grasp on the real difficulty of healing and honestly it’s just filling globals with dps which you should be doing anyways.

Then they die and you don’t stop dpsing for them.

In the timewalking dungeon we did last night, we had 1 death. The Feral didn’t move out of “Bladestorm”. He went 100-0 in 1 second. No amount of healing would have saved him, so I didn’t even interrupt my lava burst cast.

Funny thing though, he moved out the 2nd time.

I healed at the end of vanilla and all of TBC and absolutely we dps’d. It has always been a thing.

Just healing is still cooperating to the group in normal. Regardless of what you may think.

Except it does, but you’re welcome to this subjective belief.

As for the rest of that comment, if you’ve completed the content without healer DPS, then you did fine. Now tell me this, why is this a problem in normal? Do you actually go out of your way to complain about Healers not doing DPS in normal dungeons?

bro are your goal posts on a different planet? I left this thread like a week ago and your goal posts are in a different orbit at this point. what are you even arguing anymore

in a normal dungeon there’s even less healing to do, dps more


As is just auto-attacking.

Dude, every healer who’ve you white knighted for betrayed you and has logs of them doing damage in their keys they’re healing.

You lost. Big time.

This isn’t the hill you should try dying on. Healers do damage in WoW. The debate is closed, the vote is in, the Party has won. Healers do damage, it’s the law of the land.

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This comment wasn’t directed to you.

When you feel the need to actually contribute to the topic, feel free by start answering this with a yes or no.

Actually yeah, I complain about people afking in the middle of the pull. Absolutely.

like what are you even healing in a normal dungeon? the tanks thoughts?

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I go out of my way to complain about people saying that there’s no reason to take a beneficial action in a group because of some arbitrary line between difficulties that suddenly decides whether or not they ought to use their entire kit to help their group.

Please answer the question:

Says the guy who never contributed anything to the topic, as he replies to a guy who literally just rolled a healer to see how it actually was and found out that in fact, DPS is the only thing making healers non-boring in low end content.