People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

No, it means displaying a modicum of knowledge and being able to back up your statements with examples from the game that are at the very least, verifiable.

Your only response thus far have been about taking naps. Are you sleepy and is that a subtle hint you’re giving us ?

I’ve said that bad DPS are replaceable, just like bad tanks and bad healers are replaceable. The entire role of DPS aren’t replaceable and if you treat them like it you’re going to have difficulty finding the better quality DPS players.

I do. Like I said, I don’t think the argument looks good coming from the other side either. But I also don’t burden the many with the sins of the few.

Anyway just… avoid trying to cast your net too wide. We don’t need to turn this into a social issue of which roles deserve to be replaced on principle. No role is immune to bad players and bad players are a drag on the group no matter what role they play just as much as good players are a tailwind to their group no matter what role they play.


Actually, yes. Depending on what healer you are becuase you could use your “downtime” to regenerate mana for more heals.

I don’t even think there’s another side.

“Anti-healer DPS”. Who is he even talking about ? :thinking:

You can regenerate mana by doing damage. Actually, let me rephrase that. You’ve been regenerating mana by doing damage since 2004.


In so far as “Playing the way you’re supposed to play” is ‘controlling.’ There’s nothing wrong with playing the game badly- LFR is a testament to that fact- but you will need to find other people who are receptive to having their time wasted. And if LFR- again- is any barometer, most people don’t.

Maybe back in classic when mobs had a limited number of debuff slots and no sane raid was going to lose a 5 stack of sunder in favor of a moonfire or SW:P dot.

people blame healers for m+ enrage but its the dps that got lazy expecting the healers to dps. the dps now suck

This is objectively false, for somebody who was sad enough to look through my posting history you sure did seem to miss a lot.

Either way, I’m going to give you what you desperately crave right now which is “the last word” and exit out of this fruitless endeavour. If I wanted to educate something that clearly couldn’t understand me I would go talk to my cat, he’s fluffy and likes scritches, you don’t have any redeeming qualities

Please submit last word below. Go on, you can take it little guy, I know you want it.

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you so big man walkin away like a coward-uh

I didn’t. I read your responses to me here.

Are you saying you’re like that with everyone ? Gee, I was feeling special there, I thought we had a thing.

So the problem with that is that your spells still take mana.

Less than your regen.

Well that depends on which content were talking about here.

If it’s on say M15, then you would be correct. If it’s say on Normal, i think any DPS would do. On M2, any DPs who can do 5K Minimum is something i need to find.

The important thing is, there’s a lot more DPS, almost disproportionately amount of DPS out there then Tanks/Healers. So if it were hard or difficulty for me to find a good DPS, then it would be 3 times harder to find a good tank or healer.

…Fair enough.

Something i should note, on why i changed it from M15+ to M+ in general is, that timer is it’s own difficulty to consider. So while you might have an hour to kill, that’s still the dungeon being timed, so i can see the argument of why Healer DPS as well anything else might be necessary. But that is as far i’m going to give slack.

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No this is a Wendy’s and we can create any topic we want to.

To be fair, there’s nothing to be gained with the person that Ed was arguing with. Especially since he goes on about me writing “Walls of text” actually countering his stuff, while he complains and whines about me not having twitter length comments. And still harassing me about it despite the fact i have him on ignore since he can’t leave well enough alone.

That is just an example i’ve given. I’l be open to know what is the requirement for an M+2 in terms of DPS numbers that is, after being given this info. :slight_smile:

Most cannot pull 2k.

ik i just wanted to use coward-uh

…C…coward-uh? Coward-duh? cowa-duh?.. I legit trying saying this outloud to myself.

Where’s that from? :thinking:

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You only say that because you’re unable to counter any arguments I make. Plus I make them in 1 or 2 sentences, while you have to type thousand post essays. And it pisses you off you get debunked so easily after so much effort.
